3 yr old Son has Chronic Eczema...



  • emmelean
    emmelean Posts: 7 Member
    One more thing - we use an air filters in our home - one in the family room and one in their bedroom. We make sure to keep the windows closed, esp on windy days to keep pollen out since our children have a lot of allergies to trees/weeds. The children take Zyrtec daily during the winter and spring months to keep the asthma and eczema from flaring up too much.
  • MyOwnSunshine
    MyOwnSunshine Posts: 1,312 Member
    I suffer from bouts fo eczema as well. What I have found to be helpful is taking a bath every night with epsom salts and baby oil. For some reason, this combination works really well to heal and prevent outbreaks for me, and it is non-harmful and inexpensive.

    You may want to try adding epsom salts and baby oil to his bathwater before bedtime.
  • mindidily
    mindidily Posts: 196 Member
    One more thing - we use an air filters in our home - one in the family room and one in their bedroom. We make sure to keep the windows closed, esp on windy days to keep pollen out since our children have a lot of allergies to trees/weeds. The children take Zyrtec daily during the winter and spring months to keep the asthma and eczema from flaring up too much.

    I have been thinking about starting to use air filters in my house, too. Do you have a good recommendation? My house is pretty open, especially on the first floor, so I would probably need a few, and would hate to drop cash on something that doesn't work very well.
  • emmelean
    emmelean Posts: 7 Member
    We bought our filters 8 years ago so they probably should get replaced now. The one in the family room is big since it has a bigger space to filter. The bedroom one is small. They are both Honeywell Hepa filters. I'm sure by now that one is out dated and smaller and more efficient ones. The children shower nightly to get the pollens off of their bodies. We don't bring our shoes into the house, too. Even our vacuum has a HEPA filter. We changed the 1st floor carpet to hardwood/tile floor. Their bedroom has laminate flooring. For those parents who have severe asthmatic children, know what I am talking about when I say we are careful not to bring our kids around sick children. We have hundreds of sleepless nights while our children are gasping for air when they are sick, begging for another nebulizer breathing treatment when a full hour hasn't even passed yet. So another thing we did was to ask our family (hubby has 8 siblings so the family that comes around is huge) please inform us about illnesses before heading to a family party (then one of us will remain home with the children) or don't bring sick children to house. We thought dealing with severe asthma once a month and having our son flown to the Children's Hospital was hard enough but every two weeks was too much for us!!! Do I sound like a crazy parent? LOL - we do what we can to minimize the kids' symptoms.
  • scotslass
    scotslass Posts: 317
    thank you so much for taking tie to reply i a so grateful and also glad it has gae other in the sae poition lots of different aenues to try i felt when I was googling i was getting no where, so bless your hearts!! I will be copying the new replys to go through them thoroughly. I have smothered his arms in Vaseline tonight for the first time so looking forward to seeing the results of this. I'm amazed at just how many people are in the same boat as me, your replys are comforting to know it does and an get better as it does really upset me when he is so upset.

    i have ordered in a full shopping list of wheat free gluten free dairy free foods and lots of egetables here goes the new hange ;-))
    Love Lynsey xx
  • JanetLM73
    JanetLM73 Posts: 1,277 Member
    My 5-1/2 year old has it, we got some cream from the dr that I use on it for any flare up's. I also put moisturizer (aveeno) on her every night.
  • medaglia_06
    medaglia_06 Posts: 282 Member
    The poor little guy :( Have you tried coconut oil too? Not just to eat, but to actually put on the rash? Make sure there is no allergy first!
  • kmjenkins
    kmjenkins Posts: 396 Member
    My seven year old neice has severe food allergies and eczema is one of the primary side effects of most of them. This would be my first guess as to what could be the culprit--take your son to an allergist and have tests done, this will help you to determine what he can/can't eat and should hopefully help clear up the exzema. My sister found that Aquaphor is a pretty good over the counter treatment if you're looking for something to use daily versus a prescribed steroid to help clear it up.
  • NewChristina
    NewChristina Posts: 250 Member
    My first thought was Vitamin D deficiency. Was he breastfed? Anyway, I did a quick search to see if it was possible and found this:

    "Oral vitamin D may help prevent some skin infections

    A study led by researchers at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine suggests that use of oral Vitamin D supplements bolsters production of a protective chemical normally found in the skin, and may help prevent skin infections that are a common result of atopic dermatitis, the most common form of eczema."

    Please don't give him this, but definitely have his D levels checked!! This is more common in the northern states. (I've done a lot of research on Vit D for my melanoma.
  • Justacoffeenut
    Justacoffeenut Posts: 3,808 Member
    bump one of my children suffers from this really bad also
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    Hi everyone,

    Sorry I know this is an adult site but I'm hoping someone out there may be able to help me. My little boy suffers from Chronic Eczema, covered head to toe and tears his skin open during the night through his bandages, it's that bad. I have finally been refered to a child specialist Dermantologist after begging for help, but I'm lost to what I can feed him as I am cutting out dairy and wheat.

    Any Help / advice welcome

    Thank you xx

    Excema is an autoimmune disorder, and those types of conditions are made worse by allergenic foods. Gluten intolerance is also an autoimmune issue. Try not just eliminating dairy and gluten, but a full on elimination diet. You can get an example here: http://support.cleanprogram.com/entries/178431-preparing-for-your-cleanse-with-the-elimination-diet On the can have list is Nuts & Seeds, but as he is a child, I would avoid the Nuts & Seeds list altogether.

    Basically eliminate dairy, wheat, artifical sweeteners and perservatives...anything that could cause a reaction. It may sound drastic, but I did this with my daughter and found that her excema was due to strawberries and nuts. Wouldn't let her have them for a few years, and now she doesn't have any problems at all.
  • Guines9
    Guines9 Posts: 137
    Contact a Christian Science Practitioner. It is the safest and most complete way to receive a permanent healing of that condition.
  • Flab2fitfi
    Flab2fitfi Posts: 1,349 Member
    My son has had severe eczema for the last 7 years. We took him off milk for a while and it cleared up. Thinking it might not be the diary but just him growing out of it we put him back on dairy. It came back with a vengeance and no amount of creams would help. We put him back on a dairy free diet and it made the world of difference. Our doctor tested him for milk intolerance and it came back positive.

    We also use soap nuts instead of washing powder - which has help all of us with our skin.
  • normatus
    normatus Posts: 27 Member
    My now 14 year old daughter has had chronic eczema and allergies since birth. We've done all the creams and allergy medicines. We've finally found a regimen that works. We use natural oils and fats on her skin. Crisco and olive oil work for her. Dove for sensitive skin is her soap and I mix her eczema cream in with her vaseline or shea butter and it works wonders. I try to go the natural route as much as possible. I also make sure she is super hydrated. God bless you. I know this struggle all too well and my prayers go out for you. As a mother it's hard to feel so helpless when your baby is struggling and in pain.
  • NavyKnightAh13
    NavyKnightAh13 Posts: 1,394 Member
    I am 23 and have eczema since I was about 6 months old. For me, stress makes it flare up badly, as well as being outside too much, (mostly because of the pollen) and sometimes being out in the sun for too long. For years they had me on different creams and i hated it. So, I use Cortisone 10 Eczema cream. It takes the itch right out. Sadly, my son has already had a breakout on top of newborn rash before, so sadly I know he will have it the rest of his life.
  • MommyofLily
    MommyofLily Posts: 149 Member
    I think a lot of others have already suggested everything I would, but I'll repeat it. I was suffering from crazy bad eczema a couple years ago, and still suffer if my diet gets out of control, but my hands were so full of blisters and open sores that I developed staphylococcus and could have died if I didn't figure it out and get treated in time. I had an allergy test done that revealed I had several food intolerances that were making me sick and giving me eczema because my body was so inflamed. I had to cut out all red meats, dairy, sunflower seeds/oil, wheat/gluten, brewer's yeast, and soy. It was a huge wake-up call and a really big change in my lifestyle, but when I cut all that crap out, my skin completely cleared up.

    I highly believe in the food allergy/intolerance issues that others have mentioned. Get his food allergies tested by a naturopath preferably as regular doctors sometimes do not believe in food intolerances. I can't tell you how many doctors just gave me disgusting steroid creams, medicines for irritable bowel syndrome, or told me I was perfectly healthy, when in reality, I was slowly killing myself with my diet. I was so bloated, miserable, tired and sick.

    The allergy tests to ask for are called: IgG Food Antibodies, IgE Food Antibodies and IgG Spices (if you think it could be a spice issue).

    Good luck!! I feel so bad for your son. I have gone through times when I wanted to just cut my hands off so I wouldn't have to deal with the pain of eczema.
  • MommyofLily
    MommyofLily Posts: 149 Member
    here's something to think about, and please *discuss with your doctor* before trying.

    It's inexpensive, easy to do and has been studied clinically by researchers, who ended the study early because of the positive results.


    I will discuss this with the Dermatologist and see what she thinks, I must say I have never heard of this before, thank you for sharing x

    Speaking from experience, this is a worthless treatment and will probably do more harm than good. I seriously tried it all. You have to treat the issue from the inside-out. The problem is most likely what he is ingesting with his current diet.
  • amylynn96
    amylynn96 Posts: 114 Member
    Hi everyone,

    Sorry I know this is an adult site but I'm hoping someone out there may be able to help me. My little boy suffers from Chronic Eczema, covered head to toe and tears his skin open during the night through his bandages, it's that bad. I have finally been refered to a child specialist Dermantologist after begging for help, but I'm lost to what I can feed him as I am cutting out dairy and wheat.

    Any Help / advice welcome

    Thank you xx

    sounds like ur talking about my son. hes now six but ever since he was a baby had severe eczema. The whole tearing himself open through bandages been there done that. Hes doing better now possibly growing out of it or just better controlled. Hes allergic to dairy,eggs,nuts and beef along with cats and dogs and all that and has severe asthma (i call him my bubble boy). I never tired any serious diet changes just completly avoided what we knew he was allergic too. Weve seen pediactric Dermatologist and honestly they didnt tell me anything i dont know when its bad its bad, they told me let him soak in a luke warm tub no soaps just enough to absorb the water for 10 minutes and it actually did help along with the perscribed steriods creams and ointments. Some of my worst moments in motherhood is myself crying and being hysterical because i was trying to clip his finger nails to keep them short so he couldnt rip himself open and him screaming bloody murder bc just me touching his hands and them being all tore up he was in pain. It will get better i promise i hope the dermatolgist can help you more than they helped me. I cant offer much advice on the food my son is an extremly picky eater along with being allergic to everything so we live on chicken nuggets and cereal and soy peanut butter.
  • rmsrws
    rmsrws Posts: 639 Member
    My grand daughter has it very bad as well. In her sleep she digs and scratches, wakes up a raw bloody mess.

    We have found she is allergic to pet dander, peanuts and eggs. She does much better is she is not exposed to these irritants. She still breaks out and itches like there is no tomorrow but it has helped.

    We have tried so many lotions and creams prescription and non. Avon sells a product called Skin so Soft. It is a lotion. We have found that lotion seems to work best for her. All the others burn.

    I hope you find some relief for your son!
  • AllyBooMommyof2
    My two year old has really bad exzema on her tummy and back and I hate using the steroid cream but I just ordered a bunch of virgin coconut oil and soaps and lotions funny how that banner is on here now to try on her.