Should I buy a bicycle?



  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    Since very few people have addressed my dilemma, let me rephrase:

    I grew up living in a place where you could literally get by owning just a bicycle. That was a long time ago, though. I want to get another one but I'm not sure if I can deal with the hassle involved in transitioning from that to the idea of having to transport your bicycle someplace else before you can get on it and ride (a totally foreign concept to me until I moved here) as well as the idea of not being able to use it for transportation due to the fact that going from one part of the city to another and leaving your general neighborhood is not possible without either public transit or a motor vehicle.

    I would like to hear from people who have seen similar dilemmas: People living in urban areas where you can not viably use a bicycle for commuting or transportation and who have to first transport it out of their neighborhood just to be able to ride it. To you people, did you find that it is worth it?
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    I want a bike so bad. I want to ride from coney island to the george washington bridge with the wind in my hair and the sun on my cheeks!


    Dude, ditto, I SO want a bike!! Not to ride from Coney Island to the George Washington bridge (only because well, I live in Texas), but where I live is SUPER cyclist friendly and it seems like everyone has a bike. I'd love the be able to ride my bike around town like all the cute hipsters do.

    I haven't ridden a bike in like 15 years I don't think, and I have NO idea what kind to get/how much they cost, but bikes are the bomb. Totally get one.

    YESSS I KNOW!!!! at this point im about to buy an $80 one from wal-mart just to have it. Just to go!!
  • TylerJ76
    TylerJ76 Posts: 4,375 Member
    The appropriate number of bikes to own is n+1 where n=the number of bikes you currently own.

    ^^^True Story! You always need another bike!

    I no longer own a car and commute via bicycle EVERYWHERE.

    I am lucky/thankfully that Chicago is a 'freindly' bike city.

    My very problem is that is simply not a possibility for me. The bicycle would be for pleasure only and I would be limited to bicycle-specific routes at things like parks. I would have to transport it from home to a park by bus just in order to ride it. It is not viable to ride on public roads here or to use it to commute because of how commonly you encounter roads that are for motor traffic only--namely bridges and tunnels.

    If you're not willing to put the bike on a bus and ride somewhere, then don't
    Don't get one.

    I see that you are already making excuses as to why you can't ride a bike.
    Anyone can, if they truly want to make the effort..
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    Excuses? No. I am the type of person who weighs the pros and cons of everything before doing it. It is just my nature. I am merely looking to heat from bicycle enthusiasts who live in urban areas where they do not have the option of riding if without first transporting if to a park or someplace else. Things like how frequently they find themselves able to do it, and other factors that clearly someone such as yourself does mot have to worry about. I do not just do anything. I am not spontaneous. Do not mistake being analytical for making excuses.
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