lifting vs. cardio



  • pugsley5
    pugsley5 Posts: 38 Member
    I see that you do those classes and googled them..They sound awesome. Hoping to find classes in my area. Thanks for the tip!
  • pugsley5
    pugsley5 Posts: 38 Member
    See if there's a gym that offers Les Mills Body Pump classes near you. It's an hour of full body strength training -- gets all of the right spots, tones, and keeps you motivated because there's a whole bunch of other people doing with you, and the music helps, too. These classes have really helped me tone nicely without overbuilding. Even my fallen butt is lifting! (BTW - I'm turning 50 this year and haven't been this fit 10 years.) I try to take 2-3 classes a week.
  • pugsley5
    pugsley5 Posts: 38 Member
    Thanks for the tip..I saw on your comments that you do these classes..Already googled them and looking for a gym that offers classes in my area..Thanks again!