Can you lose weight w/o Exersize?



  • Genore
    Genore Posts: 6 Member
    hat is what im trying to do right now is try and build my own gym at home.
  • DiannaMoorer
    DiannaMoorer Posts: 783 Member
    I wouldn't recommend it. Your muscles will be small and puny. No tone. Muscle helps you burn more calories. Do you have a DVD player? Buy work out videos. Jillian Michaels has some good ones and P90X is excellent! Start out with Jillian's 30 day shred. It has a beginner,intermediate and more advanced level. And it's cheap. You can order it on line from Amazon. Add me as a friend if you need more support. Good luck.:smile:
  • SandyAnnP
    SandyAnnP Posts: 252 Member
    Yes but after awhile and you feel better you will want to, no I mean you will WANT TO! Right now exercise is just something else you have to do......grrrr It will happen and it will be good!

    I SO agree. here is me who a few months ago would not contemplate walking anywhere I did not have to. Then I strted and got to 60 to 90 minutes a day. I have had 2 days of being very sick with the flu and I am just about ready to climb the walls in my house. I am going tomorrow no matter what- so the people I used to scoff at ; that said exercise can become very enjoyable- my apologies. :)
  • chrissilini
    chrissilini Posts: 77 Member
    I Have Social Anxiety and i dont like going into the gym.

    You don't have to go to the gym. I don't and I'm down 17 lbs. Go for a walk/jog/run. Get a few workout DVD's. There are tons of ways to exercise without going to a gym. But yes, you can lose weight without exercising. When I was recovering from surgery I couldn't work out, not even go for a walk! I kept within my cals and still lost. But, I feel much better when I do workout.