Why am I Still Hungry??



  • leah4185
    The title got starred out.... Again, it's called "Skinny B**ch" ...Follow that advice and it will change your life.
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    You have to spell it "Skinny B!tch" here. The software wipes it out.
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    I second (or third or fourth) the water. Drink your 8 glasses or more and you'll feel less hungry. it will fill you up, and take care of dehydration which make make you think you're hungry when you're actually thirsty.
  • lanteik
    lanteik Posts: 25
    I agree that you are probably eating too many carbs. I am a carboholic, and I recently stopped eating all white flour, pasta, potatoes, bread, and white rice. I am limiting myself to only eating 2 servings of good carbs per day (not including natural carbs found in fruits / veggies). I found that doing this has almost eliminated all processed foods from my diet, which in turn has made me eat better. I've also cut back on the number of fruits I've been eating because beforehand I was eating a lot of fruit which was causing me to eat a lot of sugar. I'm trying to eat more veggies and fruits with a lower glycemic index.

    I also find that by doing this for once I am staying within my alloted calories for the day.

    Typical breakfast: Oatmeal, Cheerios, Eggs
    Typical snack: Cheese (string / low fat cottage), Fruit or Veggie, Celery with Salsa, Granola bar
    Typical lunch: Salad with Grilled Chicken or Shrimp
    Typical dinner: Grilled Chicken / Fish / Shrimp, Beans, steamed veggie or salad, eggs

    I also find that drinking water and chewing gum help with hunger or mindless eating (I tend to do this when I'm bored or procrastinating).

    Also, I've found that by only eating 2 servings of carbs a day has really decreased my craving for both carbs and sugar.

    I hope this helps!
  • bwilton77
    bwilton77 Posts: 93 Member
    I had been going through the same problem until I added fiber to my diet.I put metamucil in whatever I am drinking before I eat and it helps me stay full. I also noticed I get fuller faster (it also helps keep things moving):wink:
    I have to agree it sounds like maybe instead of the high calorie granola bars you should try some fiber bars. The ones by kellogg's taste really good. Make sure your drinking water all day to help keep you feeling full and refreshed. I don't use metamucil but I do use the wylers fiber packs they are only $1 for 8 at walgreens and they taste pretty good when added to my water.
  • azwildcatfan94
    azwildcatfan94 Posts: 314 Member
    Another issue with the processed bars like Nutragrain, or even jelly is the sugar content. In addition to high calorie content for a low nutritional value, processed sugar makes you hungry (rather than satisfying) and it makes you crave other high sugar foods!

    When I eat peanut butter, I match it with fruit, like an apple or banana.

    I agree with the folks that say to include protein and fiber in all meals. The fiber makes you feel full. The protein just seems to satisfy me for the meal.

    I also agree with the person that said to weigh your foods. After a few weeks, I decided to "cheat" and eyeball lettuce and other raw veggies because even if you doubled the measurement, you are only getting an extra 10 - 20 calories. But, I always measure high calorie items like nuts, meat, oils, salad dressing, cheese, milk, etc. However, I do measure even the low calorie items every once in a while to make sure my "eyeballs" are correct, or at least close.
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    I agree with the others about whole food. But you may just need to eat more. How many calories are you eating? If you are eating 1200 it may not be enough you may need to eat 1400-1500.
  • April0815
    April0815 Posts: 780 Member
    Try adding more vegetables, they are low on calories and will help fill you up. You could cut up some and bring little bags of veg to work for your snacks. Make sure half your plate at dinner is veg or salad.

    +++++ :smile:

    This is what I do. A big bowl of lettuce/tomato salad is like 40 calories. A whole cucumber is 15 calories. A cup of broccoli? 30! Want something sweet? Fresh raw bing cherries are about 70 calories for a whole cup! (We go thru 3 or 4 pounds a week in my house).

    Skip that PB&J and stick with the turkey sandwich and that'll save you enough calories to eat a bushel-basket full of fresh veggie-goodies and you'll be stuffed and still have calories to spare. :happy:

    Do you know how many calories are in the rainier(sp?) cherries? I love them
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Rainier Cherries - Raw Servings: of 1 cup (117g)
    Calories70Sodium0 mgTotal Fat0 gPotassium0 mg Saturated0 gTotal Carbs19 g Polyunsaturated0 g Dietary Fiber2 g Monounsaturated0 g Sugars15 g Trans0 gProtein1 gCholesterol0 mg Vitamin A2 %Calcium2 %Vitamin C15 %Iron4 %

    70 calories for a cup. Mostly natural fruit sugar. :smile:
  • anglbebe
    anglbebe Posts: 89 Member
    I have been trying to follow the limits and guidelines of the Food Diary, but lately I have been going over. My problem is that I'm still hungry, even after eating what should be enough. I thought that maybe it was because I was eating the wrong kinds of food, but I have been very careful in watching what I eat. I try to have a little variety, so that I get the right types of nutrients, but I don't know what else I should be eating. Then I thought maybe it's because I'm not eating enough. But according to the limits set for me on MFP, I actually went over. So now, I'm at a loss.

    Here is a breakdown of what I usually eat during the day:
    Breakfast - something small like an Equate Ultra Weight Loss Shake, a Bagel, or small bowl of cereal w/ fat free milk, etc.
    Snack (around 9:00/9:30am) - I heard it's a good idea to eat small throughout the day, plus I usually get very hungry mid-morning, so I'll have a Nutri-Grain bar, Quaker Oatmeal bar, or other type of granola bar.
    Lunch - a sandwhich (PB&J, Turkey/Ham w/ or w/o a slice of cheese and miracle whip, or other type of sandwhich) on wheat bread. Then I'll have something small like an apple, granola bar, cheese stick, carrot, etc. And a bottled water.
    Snack (around 3pm) - once again, eat something small to keep my body going throughout the day like a carrot(s), granola bar, etc.
    Dinner - I try to keep it light, but this is when I'm most hungry, so it's hard. I tend to eat a lot of meat, but it's lean. I'll often times have rice, corn, cottage cheese, etc. as a side.

    I try to eat according to serving size, but sometimes I'm just still hungry. Is this normal, should I just let the hunger pass because my body is adjusting to eating less? Or should I eat until I actually feel full? Not stuffed, just satisfied. Please let me know if you have any ideas as to why this is, and how I should go about dealings with it.

    Thank you!

    You must be like me...
    I have to have tiny little things in the earlier hours of the day. and then my dinner is a "normal " dinner., where I get most of my calories from. Because if I give myself, tiny little bits at dinner, I would eat the house out of food at night.... For some reason, I can't eat more than a few teaspoons of food earlier in the day. So I carry, snacks, fresh veggies, dried cranberries, walnuts, peanut butter crackers, and I drown myself with water. I actually hate the taste of plain water, but a slice of lemon or lime and I'm good for a while...And I agree with the veggies, that and the protein. And I have become a soy addict... fills you up, less calories and the proteins in it help control hunger...
  • April0815
    April0815 Posts: 780 Member
    Rainier Cherries - Raw Servings: of 1 cup (117g)
    Calories70Sodium0 mgTotal Fat0 gPotassium0 mg Saturated0 gTotal Carbs19 g Polyunsaturated0 g Dietary Fiber2 g Monounsaturated0 g Sugars15 g Trans0 gProtein1 gCholesterol0 mg Vitamin A2 %Calcium2 %Vitamin C15 %Iron4 %

    70 calories for a cup. Mostly natural fruit sugar. :smile:

    Thank You
  • NinaDawn79
    NinaDawn79 Posts: 164
    I recommend replacing some of your carby snacks with proteinies and good fatties and you'll be feeling fabulous! :wink:

    Oh, I feel compelled to mention also that my weight loss stalled at 1400 cals for three months, but as soon as I bumped up to 1600, I started dropping again (6 lbs in 3 weeks). So you may want to adjust your "goals"; I changed mine to .5/week, and was rewarded with the 2 lbs/week loss I was *really* hoping for! It's really important to find the right balance for your body and not fall into the "less is more" mentality.
  • mrd232
    mrd232 Posts: 331
    I recommend replacing some of your carby snacks with proteinies and good fatties and you'll be feeling fabulous! :wink:

    Oh, I feel compelled to mention also that my weight loss stalled at 1400 cals for three months, but as soon as I bumped up to 1600, I started dropping again (6 lbs in 3 weeks). So you may want to adjust your "goals"; I changed mine to .5/week, and was rewarded with the 2 lbs/week loss I was *really* hoping for! It's really important to find the right balance for your body and not fall into the "less is more" mentality.

    A huge second to this. Protein has a powerful filling effect.
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    I recommend replacing some of your carby snacks with proteinies and good fatties and you'll be feeling fabulous! :wink:

    Oh, I feel compelled to mention also that my weight loss stalled at 1400 cals for three months, but as soon as I bumped up to 1600, I started dropping again (6 lbs in 3 weeks). So you may want to adjust your "goals"; I changed mine to .5/week, and was rewarded with the 2 lbs/week loss I was *really* hoping for! It's really important to find the right balance for your body and not fall into the "less is more" mentality.

    Thanks for that Nina. Good advice. I've been stuck for 3 weeks, and if I don't break it soon I'll do the same.
  • chgudnitz
    chgudnitz Posts: 4,079
    Okay, so nobody asked how many calories a day you are eating. I saw your profile, you are short and not overweight, so you need to be on a tiny deficit.

    How many calories a day are you eating?
    Do you eat exercise calories?
    What weight loss goal per week did you select?
    Were you honest with your activity level when setting up your goals?

    There's just not enough info in your first post to help you really.
  • Mlbnyy2
    Mlbnyy2 Posts: 16
    I recommend replacing some of your carby snacks with proteinies and good fatties and you'll be feeling fabulous! :wink:

    Oh, I feel compelled to mention also that my weight loss stalled at 1400 cals for three months, but as soon as I bumped up to 1600, I started dropping again (6 lbs in 3 weeks). So you may want to adjust your "goals"; I changed mine to .5/week, and was rewarded with the 2 lbs/week loss I was *really* hoping for! It's really important to find the right balance for your body and not fall into the "less is more" mentality.
    Wow Nina, that's great, thanks for the update:wink:
  • Tywana
    Tywana Posts: 135 Member
    This happens to me as well. It seams some days I am famished. I drink 9-10 glasses of water every day and I consume over the amount of protien I should 2-3 times a week according to my fitness pal. I have come to want to believe I am burning alot of calories in which this is why I feel hungry. I feel my energy level is lower on some days as well. I am at a stand still on my weight as well. Stay strong and try to stay focused, I'm sure something will give:wink:
  • theatregoddess
    Okay, so nobody asked how many calories a day you are eating. I saw your profile, you are short and not overweight, so you need to be on a tiny deficit.

    How many calories a day are you eating?
    Do you eat exercise calories?
    What weight loss goal per week did you select?
    Were you honest with your activity level when setting up your goals?

    There's just not enough info in your first post to help you really.

    Well here are some answers that might be of use.

    How many cals a day are you eating? = The MFP limit for me says 1,260 calories. I try my best to follow that, but have recently been going over. Sometimes it's as little as 80 cals, other times I'm over by a few hundred!! :sick: And yet, often times I will still feel hungry!
    Do you eat excersise cals? = I try not to, but sometimes (depending on what I eat) it will take up some of them. Never all, though.
    What weight loss goal per weak did you select? = 1.0lb per week.
    Were you honest with your activity level when setting up you goals? : Yes. I workout everyday for at least 30 mins, doing either calisthenics or cardio. And even though I am not as active right now because of my job, when I return to school I will be doing A LOT of physical activity in classes.

    I hope this helps. If it does, please let me know what you think! Thanks!

  • SusieSonshine
    SusieSonshine Posts: 252 Member
    Okay, so nobody asked how many calories a day you are eating. I saw your profile, you are short and not overweight, so you need to be on a tiny deficit.

    How many calories a day are you eating?
    Do you eat exercise calories?
    What weight loss goal per week did you select?
    Were you honest with your activity level when setting up your goals?

    There's just not enough info in your first post to help you really.

    Well here are some answers that might be of use.

    How many cals a day are you eating? = The MFP limit for me says 1,260 calories. I try my best to follow that, but have recently been going over. Sometimes it's as little as 80 cals, other times I'm over by a few hundred!! :sick: And yet, often times I will still feel hungry!
    Do you eat excersise cals? = I try not to, but sometimes (depending on what I eat) it will take up some of them. Never all, though.
    What weight loss goal per weak did you select? = 1.0lb per week.
    Were you honest with your activity level when setting up you goals? : Yes. I workout everyday for at least 30 mins, doing either calisthenics or cardio. And even though I am not as active right now because of my job, when I return to school I will be doing A LOT of physical activity in classes.

    I hope this helps. If it does, please let me know what you think! Thanks!


    Eat your exercise cals, girl! And try to follow some of the recommendations posted here!

    All the best on your journey!

    Susie :flowerforyou:
  • theatregoddess
    Okay, so nobody asked how many calories a day you are eating. I saw your profile, you are short and not overweight, so you need to be on a tiny deficit.

    How many calories a day are you eating?
    Do you eat exercise calories?
    What weight loss goal per week did you select?
    Were you honest with your activity level when setting up your goals?

    There's just not enough info in your first post to help you really.

    Well here are some answers that might be of use.

    How many cals a day are you eating? = The MFP limit for me says 1,260 calories. I try my best to follow that, but have recently been going over. Sometimes it's as little as 80 cals, other times I'm over by a few hundred!! :sick: And yet, often times I will still feel hungry!
    Do you eat excersise cals? = I try not to, but sometimes (depending on what I eat) it will take up some of them. Never all, though.
    What weight loss goal per weak did you select? = 1.0lb per week.
    Were you honest with your activity level when setting up you goals? : Yes. I workout everyday for at least 30 mins, doing either calisthenics or cardio. And even though I am not as active right now because of my job, when I return to school I will be doing A LOT of physical activity in classes.

    I hope this helps. If it does, please let me know what you think! Thanks!


    Eat your exercise cals, girl! And try to follow some of the recommendations posted here!

    All the best on your journey!

    Susie :flowerforyou:

    I always thought it was a bad idea to eat your excersise cals, because then you would just gain back all that your worked to lose, no? I could be totally wrong on this, which is why I'm asking for advise in the first place, lol.