HELP! I'm Addicted to Cherry Coke!



  • EnchantedEvening
    EnchantedEvening Posts: 671 Member
    Cherry Coke Zero is pretty good and might help you transition. I also like Crystal Light Cherry Pomegranate.

    The rumors about aspartame are just that. Rumors. I have yet to see a single peer-reviewed medical journal article stating aspartame will 1) make you gain weight, 2) give you cancer, 3) turn you into a newt.
  • Bethee101
    Bethee101 Posts: 99 Member
    I love my RC Cola... old school, I know! Anyways I allow myself 1 can a day and as long as I stay in my calories I don't plan to quit. It's a treat that I look forward to ;)
  • LesaDave
    LesaDave Posts: 1,480 Member
    I have never been a Coke drinker, so I might be way outta the ball park. BUT...have you ever tried those drink mixes? Crush has four of them: Strawberry, Orange, Grape and Squirt. I have tried 3 of the 4, and they REALLY DO taste just like pop. I like them ice cold, but EVERYONE that I have shared them with have said they are surprised that they really do taste like pop. It's only 10 calories for 16 oz of water (regular, faucet water). Knock out the sugar and caffeine. The only place I have found them is Dollar General. I think I have looked at close to 15 stores so far, but that's the only place I found them.

    I hope you find something that will work for you.
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    I quit sugar 8 days ago....cold turkey. I feel fine and have no desire to have a coke...and I LOVE coke!
  • nicholjenny
    nicholjenny Posts: 74 Member
    I did... but did it cold turkey after a major operation. Dr. Oz did a segment not too long ago on how to cut it... He said to replace some of your soda with orange juice each week until you gradually replace all of your soda with juice. At that time, start cutting down your juice (sugar) and replace with water.

    BTW, I drink alot of Crystal Light energy. Hope this helps.
  • CassandraMarie3
    CassandraMarie3 Posts: 147 Member
    I was never huge on pop, but every so often you need that carbonation! If I really really want a pop, I'll make sure its a fountain soda and ill do 3/4 coke zero or diet coke, and top the rest off with cherry coke. That way you've got the flavor but not all the calories. Another option is sparkling water like LaCroix or Mendota Springs. They have tons of flavors (coconut, peach pear, cran-raspberry, lime, lemon, etc...) Best part is, there are no sweeteners, artificial or otherwise, it is calorie free and it counts toward your water intake.

    Otherwise, if you truly can't give it up, just make sure you figure in the extra calories for that day and either budget accordingly or fit in an extra workout.

    Good luck!!
    MZNIKKIBOO Posts: 190
    Why not just exercise it off? Once a week is hardly the kiss of death. Besides, if you have it to look forward to you won't be as crazy to binge on it.

    agreed work it into your diet a couple days a week or everyday if needed until you can limit the intake ... may be over on sugar but hey no need to ruin a whole day nor feel guilty about it -- my soft spot is pizza!!! so i incorporate it in!! ;-)
  • SusanMcAvoy
    SusanMcAvoy Posts: 445 Member
    Cherry Coke Zero is delicious. It's easy to get used to. I love it for a treat!! Please make sure you still get your water in though. It will help you tremendously. :flowerforyou:
  • SmallTownSweetie03
    I know what you mean! When I first started on this site in April 2012 I was completely addicted to Pepsi, I would drink 8-10 A DAY!! I just went cold turkey on it girl! I now drink 1 Diet Pepsi a day (along with a ton of water and an occasional Vitamin Water Zero or Diet Snapple Peach Tea) and haven't had a regular Pepsi in almost 2 months and I am still losing an average of 1.5 pounds a week, so it is possible! Good luck!
  • spikefoot
    spikefoot Posts: 419
    Changing my eating habbits has helped reduce my pop cravimgs.

    I used to easily drink 1-4 a day now it is far less.
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo Posts: 3,634 Member
    I drink cherry coke zero, and I have never had any problems. I don't let it replace my water intake, but its a nice treat with zero calories and extra energy. I have never found any legitimate study that says aspartame has any ill effects. The whole "it makes you crave real sugar" is a myth.

    No it won't make you crave real sugar but it has ill effects on your health.
  • astorminside
    astorminside Posts: 58 Member
    okay here's what i do to get rid of any craving (especially for peanut butter)
    as soon as i get up to go get the food item i make myself go get water
    then i drink as much water as i think i can handle at the moment, usually 2 cups.
    after that i go get whatever i want and have just a little bit to cure the craving before going back for more water.

    i'm addicted to water!
    but that's a good thing :)

    also if you don't have a soda for about two weeks it will hurt your stomach the next time and then you don't even want them!
  • rjmwx81
    rjmwx81 Posts: 259 Member

    Not from the aspartame or artificial sweeteners : caused by the phosphoric acid in the soda regular Coke, Dr. Pepper and others are included....

    I'm curious, do you have any scientific studies that back this up? For the last several years all I heard was "Aspertame, aspertame, aspertame" until it became clear that the science didn't back up the paranoia. And now, suddenly, in every thread that mentions diet soda, it's "Phosphoric acid, phosphoric acid, phosphoric acid."

    I'm not saying you're wrong, I would just like to see some actual scientific evidence from SOMEONE.
  • gertudejekyl
    gertudejekyl Posts: 386 Member
    I like it too:flowerforyou:
  • jasonthekidd
    Soda = BAD. There is absolutely no benefit to drinking soda or any sugary drinks and I'm pretty sure we can blame soda for 3/4 of America's obesity problem. They are trying to ban sodas over a certain size here in NY. Switch to water and just imagine that it's a refreshing cherry coke. LOL
  • LadyBeryl
    LadyBeryl Posts: 344 Member
    If you don't mind experimenting, you might want to make your own. Reading this thread has me curious about how it could be done.

    I drink fizzy water daily but try to reduce or eliminate refined sugar in my diet. The SodaStream syrups use Splenda. They make a "Cola" flavor and maybe adding Sugar-Free Davinci Cherry Syrup at the right level will result in a tasty alternative. DaVinci also uses Splenda.
  • RichOC
    RichOC Posts: 243 Member
    I was a big time pop addict. It would be nothing for me to hit 3 - 5 cans a day. I wish I had some sweet trick or awesome advice to give you to help you give it up. I was watching the super bowl this past Feb (2/8/12) and I think I was closing in on finishing a 2 liter. I looked down at my soda and just thought about how crappy this soda was actually making me feel. I decided at that moment that I would just give it up and quit cold turkey. Withdrawls sucked and I used sweet tea to help me get through that and after about a month I was good.

    I'm not sure that I'll give it up forever, that seems like a bold statement, but I feel like it's up to me now and not the soda...
  • biglewswife2
    biglewswife2 Posts: 5 Member
    FYI: The sugar consumption involved in drinking soda is cited for causing tooth decay. However, the acid in soda has been shown to erode tooth enamel, leading to dental cavities as well. In fact, the acid in soda can begin damaging enamel just 20 minutes after drinking soda.

    Caffeine dependence may also form as a result of drinking soda that contains caffeine. Research suggests that individuals can develop caffeine dependence as a result of drinking soda and may experience withdrawal when caffeine consumption decreases.

    Another unfortunate health effect of drinking soda is the weakening of bones. Some animal studies have shown that phosphorus in soda leaches calcium from bones. Similar studies on humans have suggested that drinking soda may lead to a tendency toward broken bones.

    Many individuals choose to drink diet soda in order to avoid the sugar and calories in regular soda. Drinking diet soda, however, is not a perfect solution. Diet soda drinkers are still vulnerable to the acidic effects of soda. Furthermore, some artificial sweeteners, commonly used in diet soda, may contribute to serious health issues as well.

    Some effects of diet soda are felt throughout the body, and this type of drink can lead to kidney damage, bone loss and stroke. Many people who drink diet soda assume this beverage, because it does not contain calories, will help their weight loss efforts.

    If you want a fizzy drink go to one that has "natural" ingredients....if you can't read the name you shouldn't put it into your body!!!
  • EnchantedEvening
    EnchantedEvening Posts: 671 Member
    I drink cherry coke zero, and I have never had any problems. I don't let it replace my water intake, but its a nice treat with zero calories and extra energy. I have never found any legitimate study that says aspartame has any ill effects. The whole "it makes you crave real sugar" is a myth.

    No it won't make you crave real sugar but it has ill effects on your health.
    Prove it. Show me a link to an actual study by actual doctors.
  • BandedTriaRN
    BandedTriaRN Posts: 303
    I was massively addicted to coca cola (the regular type with sugar). I would try to give it up and get horrible headaches and finally about 20 years ago, I said "enough is enough" and went through withdrawal cold turkey. I would not allow myself to have one. I did occasionally have a diet soda but those hurt my stomach and it was a very very rare thing if I even have a soda (well, I had lap band surgery in Sept 2011 so no more at all). It was tough but you can do it. If you still want to try drinking diet sodas, you can add some davinci's sugar free cherry syrup to it to wean yourself to the point where you can quit (or do they make diet cherry coke?). I know it can be hard to get accustomed to but they really aren't that good for you. Good luck. It took me several attempts to break the habit!