I feel so good

8 weeks in and have lost 28lbs at today's weigh in. Feel great, more energy and drive about me and people really starting to notice the weight loss. Down a jean size and had to buy a new belt to stop them falling down.

Recording absolutely everything on myfitnesspal app and sticking to my calorie and exercise regime religously. Great app!

It has actually been quite easy for me so far. getting some more exercise and fitting it around work and family life ok. Cutting out the rubbish i used to have and replace with good things. Which i do actually like.

Also swimming, swimming, swimming, swimming. Been at the pool three times a week for 45 minutes a time. My muscle definition in my arms and shoulders is coming back and I would highly recommend this form of exercise.

What i would say is that everyone told me "Oh you will have to give up alcohol on a diet" Rubbish in my view. Firstly i am not on a diet. I have simply changed my eating habits and secondly I still go to the pub on a Saturday to see my mates but now instead of having loads of pints of Cider I have replaced them with having 2 or 3 Coors light then followed by a few Gin and Slim line tonics.

My mate in the pub actually set me a challenge that if i do lose the weight and get myself fit then I am basically back in the football team after a 12 year absence. Thats a challenge I like

28lb down and 68lb to go. Lets rock on!!!


  • queenbcronen
    queenbcronen Posts: 158 Member
    WTG! good for you! :drinker:
  • Lesley2901
    Lesley2901 Posts: 372 Member
    Well done and great to hear you are enjoying your lifestyle change. Keep up the good work and the lbs will keep disappearing.