Calling all Runners! First 5K coming up - Any advice?



  • aquapup
    aquapup Posts: 81 Member
    I do a 5K with some friends every year at Purdue. This year at mile one one of the guys cheering on the sideline yelled "the worst part is behind you!" - which was totally not true because there was a huge hill for pretty much all of mile 2 coming up BUT it made me laugh the whole time and I just kept thinking that over and over to myself the rest of the race. So just remember - after mile one - no matter what is actually going on - the worst part is behind you!!!!
  • DAM_Fine
    DAM_Fine Posts: 1,292 Member
    I am running my first 5k on Saturday! I am so excited and so nervous! I am trying to place in my age group so the pressure is on! That morning, I am going to get up at 7am, have a bagel w/ peanut butter, a banana, and a water. Head to the race site about an hour before the race. Sign in, get warmed up, and get ready to ROCK!!!!

    My race strategy is as follows:

    - Start out at a comfortable and relaxed pace, not too fast, not too slow (Aiming for a HR of 150-160).
    - When I hit the 1 mile split, increase my speed a little more.
    - When I hit the 2 mile split, increase my speed a little more from mile 2.
    - During the final mile, I am going to be picking someone ahead of me and "catching up to them", do it again once you pass this person.
    - Once I see the finish line, I am going to sprint like there is a psycho killer behind me LOL!!!!!! Shave off those last few seconds!!

    Like I said, I am going to give it my all! Good luck to you on yours as well!!!!

    Sounds like a great plan. Have to estimate the HR though, since I don't have a monitor yet. A guy I work with used to run a lot and he said: Get a good night's sleep two nights before you run; don't use new running shoes; eat a half banana with your breakfast the day of the run - and a cup of coffee; don't run the day before; don't think about winning - just have fun!
  • gogojodee
    gogojodee Posts: 1,261 Member
    Like you, I just ran!! Haha. I'm only into my 3rd month running and I've been running 5k for a month now. The only thing I can think of is hydrate, start slow (which I only started doing this evening) and like the other person said, stay and cheer other people! It's like any other run! Most of all, have fun!

    Curious to see what others think. I'm looking to sign up for a race soon!
  • Hickyvikki69
    Hickyvikki69 Posts: 371 Member
    I am so excited for you! How did you start running? I want to do a 5k by Thanksgiving, but just dont know how to start or if that is enough time for me to get there...any advice would greatly be appreciated. Have a great run!!!

    i found my training plan here

    this site gave me a 10 week program. i am currently on week 5 and can run 12min. when i use to not be able to run 30sec.
  • gogojodee
    gogojodee Posts: 1,261 Member
    I am running my first 5k on Saturday! I am so excited and so nervous! I am trying to place in my age group so the pressure is on! That morning, I am going to get up at 7am, have a bagel w/ peanut butter, a banana, and a water. Head to the race site about an hour before the race. Sign in, get warmed up, and get ready to ROCK!!!!

    My race strategy is as follows:

    - Start out at a comfortable and relaxed pace, not too fast, not too slow (Aiming for a HR of 150-160).
    - When I hit the 1 mile split, increase my speed a little more.
    - When I hit the 2 mile split, increase my speed a little more from mile 2.
    - During the final mile, I am going to be picking someone ahead of me and "catching up to them", do it again once you pass this person.
    - Once I see the finish line, I am going to sprint like there is a psycho killer behind me LOL!!!!!! Shave off those last few seconds!!

    Like I said, I am going to give it my all! Good luck to you on yours as well!!!!

    That's a great tip! Thank ya! And good luck! :smile:
  • Hotabs
    Hotabs Posts: 41 Member
    Hi did a 5k yesterday, best advice keep to your own pace don't try to keep up with anyone else.
    Turn on music if the scenery is not all that, it stops the boredom.
    Think of a reward for yourself like a pedicure or eyelashes hair etc. Am getting my hair done. Oh am have fun ha ha
  • Hotabs
    Hotabs Posts: 41 Member
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