Avoiding starvation mode

GreenEyedMonster Posts: 803
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
So let's say I need 1800 calories minimum to avoid going into starvation mode. I take in exaction 1800 caloreis but I run 3.5 miles. Is my body going to throw a fit or does all it care about is that it got it's calories for the day regardless how much I burn?


  • It is best to log in your excercise and then eat to that new minimum. The 1800 calories is what your body needs just to carry out regular day to day activities. If you increase your activity you also need to increase your food intake - feed the machine and it will burn the fuel more efficiently!!
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    Think about it...

    You need 1800 calories just to function and not go into starvation mode. You run 3.5 miles (est 500 calories) which leaves you 1300 calories for the basic body operations. What do YOU think is going to happen if you don't eat an extra 500 calories?
  • It kind of makes sense I would need to make up the calories but the guy who runs our fitness program at work says I can but I don't need to. Just trying to get other opinions and maybe someone who's a bit smarter on the subject to put their 2 pennies in. Google doesn't seem to be much help on the subject.
  • What if we're having a HECK OF A TIME eating our allotted calories...let alone the exercise calories!! I"m eating really tons of healthy foods...but I'm having a heck of a time getting 1200 in a day!! That doesn't include my exercise calories....so afraid I won't continue losing...but honestly! What can I do??
  • Jovialation
    Jovialation Posts: 7,632 Member
    hey thats exactly my problem!
    I decided to write myself a schedule of when to eat and when to snack along with when to workout and which kinda workouts. Im hoping if I have a reminder of how important each step is then Ill actually do it and not go into starvation mode
  • It kind of makes sense I would need to make up the calories but the guy who runs our fitness program at work says I can but I don't need to. Just trying to get other opinions and maybe someone who's a bit smarter on the subject to put their 2 pennies in. Google doesn't seem to be much help on the subject.

    If you want absolute proof, I would try both (eating and not eating exercise calories). Try not eating them for a couple of days. See if you get any results (record your measurements and body fat using skin fold test). Then try eating them again and remeasure. You won't mess up your metabolism if you're doing this for a few days. I would also try zigzagging your calorie intake.
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