Mediterranean Diet?

I am thinking about starting the Mediterranean diet. I have Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome and Rheumatoid arthritis and this is supposed to help. I am also Greek, so already accustomed to this lifestyle. Any thoughts, reciepes etc?


  • Wade406
    Wade406 Posts: 272 Member
    I did a search on "Mediterranean Diet", and your post came up. I was referred to this diet by my health coach. She thought it was a fit because A) I love wine, B) I exercise a lot, around 3,000 calories burned per week minimum, and C) I love fine cuisine.

    I really like what I see. For me, the adjustments I've had to make are:
    Limit myself to 2 glasses of wine per day. This was a good change that I needed to make anyway.
    Not eat so much beef/pork/lamb. I'm trying to cut down to once per week.
    Eat one day per week vegetarian.
    Eat more fish.
    Eat more nuts.
    Eat more whole grains.

    I'm still working on making all the adjustments. For me, it helps to lay out 3 weeks of menus and just see what they would look like under this diet, and evaluate if it would work or not.

    One modification I've already decided upon is to keep eating my daily breakfast high protein bar. It always keeps my macros where I want them. (50% carbs, 25% protein, 25% fat).

    As far as calories, I think in terms of weekly calories, and I believe I can enjoy food on this diet without problems. Just my $0.02.
  • TheOriginalGinging
    I was looking into this, too because it's close to what I'm already doing and seeing results and feeling much better. It seems balanced, which is most important to me. I'm not eating meat of any kind so I won't be eating fish and rarely drink wine. It makes sense!