Help I feel like a bottomless pit!

aprilann Posts: 238
edited September 19 in Motivation and Support
I can't stop eating I eat to much. I know I do! I don't know how to stop it! I think I started because we went out for my man's b-day, at old chicago, it was so good that i ate pizza the next day as well after that I haven't been able to stop the snacking! Plus how do the morning workout people manage to do it? Advice please? I always say I'll start tomorrow and tomorrow never comes!


  • lawalli
    lawalli Posts: 2
    Umm...i know, I have trouble stopping too! I don't have a good solution to that except to try and eat a lot of low calorie stuff? That is my main problem too.

    As to working out in the morning, I usually go to the gym at 6:30 am and I just FORCE myself to go! I had trouble getting going as I am NOT a morning person, but I just set my alarm, told myself no matter what I was going and no excuse was good enough, and went. The only thing that worked for me was just telling myself that I was going NO MATTER WHAT and if I did not feel good, was too tired, etc., then I could just do something easy once I got there. But I always feel fine once I get there and am awake!
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,317 Member
    Is it a certain time of the month? I know I have huge issues with cravings and binging when it's that TOM. As for exercising in the morning, once you get started for a couple of weeks, it's much easier to do. Good luck!
  • I would say that first, just accept that you've had a couple off days- it happens, so don't punish yourself too much over it. Sometimes, it's even good to have a day of indulgence so you won't feel deprived. Just think of it as a bump in the road, but hardly a roadblock.

    If I've had a day where I may have gone over what I should have eaten, I try to plan out the next day- write it down or enter what you plan on eating here. If you have a meal plan for the next day, it will make you feel back on track and give you some structure- and if you're having problems with snacking (like I am!), you can figure out how to fit in some healthy snacks in between meals.

    To curb the snacking, I always try to eat foods with a lot of fiber- I like Fiber One Yogurt or Kashi cereal- because it makes me feel fuller. I've heard that some people will put snacks into plastic bags so that it's all portioned out- reducing the tendency to eat too much of something. Deciding what I'm in the mood for helps me- if I want something sweet, I'll go for graham crackers with jelly or if I want something crunchy, I'll grab carrots with some dressing. That way, I feel more satsified by what I eat than if I'm just randomly grazing in the pantry.

    As far as when you work out- I don't think it matters- just as long as you feel comfortable. Some people love waking up super early and going for a run- I'm definitely not that person. Working out should be something that makes you feel good, so I'd say, just a find that you feel energetic and go for it. I do know that it helps to eat a little something in the morning before working out, like a banana. But again, I'm more of a late afternoon to evening workout girl.

    I hope this helps and good luck!
  • debmac63
    debmac63 Posts: 459 Member
    I'm not a morning person either...never have been & never will be. But, I log my meals the day before that way I can see how much I need to exercise in order to eat what I want to. It may not be the best way to do it but if I see that I'm over calories by two or three hundred then not getting up in the morning isn't an issue...I have to. I want to eat what I want to eat so I have to get up.
  • I have found that I feel full faster if I eat a lot of high fiber foods. When my stomach feels full I can stop myself sooner. If I'm just eating unhealthy stuff I keep shoveling mostly because it's not as filling. I'm also not at all a morning person. Who says you have to exercise in the morning? I can't do it. Probably never will. Instead my hubby and I do stuff together after work kind of like an active date. That way we can talk about the day's events and plan for the next day while having a nice time together. Hang in there.
  • Hi - I can have a similar issue if I eat too much 'white stuff' :devil: - like pizza crust, junk food, alcohol - anything that will turn into sugar - and do it quickly - it can put you on a roller coaster - eat, and about a hour later you are hungry again - you eat - not the right stuff and the cycle starts.:frown:

    The way I deal with it now is to know it's coming if I am going to have food that starts the cycle - like pizza - and I try and add some fiber as that slows down the sugar [lowers the gylcemic index of the white food] and I also know I am going to have to tough it out the next day - so I eat lots of small meals/snacks- good things like nuts, high fiber fruit like apples and I may have a low cal pudding or something that feels and tastes like a treat. and make sure you are drinking the water. :drinker: :drinker:

    the cycle can be broken :bigsmile: - it just takes a day or so of back to the good foods - whole grains, lean meat, good fruit, etc.

    as for morning exercise - I don't do it :happy: becasue I am also not a morning person - but I do try and add steps throughout the day and then I do the treadmill in the evening.

    Good luck!! you can do this!! :flowerforyou:
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