Vitamins and Minerals

Just thought I'd share some of my info with you guys...


Vitamin A
Required for: Immune system, growth and repair of bones, skin, teeth and eyes, supports the reproductive system.
Deficiency symptoms: Dry skin, dry and dull hair, ridged nails, low sense of smell, loss of appetite, spots on the back of arms, acne, mouth ulcers, sinus problems, poor night sight, poor wound healing, inability to perspire, lung infection.
Food: Herrings, mackerel, cod, halibut, chicken, liver, eggs, full fat milk, pumpkin, tomatoes, apricots, peaches, mango, papaya, carrot, broccoli, sweet potatoes, kale, spinach, dark leafy veg, cantaloupe.

Vitamin D
Required for: Absorption of calcium, regulates body temperature, improved immune system.
Deficiency symptoms: Misaligned teeth, bond and muscle aches, muscle weakness.
Food: Sardines, mackerel, herring, whitebait, salmon, cod liver oil, eggs, cheese. Best source – sunlight.

Vitamin E
Required for: Supple skin, protects skin from ultraviolet light, better immune system, heart health, reduces scarring, better nerves, improved reproductive system, protects the cells from free radicals thus preventing cancer, and reduces blood clots, protects against prostate cancer and Alzheimer’s, keeps skin hair heart circulation nerves muscles and red blood cells healthy, protects lungs against pollutants, decreases the risk of breast cancer, delays cataract growth, improves wound healing, helps PMS. It is a fat-soluble vitamin, therefore it is stored in the body’s fat tissue up to 6 months. Too much will be stored in the liver and causes problems.
Deficiency symptoms: Poor wound healing, dry skin, eczema, palpitations, shortness of breath, anaemia, fatigue, early signs of aging.
Food: Nuts, seeds, eggs yolk, soy beans, oily fish, oats, brown rice, millet, asparagus, avocado, milk, spinach, broccoli, sunflower seeds, almonds, olives, wheatgerm, peanut butter.

Vitamin K
Required for: Bone and kidney repair, prevents blood clots and heavy menstrual bleeding.
Deficiency symptoms: easy bruising, osteoporosis, heavy menstrual bleeding, anaemia, nose and mouth bleeding.
Food: Kale, cauliflower, broccoli, brussel sprouts, avocado, bop yogurt, eggs, fish oil, green leafy veg, spinach, cabbage.

Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)
All B vitamins are water soluble so excess will be urinated.
Required for: Appetite, carb digestion and energy, heart function, nervous system and mental clarity and memory.
Deficiency symptoms: Depression, poor memory and concentration, lethargy and fatigue, headaches, sensitivity to noise and pain, indigestion or constipation, tingling in fingers and toes, difficulty in maintaining balance. Alcoholics are commonly deficient.
Food: Wholegrains, rye, millet, buckwheat, oats, quinoa, liver, pork, sunflower seeds, flax, brown rice, asparagus, kale, potatoes, oranges, peas, eggs, cauliflower, kidney beans, peanuts, wheatgerm.

Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)
Required for: Digestion, energy, healthy skin, nails and hair, stress management, converts food into energy.
Deficiency symptoms: Digestive problems, diarrhoea, constipation, dizziness, insomnia, mental apathy, poor concentration, chapped lips, watery eyes, scaring around the nose ears and mouth, hair loss.
Food: Dairy products, cottage cheese, oily fish, chicken liver, kale, cabbage, watercress, spinach, wheatgerm, almonds, pumpkin seeds.

Vitamin B3 (Niacin)
Required for: Sex hormone, metabolism regular blood sugar, mood regulation and nervous system, helps digestive tract, improves circulation.
Deficiency symptoms: Low sexual function and fertility, irritability, fatigue, lack of motivation and concentration, insomnia, dizziness, blood sugar imblanace.
Food: Wholegrains, brown rice, oats, millet, buckwheat, green leafy veg, eggs, dairy, liver, heart, kidney, beef, chicken, tuna, salmon, avocado, dates, tomatoes, broccoli, carrots, sweet potatoes, asparagus, nuts, mushrooms.

Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic acids)
Required for: Digestion and metabolism, nervous and immune system, healthy ear nose and throat function, releases energy and helps the adrenal gland.
Deficiency symptoms: Low blood pressure, insomnia, depression, teeth grinding, constipation, reduced energy, muscle cramps.
Food: Eggs, nuts, chicken, liver, green leafy veg, broccoli, avocado, wholegrains, wheat, rye, barley, millet.

Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)
Required for: Protein metaboliser, maintains fluid balance, needed for red blood cells, mood regulator, concentration and motivation, nervous, system, healing and repair, digestion, metabolism. It is destroyed by The Pill and alcohol.
Deficiency symptoms: Depression, PMS, anaemia, eczema, dry hair, dandruff, asthma and diabetes.
Food: Dairy, wheatgerm, chicken, eggs, meat, liver, pork, walnuts, brussle sprouts.

Vitamin B12
Required for: Production of red blood cells, heart health, repair and healing, good nervous system, focus and concentration. Is destroyed by alcohol.
Deficiency symptoms: Anaemia, poor memory or concentration, fatigue, restlessness, mood swings, confusion, breathing difficulties.
Food: Red meat, chicken liver, pork, fish, eggs, dairy, seaweed.

Folic Acid (Folate)
Required for: Immune system, digestion, prevents anaemia, helps red blood cells.
Deficiency symptoms: Anaemia, cracked or sore tongue, poor memory or concentration, fatigue, depression.
Food: Eggs, liver, beans, melon, apricots, carrots, pumpkin, squash, avocado, rye, green leafy veg, wheatgerm.

Required for: Healthy skin nail and hair, digestion, energy.
Deficiency symptoms: Hair loss, eczema, scaling skin, dandruff, muscle cramps, chronic fatigue.
Food: brown rice, nuts, chicken liver, eggs, green peas, soybeans.

Vitamin C
Required for: Immunity, heart health, sex hormones, stress management, health and repair of the skin, wound healing, fights free radicals. Natural laxative. Is desproyed by smoking.
Deficiency symptoms: Infections, poor wound healing, skin problems, fatigue, depression, easy bruising, bleeding gums, varicose veins.
Food: citrus fruit, kiwi, cantaloupe melon, watermelon, red berries, squash, pumpkin, sweet peppers, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, tomatoes, potatoes, green leafy veg


Required for: Bones strength and growth, heart, muscles, nervous system, teeth and nails.
Deficiency symptoms: Muscle cramps, aching bones and muscles, teeth problems and alignment.
Food: almonds, nuts, soya, green leafy veg, salmon, sardines, herrings, white bait, milk yogurt.

Required for: Production of insulin, regulates blood sugar and cholesterol, protects the heart.
Deficiency symptoms: Sugar cravings, irritability, mood swings, PMS, dizziness, energy slumps.
Food: Eggs, liver, kidney, wholegrains, nuts, seeds.

Required for: Formation of red blood cells, carrying oxygen to the brain and other organs, growth and development of the body.
Deficiency symptoms: Anaemia, fatigue, muscle weakness, diarrhoea, brittle nails, dizziness, depression, learning problems, increased infections.
Food: Chicken, liver, beef, lamb, red meat, raisins, prunes, dates, figs, apricots, eggs, watercress, spinach, parsley, kale, broccoli and oily fish.

Required for: Hydration, regulation of fluid, metabolism.
Deficiency symptoms: Thirst, pins and needles, cellulite, constipation, palpitations, low or high blood pressure.
Food: Almonds, hazelnuts, peanuts, lentils, sesame, green leafy veg, watercress, spring greens, spinach, asparagus, kiwi, figs, bananas.

Required for: heart, nervous system, stress management, metabolism, mental clarity, helps absorb calcium, relives muscle cramps, aids sleep and relaxation, strong teeth.
Deficiency symptoms: Muscle cramps, twitches, concentration, irritability, palpitations.
Food: Green leafy veg, citrus fruit, sweetcorn, almonds, nuts, seeds, mushrooms, figs, raisins, carrots, tomatoes, onions, garlic.

Required for: Control of blood sugar levels, energy production, bone health, skin repair, nervous system, production of cells.
Deficiency symptoms: Dizziness, irritability, energy slumps, fatigue, joint pains, lowered fertility in women.
Food: Brown rice, lentils, rye, oats, buckwheat, quinoa, walnuts, hazelnuts, macadamia nuts.

Required for: Regulates metabolism.
Deficiency symptoms: Weight gain, lowered energy, apathy, constipation, cold hands and feet.
Food: Seaweed, kelp, seafood, shellfish, garlic.

Required for: Immune system, flights cancer, protects the hearth, liver detoxification.
Deficiency symptoms: Poor wound healing, bacterial and viral infections, chronic fatigue, premature aging.
Food: Sesame seeds, peanuts, onions, green and brown lentils, kidney beans, black eyed peas, chickpeas, shellfish, oyster, clams, crabs, lobster, crayfish, mussels, tuna, trout, swordfish, sardines, mackerel, plaice, cod, liver, kidney, pumpkin seeds.

Zinc: Required for: Immune system, digestion, production of insulin and sugar management, health and tone of skin, wound healing, sperm formation. Found in every cell, helps taste and smell, helps the liver and helps the growth and maintenance of muscle.
Deficiency symptoms: Stretch marks, slow wound healing, viral and bacterial infections, colds, flu, PMS, lowered fertility, white spots on fingernails, diarrhoea, acne, eczema, mental lethargy, hair loss, decreased sex drive, night blindness, irregular periods.
Food: Shellfish, mussels, crab, lobster, prawns, crayfish, cashew nuts, pumpkin seeds, oats, brown rice, chickpeas, quorn, tofu, quinoa, buckwheat, wheatgerm, shrimp, egg yolk.
