My P90X Results



  • carymi30
    carymi30 Posts: 32
    Awesome results! Ive been going to the gym for a year now (faithfully) and havent seen half these results! Maybe I should think about trying this!
  • DiannaMoorer
    DiannaMoorer Posts: 783 Member
    Looking good!
    I'm thinking about starting P90X. It's just a lot more than I want to spend. Was there anything you didn't like about it and what did you like especially?
  • Robin1117
    Robin1117 Posts: 1,768 Member
    Wow! Congratulations! Fantastic results! You should be super proud!!!

    I think it's an awesome idea to do another round of 90 more days you will be a force!

    I am 2 days away from completing my 2nd round of P90x. I love it so much, and have learned a ton about myself and the dicipline it takes to complete a program like this. I'm planning to attempt to maintain for a bit this summer w/p90x, because after 2 rounds I do need to have a little more wiggle rooom in my exercise schedule. I'll see how that works and then maybe try Chalene or another full round in the fall. I didn't feel "done" with P90x after 90 days, but after 180....definitely ready for a little change up.

    Good luck with your next round and if you want support, feel free to add me :)
  • JediMaster_intraining
    JediMaster_intraining Posts: 903 Member
    Awesome results! You look fantastic! :drinker:
  • Robin1117
    Robin1117 Posts: 1,768 Member
    I got p90x but i dont think im ready for it. I hope I can do it. Im 44... did you think its really hard?? You look great... good job

    you can do it! I am 43 and am about to complete my 2nd round......just need to find that dicipline to keep to the schedule and not worry if you can't keep up at first (lots of humor is needed, esp. for pullups and some of the crazy push ups they want you to do.....oh, and the ab ripper, definitely humor is needed....:) ). you will improve in time and surprise yourself......
  • RilantheFirebug
    RilantheFirebug Posts: 207 Member
    Wow you look great!

    Did you follow the nutrition plan with P90X or modify the way you were already eating?
  • Hawkian
    Hawkian Posts: 87 Member
    Thank you all so much for the positive reinforcement! It really makes the effort feel worthwhile with a community like this.

    I had a coworker take an aside with me yesterday and go "we were all just talking about how much weight you've lost since you've started here, you look great!" My office is like 80% female :P Can't say I minded that little exchange one bit. And it's great to feel like it's noticeable.

    Some responses to stuff I missed:
    Looking good!
    I'm thinking about starting P90X. It's just a lot more than I want to spend. Was there anything you didn't like about it and what did you like especially?
    There's absolutely nothing I didn't like about it. The DVD set is expensive I grant you, but you can literally get started for under $200 total, with the DVD set:

    Plus a pull-up bar/resistance band set (this is the exact one I got):

    It's still an investment, to be sure, but any serious fitness effort is going to take some investment on your part. A gym membership even without a trainer is going to cost you probably well over $200 for a year, and these are routines and equipment that you can never really "grow out of" (the bands are always useful for training on the go, and the P90X workouts... well, let's just say they NEVER get easy and you can always add intensity in ways demonstrated in the videos).
    Awesome results! Ive been going to the gym for a year now (faithfully) and havent seen half these results! Maybe I should think about trying this!
    The great thing is that the program is very much designed with total body fitness in mind. The whole "muscle confusion" thing is a fancy schmancy way of encapsulating cross-training and periodization with built-in rest and stretching- all of which is crucial. Going to the gym regularly is way, way better than nothing and it'll stave off heart disease and do wonders for your overall health, but a program like this is much more effective for transforming your body in short periods of time.
    Awesome results! You look fantastic! :drinker:
    Thank you verrrry much :D
    Wow you look great!

    Did you follow the nutrition plan with P90X or modify the way you were already eating?
    Well, both. I followed the nutrition guide (staying within phase 1- Fat Shredder) fairly strictly, and modified my diet to completely eliminate any soda/high calorie drinks, fast food, carb-based heavy meals, etc. I generally followed the portion/ratio approach, but sometimes cooked some of the very tasty recipes from the guide.

    After about a month is when I discovered this site, MFP, and that was a huge boost to my success. I'd have had even better results using this site from the beginning!

    Two things though:
    1. I developed a concept of my own called "bonus calories" or "guiltless calories" which I've been turning over a lot in my mind and have thought about making a thread on. Essentially, in addition to the P90X program and the supplemental cardio I did, I took every step I could to become more active in general. Parking far away, always taking stairs instead of the elevator, walking to the grocery store or to lunch at work rather than driving, etc. I do little things like this every day and I don't log it on MFP. At the same time, I don't log little things foodwise like a couple bites of someone else's meal, a piece of candy or two when it's out in the breakroom, a few almonds over what I've allotted as a "snack" portion for the day, etc. I don't log these little "extra" food calories either.

    The idea is that the extra activity and the extra "little bites" of food that I don't record more or less cancel each other out, but I actively DON'T want to log the numbers and make sure of this- as a way of reminding myself not to feel guilty or obsess over the numerical values instead of remembering to enjoy life every day. That is, with a more active lifestyle in general, you get a little more leeway with your daily "bonuses" than if you're sedentary- there's no reason to feel guilty about it. I know this approach won't work for everybody- if you're snacking a TON without logging it and just, say, walking an extra 20 steps a day, you're going to seriously skew your results. But I've had a lot of success with this little "bonus" trick. I don't know if I explained this well, but I'm a big believer in it and happy to explain more if anyone is interested.

    2. Cheat days. Tony Horton does NOT agree with me on this one. But I'm a practitioner of the 80-20 rule. That is, 80% of the time you should be seriously strict about your diet- maintain protein/carb/fat ratios, apply every calorie wisely, don't deviate from your planned meals/principles. But the other 20 percent of the time... well, every once in a while you need to just let yourself be rewarded. If you're in an extreme fitness program like P90X your metabolism will be firing like crazy; and as long as you don't do this too often (no more than once a week), you can treat yourself to whatever unhealthy nonsense the mind can imagine without seriously impacting your overall results. Pizza, ice cream cake, movie-theater-style artery-clog-o popcorn- I'm not joking, these all fit in to my diet one day or another over the last three months.

    Before you raise you hand in objection, eyes ablaze with fury: YES, cheat days are technically BAD for you. This is obvious. If you're trying to seriously maximize your results in the most efficient, robotic manner possible, the 80-20 approach is not for you. But I subscribe to the idea that changes to your nutrition when you become serious about fitness does not mean "going on a diet," but permanently CHANGING your diet for the better. I plan to live under some variation of this principle for the rest of my life, not just "until I'm fit." And quality of life is just as important to me as seeing numbers on the scale go down or feeling my arms get bigger. There's room for both occasional excess and extreme fitness within the same individual. And if you're wondering, my heart rate and blood pressure have SUBSTANTIALLY improved since starting P90X (they're the best they've been in my entire life) despite the cheat days ;)

    I'm happy to answer any more question anybody would like! I got a ton of help and support online through this first round and I'd love to pay it forward.
  • butterfli7o
    butterfli7o Posts: 1,319 Member
    Awesome!! You look great!!
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    Awesome, you look great!
  • Hawkian
    Hawkian Posts: 87 Member
    Thank you very much indeed new friends :)
  • tomusiakl
    tomusiakl Posts: 225 Member
    How can I be apart of this group?
  • Great job! I've used P90X forever now and can still only do 1..ish pullups. I'm going to take into account that I'm a girl and have some heavy lifting to do. ;) Stay motivated!
  • Pedal_Pusher
    Pedal_Pusher Posts: 1,166 Member
    Huge improvement. F uck yeah! Keep on keepin' on...............
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,010 Member
    Greetings all,

    I just finished my first bout of P90X- yesterday was graduation day! :P I was mainly attempting to reduce my body fat and get some strength gains. I am really happy with my results and I loved the program. Figured I'd risk all the potential embarrassment for the good of you fine people and show my results.

    For the curious, I did the P90X classic schedule but maxed out at all the "lean" rep numbers (12-15) for resistance exercises, and I used bands rather than weights. As a result I definitely gained some lean muscle and toned up but did not bulk much. I definitely developed some upper body strength though, felt every area of my body

    Sorry about the obvious change in camera between 60 and 90 (finally bought an actual digital camera!) as well as the annoying flash on the 90 pics, I didn't really think about it when taking them, d'oh.

    -Day 0-

    -Day 30-

    -Day 60-

    -Day 90-

    Starting weight: 178
    Current weight: 150.5

    Day-1 Wide Front Pull-ups: 0
    Day-90 Wide Front Pull-ups: 8.5 unassisted, 12 assisted

    Day-1 Chin-ups: 1... ish
    Day-90 Chin-ups: 10 unassisted, 15 assisted

    I'm done losing weight more or less. I'm going to be doing another course of P90X pretty much immediately, with some modifications. I'm going to keep up cardio to a lesser extent but this time I want to put on some real muscle. :)

    I've read an EMBARRASSINGLY huge amount amount the principles behind P90X (thankfully, it's just basic sport science as it turns out, fancily repackaged with clever terminology), so if anybody has any questions I'd be happy to oblige!

    Note: Apologies if any of this doesn't show up right, I may have to edit after the post.

    Congratulations. You have definitely lost fat and look great. Way to go.
  • faefaith
    faefaith Posts: 433 Member
  • sthrnchick
    sthrnchick Posts: 771
    WOW...amazing job!! Very inspiring...I start P90 in 2 weeks...
  • LEVEL UP!!! Nice work!
  • ster81
    ster81 Posts: 249
    great job on the weight loss and the strength gains!
  • Matiara
    Matiara Posts: 377 Member
    Do you have to use a pull up bar? I live in an apartment and don't want to risk damaging a door frame.
  • ashburgh
    ashburgh Posts: 4 Member
    WOW!!!!! Was that just the workout or the mealplan too? Doesn't matter, your results are great!
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