Running advice - very bad joints+previous injuries

Jen_ht Posts: 99 Member
Hi All,

Hoping you can help me - really want to start running again (used to do track and x country when I was younger+bouncier!) but I have a lot of problems with my joints: I had all the cartilage removed from my left knee after two accidents which tore it all up, I have fallen arches in my feet so I severely overpronate when running, and my ligaments have always been ridiculously loose - my party trick is to partially dislocate my shoulder! and because of all of this, my muscles are always tense and stiff from working so freakin' hard to keep my joints in their place! Just wondering if anyone else has worked through things like this to run again, or any advice would be very welcome?

I don't want to competitively run, I just like doing a few km of an evening to beat stress after work.

I currently fence and play a bit of tennis (gently!) My mum is a massage therapist so she has suggested having Bowen Technique to loosen off the muscles, then sports massage to work them back into their place. I'm quite heavy, but don't really look as much as I weigh...wondering if it's my crazy muscle legs??

I'm only 24 and had the first operation on my knee 4 years ago - just feeling so frustrated as I'm like an old lady already, and if I'm not careful my DR said I'll end up with premature arthritis :(


  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Hey, I've not had the op you've had, but I have hypermobile joints - I can dislocate my shoulder and put my legs behind my head. When I was younger I'd sprain my ankle badly at least once a month.

    I'd take the knee under medical advisement - maybe talk to a sports physio who'd have more information about preparing to return after an injury than your GP would.

    For overpronation, go to a specialist running shop that observes or films you running to get fitted with a correct pair of shoes. Combined with your knee, you may need to look at specialist insoles too.

    You might want to ensure you get your technique right form the get-go to minimise the force when you land. Google running gait and look at mid-foot landing, or read about barefoot running techniques. Return to it very, very slowly - even if experienced you might want to consider C25K.

    The one silver lining I can offer is that your lose joints will settle with age - I hardly ever get sprained ankles or joints popping out any more.

    But do please get proper advice about your knee.
  • Jen_ht
    Jen_ht Posts: 99 Member
    Thanks so much for the advice - my fencing club has a recommended sports physio who they go to who's meant to be great so I'll check him out. I'm definitely going to get motion analysis done at a running shop so hopefully I can get decent, correct shoes and might get some advice on my gait too. Glad to know it gets better!!! Thanks again :D