Fitness alternatives

cragmor Posts: 24 Member
I have some issues that are keeping me from getting the exercise I need. I have a weak disc at c6,7, and it is currently causing me some pain and discomfort. On the plus site, the more active I am, the less pain I have. While that may seem ideal, the less active I am, the more pain I have, so I am not getting much sleep. Also, it seems as of late that muscles are just tightening up. I figure this is due to being tired, and not moving around enough.
This is causing me to not get on the elliptical as often, go for walks etc etc. Just too tired. So, I wanted to get some other ideas. I was wondering about isometrics, or Tai Chi etc. Anyone have any other ideas of low impact things that can help?


  • ATLMel
    ATLMel Posts: 392 Member
    Gentle yoga and biking. Find a good yoga studio and inform them of your injury. they will offer you some modifications if you feel you need them.
  • penguinlally
    penguinlally Posts: 331 Member
    you need to try water aerobics! When I was at my heaviest (and using a walker or a cane for my arthritis pain) it saved my life!!! Not only did I lose weight , but I got much more fit! Give it a shot