My Intro to the boards

bugzinc Posts: 291 Member
Hey whats up!
32 M here. I come from an obese family so weight gain is always a paranoia that lingers in the back of my mind.
I am currently a SSgt in the USAFR, and an IT Tech with a Large company. Married with 2 kids, but I manage to
keep fitness as a major part of my life 5-6 days a week. I have been at this for about 12 years now (why don't I have
a magazine cover body yet?!) I am always up to lend some tips, advice, ideas, or just shoot the breeze. Add me.



  • jealous_loser
    I have only been on this site for a couple months, but I have been trying to work out for the last year. Nothing has stuck until recently though! You can add me if you want more friends :)
  • bugzinc
    bugzinc Posts: 291 Member
    I see one of your goals is the Zombie run...Thats a good idea...I did the USMC MudRun in SC a few months ago...way awesome...Great experience.
  • bf43005
    bf43005 Posts: 287
    Reading the first two lines of your post and you could be my husband LOL! Weight problems in the family, check! USAF, check (out now)! We are both on the road to better healthier bodies. After he was medically discharged he had some issues staying in shape so we are both pushing now. We are about 4 months in and can totally feel the difference. In talking with my husband he said even while in the USAF he wasn't sporting 6 pack abs or anything. It might just be your body composition that you will have to do something drastic to see those type of results. Change up your work out, try something different. Throw some whole new things into your routine and see if that helps. Good luck!
  • bugzinc
    bugzinc Posts: 291 Member
    haha...hey, I said I didnt have a magazine body...I didnt see I didnt have a 6 pack lol :)
    Thats awesome, I was out of the air force for 4 years, and I missed it, so I have been back in the reserves now for a year. Hey jealous, if your just looking for toning and weight loss, check out Turbo Fire. I did that last year with my life and we LOVE it.
    Anytime I need a major calorie burn or cardio boost I pop one of the DVDs in.

    I change up my routine all the time, and I think my biggest issue is mental with me. I have a severe case of paranoia about my weight, which causes me alot of times to overtrain and eat less calories then I should. I can literally gain weight like its going out of style. If I wanted, I could gain 5 lbs this week without even breaking a sweat, and that causes me to be very mental on all my goals.

    I would post pics, but I dont even think thats an option. But either way, I think I have tried everything under the sun if you ever have a question or wanna talk about something.