1000-1200 diet! Who did it?



  • mcarter99
    mcarter99 Posts: 1,666 Member
    The fear of undereating is terribly overblown here. It is not true that if you don't eat enough you will not lose weight. Turn on any reality weight loss show. They do extreme deficits and they lose weight at lightening speed.


    It only works in a short term. If you consistently stay with low calorie intake your metabolism will eventually slow down too to match your intake.

    If that was true humans could survive without food. Our BMR does slow a little in times of famine. It doesn't grind to a halt or even fall 50% or even 20%. We get a little more efficient is all. Our bodies are not immune to the laws of physics. Everything requires energy/fuel. Body fat is a perfect source of energy/fuel for the human body. It's what millions of years of evolution came up with to even out uneven food conditions across a lifespan.

    Some of us can't eat 1800 calories a day and lose 1-2 lbs./week. My TDEE is often 1800, and that's WITH exercising a lot.

    Losing slowly IS good for you. You feel less deprived, you get more used to a healthier lifestyle. But you can't say that everyone needs to eat more to lose weight faster. It's just not true. Lack of results is the biggest cause of giving up. We need to find a balance of results and satiety that works for each of us.
  • amnski
    amnski Posts: 251 Member
    Plain and simple, your body needs calories to have HEALTHY long-term weight loss. Why are there not fat starving kids? Well do your research and stop comparing those children who have NO access to food to us Americans who have fast food and processed junk at our disposal. There is a major difference...:explode:

    ANYWAY, try eating more to lose. I can personally tell you that I have been on starvation diets and the end result was not pretty. Here I am now, after educating myself and eating properly (I am certified in nutrition and an ACE certified personal trainer) and am in the best shape of my life. Good luck hun :flowerforyou:
  • disneydreamer61605
    I currently weigh 230 started at 260 almost 3 months ago when i started my diet I was eating 1400 Cal working out 60 minutes a day burning 700 calories /work out, getting tired of working out every day I cut my intake to 1200 calories and working out 5 days a week same 60 minutes etc etc I have lost 30 pounds in 2 months and 2 weeks ( 3 months on June 16) Just make sure your not hungry if your hungry your body will hit starve mode and not let you give up calories. Good luck
  • kmmealey
    kmmealey Posts: 76 Member
    All kinds of advice floating around here & on other sites. Some valid, some not. If you have access, meet with a Registered Dietician who may well clear things up for you from a valid, scientific prospective. The "eatright.org" website is a site by & for RDs.
    Best wishes.
    I was eating 1200 cal/day or less for months without any weight loss. After meeting with an RD & working with a knowledgeable trainer, I increased my calories (most days) & have been slowly losing weight. Best wishes on your journey!
  • wftiger
    wftiger Posts: 1,283 Member
    I try to stay right at 1200. I found if I was going lower that just wasn't getting the results I wanted out of exercise.

    I have lost about 100 lbs in 7 months but not just the calorie deficit. I also eat low carb. No carbs until noon and then veggies and one serving of fruit a day. I don't really eat any grains except an occasional thin corn tortilla with low sodium (Mission brand - 2 for 80 cals, 16 carbs and only about 30 mg sodium so I can fit them in once or twice a week).
  • mfn64
    mfn64 Posts: 5
    You are right,if you are a small person then its called starve mode. I been doing 1200 cals since feb, losing 2 to 3 lbs a week, plus i work out 50 min a day burning up too 900 cal.
  • maryzush
    maryzush Posts: 7
    Thank you for your answers...
    The thing is.. After a really search for information.. I decide that .. does not matter how many calories do you eat per day... What you eat is what is important.... Low carbs, Protein, and lots of water.. will make it work!! Some people feel right and lose weight at 1800... I don´t.. Why I belive that the fertility treatments maybe has something to do.. the pregnancy slow my metabolism... Or I really do not know.. HOWEVER.. Been healthy, eat right and exercise all the time is what´s important!!! Feel and know your body.... Is what makes you continue...

    Starving mode.. Don´t think so Power of the mind..............

    To succed we must be more persistent than the previous minute....
    But thank you all...