Major Discouragement surgury

I've been dieting and excercising for over a month now. I had to have an abdominal surgury in the middle of it all. I have followed my diet faithfully,and even kept up with mild excercise while recovering.I went to the doctor today and discovered I have only lost one pound in a whole month. I felt so discouraged I felt like eating everything in sight . I did eat two peices of valentine candy. I'm sick of being sick,and I wonder if I have gained muscle weight, or perhaps swelling from surgury? I can't excercise more vigorously for another couple weeks. I even had to fast for about three days before and during surgury. I was so positive before,and now just feel awful. Does anyone think the surgury could cause water or swelling weight? Thanks sincerely Anise6789


  • Anise6789
    Anise6789 Posts: 100 Member
    I've been dieting and excercising for over a month now. I had to have an abdominal surgury in the middle of it all. I have followed my diet faithfully,and even kept up with mild excercise while recovering.I went to the doctor today and discovered I have only lost one pound in a whole month. I felt so discouraged I felt like eating everything in sight . I did eat two peices of valentine candy. I'm sick of being sick,and I wonder if I have gained muscle weight, or perhaps swelling from surgury? I can't excercise more vigorously for another couple weeks. I even had to fast for about three days before and during surgury. I was so positive before,and now just feel awful. Does anyone think the surgury could cause water or swelling weight? Thanks sincerely Anise6789
  • holly333
    holly333 Posts: 24 Member
    Don't give up. I just had knee surgery 3 weeks and was really worried about what would happen. I exercised as best I could but it really wasn't possible at first. It didn't appear as if I was losing any weight at all, I even started exercising at the beginning of this week again but I was completely stuck at the same weight for that last three weeks. I think it was all due to the swelling. Now that the swelling has finally started to disappear and my body is getting back to normal I've found that I lost 4 lbs just in the last couple of days. I'm virtually certain it was the water I was holding don't get discouraged just yet! Giver your body time to recover and stay on track!
  • diegelmansm
    I'm a nursing student. You can definatly be caring extra weight because of water retention, not only from the swelling, but also from different medications.
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    How about giving yourself a had surgery and your body is healing and your body is going to do everything it can to protect the "injured" area. Listen to your doctor and when you get the ok get started but even a pound during a time that you are healing from surgery is great!

    This is only a minor set back, stay seated and calm and when the time is right you can get busy and start loosing more weight! :flowerforyou:
  • Anise6789
    Anise6789 Posts: 100 Member
    Thanks to all of you for your posts.
  • banks1850
    banks1850 Posts: 3,475 Member
    Yeah, attempting weight loss while recovering from a major injury/surgury is hard. Your body won't react the same way as it would under normal circumstances. Remeber, your body is trying to repair itself, and I don't know the specifics, but it will be tuning your metaboism and other functions around repairing and not necessarily burning fat the same way. I would say just try to take it easy and recuperate first, stay the course, and come back with a vengance after you feel like your body can handle it!
  • dmflynt
    dmflynt Posts: 196
    Surgery will DEFINITELY cause swelling! You didn't say whether the surgery was major or minor.....but you do need to let your body heal before trying to lose weight. You need to give your body the fuel it needs to repair the "damage" done by the surgery, and sometimes that means EXTRA calories <gasp!!> I had low back fusion surgery in 2006 and a full abdominal mesh "installation" for multiple hernias in 2007...both surgeons stressed NOT cutting calories while I healed.