What the H3LL am I supposed to eat to meet 2500 cals?

I am a little over 300lbs 5'7. I work out 3x a week for 60 minutes each. I am supposed to be taking in 2587 calories a day if I want to lose 1lb a week. This is not just what MFP says, but all the other "calculation" sites.

What am I supposed to eat to equal that many calories and yet not go over on carbs, sugar and sodium?? I can barely get to 1700 a day. If I stay at 1700-1800 a day am I really at risk for starving myself? I would think that risk is low at this point :wink:


  • mydeloo78
    mydeloo78 Posts: 328 Member
    Nuts, avocado, full fat dairy.. all the stuff most of us avoid because its high in calories!
  • Erica27511
    Erica27511 Posts: 490 Member
    Oooooooooooooo I like those ideas... Yum. THANKS!!!!!!!!!! :bigsmile:
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    I promise I don't mean this at all rude - honest question - why are you only trying to lose 1 lb per week? You should be able to safely set your MFP profile for 2 lbs per week as you have a decent amount to lose. I started out at 165 lbs and I was able to successfully lose 2 lbs per week with MFP's guidelines - and that put me at only 1200 calories since I was 165 lbs. If you set yours to 2 lbs per week it should tell you to eat 2087 calories per day. Then if you're a little under that some days (in your 1700-1800 range) fine, and if you're slightly over it on some days fine too, it should all balance out.

    It *is* a good idea to knock down the rate of weightloss when you get closer to your goal. Like when you have something like 15-20 lbs left to lose. Also consider how you have set your activity level. Your activity level on MFP should include your regular daily activities and your job, but not you extra exercise. You should be logging the workouts as you do them and on those days you get the slightly higher calorie goal to account for your workouts.
  • mcarter99
    mcarter99 Posts: 1,666 Member
    I would try to lose at least 2 lbs/week and let my appetite be my guide (for minimums), not some web sites. You are absolutely at no risk of starving OR of damaging your metabolism. The risk for you is in not losing weight. Ignore all the 'eat to lose' baloney floating around here. I doubt even the most conservative doctor would recommend you limit your losses to 1 lb./week. If he did, I'd get another doctor.
  • Erica27511
    Erica27511 Posts: 490 Member
    I promise I don't mean this at all rude - honest question - why are you only trying to lose 1 lb per week? You should be able to safely set your MFP profile for 2 lbs per week as you have a decent amount to lose. I started out at 165 lbs and I was able to successfully lose 2 lbs per week with MFP's guidelines - and that put me at only 1200 calories since I was 165 lbs. If you set yours to 2 lbs per week it should tell you to eat 2087 calories per day. Then if you're a little under that some days (in your 1700-1800 range) fine, and if you're slightly over it on some days fine too, it should all balance out.

    It *is* a good idea to knock down the rate of weightloss when you get closer to your goal. Like when you have something like 15-20 lbs left to lose. Also consider how you have set your activity level. Your activity level on MFP should include your regular daily activities and your job, but not you extra exercise. You should be logging the workouts as you do them and on those days you get the slightly higher calorie goal to account for your workouts.

    I dont think your being rude - no worries :wink:
    I went with 1lb a week as a base, but like i said I never meet the calories they say I should - I have lost 16 lbs in a month and 2 weeks by eating 1700-1800/wk.

    I just put in 2 lbs a week and it dropped it to 2126 a day.

    What spawned this thread was another thread I read about eat more weigh less or something like that and they encourage you to eat all your calories.

    Maybe since I have had success losing the 16lbs, stop beating a dead horse and keep doing what I am doing??
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    I promise I don't mean this at all rude - honest question - why are you only trying to lose 1 lb per week? You should be able to safely set your MFP profile for 2 lbs per week as you have a decent amount to lose. I started out at 165 lbs and I was able to successfully lose 2 lbs per week with MFP's guidelines - and that put me at only 1200 calories since I was 165 lbs. If you set yours to 2 lbs per week it should tell you to eat 2087 calories per day. Then if you're a little under that some days (in your 1700-1800 range) fine, and if you're slightly over it on some days fine too, it should all balance out.

    It *is* a good idea to knock down the rate of weightloss when you get closer to your goal. Like when you have something like 15-20 lbs left to lose. Also consider how you have set your activity level. Your activity level on MFP should include your regular daily activities and your job, but not you extra exercise. You should be logging the workouts as you do them and on those days you get the slightly higher calorie goal to account for your workouts.

    I dont think your being rude - no worries :wink:
    I went with 1lb a week as a base, but like i said I never meet the calories they say I should - I have lost 16 lbs in a month and 2 weeks by eating 1700-1800/wk.

    I just put in 2 lbs a week and it dropped it to 2126 a day.

    What spawned this thread was another thread I read about eat more weigh less or something like that and they encourage you to eat all your calories.

    Maybe since I have had success losing the 16lbs, stop beating a dead horse and keep doing what I am doing??

    Okay, I think I see where you're coming from - I think the whole 'eat more to weigh less' thing is more geared toward people who are eating at a much lower range and afraid to bump it up - like people eating 1200 or even less and bascially netting below their BMR number - that's where some people get concerned that someone might actually be hindering their efforts by not eating enough. That and the fact that a lot of people are really more active than they think and thus MFP's calorie goal for them is lower than it has to be b/c they've incorrectly chosen their activity level - for example I'm a stay-at-home-mom and assumed I must be 'sedentary' other than my workouts, so I had mine set to sedentary maintenance and MFP was suggesting 1580 calories. I was starving! I got a bodymedia fit armband and it's showing me burning 2200-2400 on REST days, and I'm losing weight now eating an average of 2000 calories per day. So for my my MFP goal was too low b/c I had inaccurately gauged my activity level, now I'm not starving or cheating on my food diary any more and still losing weight. :-)

    I think it sounds like what you're doing is working really well so yeah set MFP so it comes closer to what you're actually doing and keep at it. :-) And remember that every time you drop 10 lbs, MFP is going to prompt you to re-evaluate your goals and tweak if needed. Anytime it suggests it, go ahead and do it so you can see where you stand.
  • DBiddle69
    DBiddle69 Posts: 682 Member
    The only thing I have worried about in my program was calories!
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    With the amount you have to lose you can safely lose 2lbs/week. This will give you a caloric intake of 500 cals below what you are getting now for 1lb/week.
  • mcarter99
    mcarter99 Posts: 1,666 Member

    Maybe since I have had success losing the 16lbs, stop beating a dead horse and keep doing what I am doing??

    You're doing great! Keep doing what you're doing.
  • m16shane
    m16shane Posts: 393 Member
    You did something wrong! I just checked your stats in MFP and it says 1640 not 2500.

    That's at 2lbs loss a week.
  • mes1119
    mes1119 Posts: 1,082 Member
    I wish I had that problem.

    Try to not "limit" any foods? everything is fine in moderation if you make sure to watch your macros
  • HeaderAutumn
    HeaderAutumn Posts: 119 Member
    I say dont force it. If you get enough protein, fiber, and nutrients from what you are eating without feeling deprived, then stick with what you are doing and just know that if you have a little bit of a slip, you will be fine
  • KyleB65
    KyleB65 Posts: 1,196 Member
    I promise I don't mean this at all rude - honest question - why are you only trying to lose 1 lb per week? You should be able to safely set your MFP profile for 2 lbs per week as you have a decent amount to lose. I started out at 165 lbs and I was able to successfully lose 2 lbs per week with MFP's guidelines - and that put me at only 1200 calories since I was 165 lbs. If you set yours to 2 lbs per week it should tell you to eat 2087 calories per day. Then if you're a little under that some days (in your 1700-1800 range) fine, and if you're slightly over it on some days fine too, it should all balance out.

    It *is* a good idea to knock down the rate of weightloss when you get closer to your goal. Like when you have something like 15-20 lbs left to lose. Also consider how you have set your activity level. Your activity level on MFP should include your regular daily activities and your job, but not you extra exercise. You should be logging the workouts as you do them and on those days you get the slightly higher calorie goal to account for your workouts.

    Yeah, what she said!

    And, nuts, fruit, yogurt. (Note: I am a fruit fan so my sugar goes over all the time. I have no idea about the good or the bad of this!)
  • LisaKunz
    LisaKunz Posts: 73 Member
    I love raisins & almonds, but I restrict them a bit because of the high calorie content. Also, the low-fat (as opposed to fat-free) greek yogurt has more calories than others. Brick cheese or even string cheese (as opposed to Kraft American singles) is a good choice for you, too...it's got calcium in it. Peanut butter and/or almond butter (on a celery stick or maybe a whole wheat cracker). Also, take a close look at your MFP settings...is your lifestyle setting (active, sedentary, etc) accurate?
  • Valera0466
    Valera0466 Posts: 319 Member
    Check out other peoples food diary's and the recipe section of community. You will get some great ideas of what to eat.
  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member
    Nuts and Legumes are a Great resource for healthy high caloric in take
  • Funsoaps
    Funsoaps Posts: 514 Member
    I feel the same way. But I guess I need to eat more to lose. Yesterday I could barely break 1000 calories, I thought I ate enough, but with my workouts it's like starving. This site helps me realize this stuff.
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    Take a look at my diary (it's public) I eat 2300 a day, and this isn't a problem for me! I could easily go over (yesterday I had 3000!)
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
    I think at first, if you are very heavy, you can set your weight loss goals at 2lbs per week. Just eat sensibly and exercise on a schedule. If you log food/exercise, you will be able to make changes if needed so you can progress. I think you will see progress each week.
  • LisaKunz
    LisaKunz Posts: 73 Member
    You could also come on over to my house... my daughter's graduation party was this last weekend and I've got leftover meatballs, taco dip, cheese, cupcakes, cheesecake, macaroons, angelfood cake, rice krispie bars (we did appetizers & desserts, including a chocolate fountain). I really hate to throw this stuff away because it cost so darn much, but it's really a stumbling block for me this week. :(