The Final Meltdown 8.5.09

smadag1 Posts: 1,368
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
Mornin all

I finally got a workout in last night (I worked on my C25K )I even stayed under my cals and still no biscuit.

I am having a pissy morning and want to kill half the people I work with because my 2 year old neice can count better than them.

Hope yall are having a better day, hope to get another workout in today:drinker:


  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Hey me too - let's just knock them all out!!!!!!

    I am grumpy because I am so tired from the puppy at night.

    Ate all of my calories yesterday - havent done that in a while - just wasn't satisfied - I made a turkey breast with roasted potatoes and green beans and it just didn't fill me up so I had fruity pebbles for a snack!

    Struggling when I run with my hubby - getting frustrated. Will try a kick boxing class tonight for something different.
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    I took your suggestion on using an english muffin insyead of stopping for a biscuit and making my own breakfast sammies and i am amazed at how many cals I am saving and how much better they taste. Now I have a lot of cals left for the rest of the day.

    Chrissy you rock:drinker:
  • Ileanak
    Ileanak Posts: 343 Member
    Is it Wednesday already?!?!?!

    Where is this week going?

    Ok, so I helped a doc friend out yesterday with a group of teens. He is working with them to acheive weightloss and they meet once a month. As he is my Sat morning weights buddy, I have been showing up to help. Well, yesterday we played "the blob". 2 people start out chasing everyone, as 1 person is caught, they hold hands and continue to try to catch people....thus creating 2 "blobs" running around the field. Well, I did really good at evading the 2 blobs (they kept calling me the gazelle... as in... "get the gazelle!") and I was shifting weight, and sprinting and changing direction alot. Then the two blobs competed against eachother in tug-of-war.... Lots of fun and a great experience for these teems who have had little outside exercise outside.

    I tell you this becasue when i woke up this morning I was SO sore!!!! my lateral flexors and other muscles on the outside of the hips are really aching!!! I was laughing and wincing at the same time as I hobbled to the bathroom.

    Just a freindly reminder that we may run, we may go to the gym and we may lift weights... but as adults, we forget how fun (and challenging) those schoolyard PE games were!

    Have fun today !
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