New Mummy trying to lose weight!

I'm looking for some diet buddies as im in so much need of encouragement!

I had my little boy nearly 6 months ago and have been trying to diet ever since! I had a really bad pregnancy and actually lost 1.5 stone whilst pregnant but want to lose at least another 2 stone to get to my target weight! I'm at home on my own most of the time as my husband works alot and find myself picking when my baby is napping which i really need to stop!



  • nifer1029
    nifer1029 Posts: 28 Member
    I am also a new mum! My son is 5 months old. I was heavy before getting pregnant and only gained 20 pounds (I have no idea what that is in stones) and lost it immediately. I now have to get healthier and fit to keep up with my son.