Best FAT burner - Running, Walking, or Eliptical?



  • LrdTwitchyMcChin
    You should do a mixture of cardio and strength training if you are purely looking for weight loss. 2 years ago I lost 60 pounds doing this and have recently lost 19... add that to healthy eating and you will lose pounds.

    If you're purely looking at Cardio, you should get a heart rate monitor and work within the fat burning zone.


    Lean muscle anaerobic exercise burns fat better than pure cardio/aerobic exercise. Alternate days with strength and cardio (not barbie weights, real weights) and you will see lbs and inches lost more efficiently than cardio alone - it can only go so far.

    What kinds of at home things can you do for weights? I support a family on my income alone so I'm on a bit of a budget. No money for gyms or to go out and buy a weight set.