Are you from know the Hawkeye state?

Hey all!
Well I tried to start an Iowa thread yesterday..but everyone thought it said here goes again!
It's always neat to have support with those near you and possibly have some team get thought I'd start a thread just for us!
Let me know if you are interested...


  • tracylux
    I live in Davenport, IA. How about you? I'm always looking for a partner or team but haven't really found anybody.
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    I am from Walker, about 25 miles N of Cedar Rapids!! this site is awesome!! GO HAWKS!!
  • NykkieC
    NykkieC Posts: 622 Member
    I'm in Marshalltown, but more of a cyclones fan lol!
  • drnewell1
    I"m living in Indianola, just south of Des Moines. I just joined this site about 1 1/2 weeks ago and I'm loving it so far.
  • tracylux
    So nobody from the Quad Cities yet...Hopefully. I'm glad this topic was started in the hopes of meeting people close by going through the same process! Tracy, in Davenport, IA
  • ccleadbyexample
    Hey all!
    I am in Ankeny..just north of Des Moines. Not to worry Cyclone fans..I was just clarifying for people that thought I was saying Loman?? I root for them when not playing the Hawks!
    What kind of workouts do you guys like to do? How long have you been on here?
    Great to meet you all!!!
  • tracylux
    I like to run and walk for about 5 miles. That's free for me and I can take my black lab Maggie with me. I wish I had a bike so I could mix it up, but alas, no extra money for that. Eventually. I also do ab work and leg strengthening and toning, mostly with videos or free weights. I haven't been as diligent on here as I should have been, but I've been trying for quite a bit since spring to drop about 15 - 20 pounds...
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    hello all ~

    i joined in Jan. was down about 33.2, in May, and have REALLY slacked this summer, but have remained with my Green Team (now the Smokin Hot Green Peppers!) this site helped me the most in realizing how much i over ate. so, i bought a food scale and for a good 2-3 mos, weighed and measured everything i put in my mouth. i also bought a HRM to have a more accurate count of calories burned. i have always been a walker, but in late March i started 'woggin' interval walk/jog and loved it! on a few occasions, i was able to jog a mile straight. :noway: so, this week i have been gettin serious again with eating and i am doing the C25K too. i also have the Leslie Sansone WATP, Tae-Bo, an old Denise Austin stretch and tone tape and a Mia Finnegan weighted ball workout., for variety and do use free wts too. i am still on a mission to lose more wt and get healthier. it truly IS about changing your lifestyle. i have been a yo - yo dieter for almost 13 yrs, and want to lose and maintain once and for all. Looking forward to meeting each of you and sharing this journey. there is a ton of support here! GOOD LUCK! :flowerforyou:
  • happyhealthy3
    Hi IOWA group! I currently live in Chicagoland but travel back to Iowa frequently to see family and will always love Iowa. I am originally from Ft. Madison and went to U of Iowa.

    This site has been incredible for me. I have been successful with WW and Jenny Craig but always gain some or all of it back. In fact, in 2007 I lost 100 lbs with JC but have gained 40 lbs back and I need to, want to do it on my own. I simply want to live life and not feel that I am consumed with dieting. However, I now feel like I am on here all of the time updating my food tracker. Hey, it is working though.

    My last trip to Iowa was just two weeks ago and I helped stimulate the Iowa economy with all of the food that I bought and ate. I will go back in mid September weighing less and eating healthy!
  • ccleadbyexample
    Good morning everyone!
    I noticed when I get up to run it's getting darker and darker..darned that fall coming!:)

    Tracylux: I wish I had a dog to take with me sister has a yellow lab and is moving back from WI so maybe I can take her once in a niece pup! She's a good dog! What all DVD's do you have and do you like them? I love to run..and walk to cross relaxing!

    Kelly: I agree it is a lifestyle..once you make that change it will all fall into place..and if you need ideas we are here! I laughed forever on your "woggin" that's hilarious:laugh: For me it was about finding healthy foods I liked and workouts I you feel that you have that? If not..we'll get you there! What do you feel has made you "slack" as you say this summer?

    Happyhealthy: Always good to see a person who loves Iowa! I think you hit the head on the shouldn't be a's all about eating a balanced just gotta find foods that are good for you that you enjoy! It's going back to the lifestyle thing too..if you are in the same situation and don't change habits..the old ones will just come back! If you need ideas or motivation...let me know!

    Have a happy and healthy day!:bigsmile:
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Hi all! I'm in Des Moines. Currently not looking to LOSE weight. But hoping to get back on the wagon as soon as I have my little one! (Due September 8th). Hope to get to know some of you!:bigsmile:
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    hey folks!

    this is great, not sure there was a thread there going to be an official name??

    casey ~ thanks for the support! i am lookin for some now as my current team is kinda quiet and idle here lately. yes, little changes that Fall is approaching, my fav time of year. i don't really have a problem with my foods, variety. i buy a lot of fruit and some of it goes to waste b/c dh and sons just don't eat enuf! we live 25 miles from our grocer, and right now i only make one trip a week. i would like to experiment more with hummus, tofu, and raw foods. i also would like to find a good EVOO recipe for salad dressing. i am doing well with eating cleaner now. my laziness for this summer, my own fault. i am a bus driver and just out of routine. school starts in less than 2 weeks and my oldest will be back to college and youngest a Sr. i need to make myself a priority, EVERY DAY!!

    have a great day everyone! ** take care of YOU ** :heart:
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    hi and WELCOME kistinbee!! :flowerforyou: how exciting for your soon to be arrival! :heart: i live near Cedar Rapids.
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    My husbands grandparents are in Cedar Rapids and so we visit there! Nice to meet you kelly!
  • tracylux
    Casey - I have these 8 minute videos, like 8 minutes abs and arms, and 8 minutes buns and legs. If you do these, they are crazy! if you try to do all the reps the first time you will hardly walk the next day. I keep saying that I gotta get back into those for training, but I haven't.

    Here's for trying those again! I'm going to go put one in right now.

    Tracy :)
  • tracylux
    I'm in the same boat as Kelly. I am a teacher and have been bad at my routine this summer. I usually lose the most weight in the summer because I have time, but I just don't know where it's gone! So now I'm focused on losing a bit more before school starts and then keeping the training going throughout the school year. I am usually so busy planning and grading that I rarely take the time to workout, but I HAVE to or I gain weight quickly because I love to eat and drink. First, though, I am continuing to be very careful about what goes into me to make sure I lose weight. I can easily maintain once I get into the best lifestyle of working out and generally eating healthy with fruits, vegetables, and lean meats.

    I definitely need a support group to keep me going. i think that is my biggest hindrance this summer. My husband isn't helping at all and last summer I was getting married. One of his friends who fights MMA helped train with me. We ran almost everyday and followed South Beach Diet. I dropped 10 pounds for my wedding and looked great. I've gained all of that back plus some, mostly during the school year and winter.
  • ccleadbyexample
    Good afternoon all,
    Maybe I can start a new thread each week...hmm..a name..any ideas? I am better in the morning..maybe I'll have a good idea then!:tongue:

    Kelly: Wellness is a lifestyle..sounds like your schedule changes with the season..and so too your lifestyle then goes with it..true?? I think we can be a good support system on here!

    Kristin: Welcome...good exciting! Any names..or do you know what it is?:wink:

    Tracy: Yes it sounds much like my comment to Kelly above. Are you able to workout before school so it's done? Good way to get you going and energized for school! What do you mean by your husband doesn't help? Men!:laugh:

    I am a very busy I am pretty good at giving advice on when to work out, quick healthy eating tips, etc...and I learn a lot from others too!:flowerforyou:
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Well...we do not know what we're having. We decided to wait and be surprised! But yes, we have names picked out. It will be Kadence Elizabeth if it's a girl and Aidan Jon if it's a boy. My husband SO badly wants a boy, but he thinks it's a girl. I have no idea what-so-ever! I originally thought it was a boy, but have had numerous dreams that it's a girl. And most people think it's a girl. So...we shall see soon enough! Either way...we want one of we will be thrilled! Healthy is all I ask!
  • tracylux
    Congrats Kristin! How exciting! I love both of those names. My husband and I aren't planning kids for a while, but we started considering names for fun one day :)

    Casey - my husband introduces all these temptations, like drinks and unhealthy snacks that I often fall victim to and have all my life, hence being about 20 pounds over where I'd like to be and have been in the past when I exercised a lot and was younger with better metabolism. I swear, I ate what I wanted and never gained a pound. Then...BAM!

    As far as exercising in the a.m., I get up at 4:45 as it is for my job and commute 50 mintues one way. Unfortunately, I don't feel I could get up any earlier and make it through the day - I teach high schoolers. I need to bring my A-game, and if I don't get enough sleep, the day is terrible! I am thinking about doing a quick workout (tough run on treadmill) in the morning, like 20 - 30 minutes, and then in the evening if my work load and energy level permits, I'll go for a walk outside or try a tape or DVD. It is too dark in the mornings to go outside at that time, but I truly enjoy being in the outdoors.

    I'm trying! It really helps to hear from you and have you give pointers and ask questions about my life! :)
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    hey all ! glad the weekend is almost here!

    tracy ~ i too need a support group here. i do belong to the green team which formed in Jan, and have made some great friends. i would like to be accoutable to an active daily thread, and so far it is great here! my dh and sons, 19 & 17, eat horrible. i provide all that is healthy, they just go for the fat, sugar and carbs..... and yes, they were raised on a bad diet, so me to blame there. what subject do you teach? my son is going to college for secondary history teaching. do you find the treadmill harder to use than compared to outdoor? i do.... why is that?

    casey ~ thanks for your advice and i love what you said that "wellness is a lifestyle"!! yes, i could say that my lifestyle changes with my schedule, and I am the one that allows it. this is where i struggle....the change....bad habits to healthier ones. i belive that change is the only way i will win this battle... i am getting better tho. i am happy today b/c i have lost 4 lbs in a wk, mostly water i am sure.

    krisitn ~ what cute names for your baby! bout a month away ! :happy: