Weight loss and Cholesterol

Hi everyone,
I have been trying to lose weight for a very long time. I tired different methods and my weight keeps coming up and down. I have been cutting off my carbs intake and replacing it with protein, lately I have been having eggs on breakfast with no oil. I went to the doctor for a checkup and I got shocked that I have a very high cholesterol level. The doctor said it could be genetics, but I have none of my family members with cholesterol history. My reaction can’t be described, I got so depressed since I was limiting my fat and oil intake for the past months, I admit it I had a chocolate binge every week for 1 or 2 times, and the chocolate amount was huge! I never craved junk food I always limited myself to healthy hearty diet food, it was just the chocolate that ruined my diet.
I need your help if anyone could give me an advice on a diet plan that I could stick to and lower my cholesterol level as well. I need ideas on how to lose my 20 pounds, I’m almost 22 years old and I would love to hear from everyone who could share a suggestion, a comment or an advice on my case.

Thank you for reading and sharing your concerns.