I'm new on here and need to lose 50+ lbs

Has anyone had a hard time losing baby weight? I worked outside my whole pregnancy and still gained 90lbs. I have over 50 lbs to lose. Need some encouragement and some ideas on what worked for you. Thank you and here's to a healthier us!


  • KenzNDieselsMama
    Hey! I have a TERRIBLE time losing baby weight. Well actually, I always lose weight right after having baby (super fast), but with nursing my kids I'm a hungry beast and eat everything in sighte! And not good food. I've never in my life liked sweets or desserts, but nursing makes me want heavy, rich, super gnarly bad sweets that do nothing for me but keep the weight on...and it's awful! My youngest is 9.5 months old now, and since he's not exclusively nursing anymore, I'm gonna take this bull by the horns and lose the 50+ pounds that I need to lose. I always do great for a week or two...but it's always there that I fizz out. What's worked for you??