Rocky start, but here I go anyhow!

Hi everyone. I joined MFP last week after admitting I no longer fit in my clothes. Again. Despite actually exercising regularly since March, I've now finally hit the point where nothing fits. (Surprisingly, it seems I actually have to deal with my food intake too.)

I've done the Weight Watchers thing a few times before and I've always loved the momentum of the first few weeks. But this time in my journey to health, the starting line isn't very motivating. I joined MFP on Thursday and had an emotional binge eating weekend after hurting my back and being unable to do my 30 mile bike ride. And then I found out that I've gained 5 pounds since last week!

But I'm sticking with it and I started tracking again on Monday. I'm proud of myself for that, even though I'm in a woe-is-fatty-me funk. I went to bootcamp last night - even with my bad back - and just did modified exercises. So what if I had to walk instead of run - I'm moving! I planned my meals for the week, including treat times with girlfriends. I'm being smart and feeling in control again (post-binge.)

I'm trying to focus on the good stuff, especially because I already FEEL better after 2 days of clean eating, even if I'm feeling emotionally blah about the setbacks. So I'm looking for support here, and also just saying hello! I'd love to make friends to keep each other motivated! I know everything I'm supposed to do for healthy weight loss and maintenance (I've done it all before, several times) but never here at MFP. And I want to lose the weight forever this time. I'm ready to make this my lifestyle for good.

I have about 15-20 pounds to lose, but I'm more concerned with health and toning than weight. Ideally, I'd stick with a pretty clean, mostly vegetarian, diet (except with trigger foods attack) but you will pry my microbrew craft beer, random ethnic food, and rich chocolate from my cold dead hands! I work WAAAY too much but, since I'm making exercise an actual priority these days, I figure I can handle smart stress eating now too.

Looking forward to the MFP journey and can't wait to meet like minded people here!