Newbie Here! Any Great Advice?

Just wanted to take the time to say Hi and introduce myself. Well, I found out about MFP from a friend on FB and saw her success and raved about this great tool and community for modivation and support....and now I see why. I joined a week ago and I am really love this site....I am so glad I did!

I am 34 yrs. old from the Annapolis/Baltimore area, married for 9 yrs. and have a 5 yr. old son and 17 mo. old twin boys. I have been wanting to lose weight for a while and as the twins get older I realized that I have to spend some time on myself and get healthy. I started a few months ago doing a low carb diet (my brother did really well) and it really helped me not to be so dependant on "carby" food which really helped me, but coming into the summer I didn't want to miss out on all the fresh summer fruits and veggies I love. I knew the low carb lifestyle would not be sustainable for me for a long time. I am starting at 218 (I am 5' 8") and a size 16 and I lost 4 lbs this week! My goal is 165 which I think may be a size 10 for me. I am super excited about this process and glad I found this site.

So, enough about me, do you have any helpful hints, foods you love, or advice you wish you had when you started, etc.........

Thank you in advance!!