Has Anyone Read Master Your Metabolism



  • I bought the book , read it and have followed it as much as possible. So far I have lost 39 lbs. since 5/11/2009 following her guidelines. I do not diet, I try to eat the whole foods as much as possible and exersice.
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    I bought the book , read it and have followed it as much as possible. So far I have lost 39 lbs. since 5/11/2009 following her guidelines. I do not diet, I try to eat the whole foods as much as possible and exersice.

    That is great! Good for you! :drinker:

    I'm still reading... will read more tonight after my kiddos go to bed! :wink:
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    I finished it last night. Very good read. :drinker: I am a fan of Jillian's no nonsence approach.

    NO Frankenfoods... that is my new favorite quote. No sugar-free, carb-free, fat-free non-foods. I've been pretty diligent about this for the last couple yrs, but always a good reminder! :bigsmile:
  • m2kjenn
    m2kjenn Posts: 1,671 Member
    I'm going to have to get this. I love the frankenfoods designation. Seems like such an easy way to diet buying into all that stuff but when you really look at it a lot is really terrible. Thanks for the recommendation.
  • jocelyne2
    jocelyne2 Posts: 271 Member
    I haven't read the book but i am curious to know what her definition of " frankenfood" is ????
  • beckyi88
    beckyi88 Posts: 604
    I haven't read the book but i am curious to know what her definition of " frankenfood" is ????

    Frankenfood is most of what we eat....chemically altered, genetically engineered....*if it didn't come from the earth or doesn't have a mother, don't eat it!*

    None of what she said was rocket science, but ALL of what she said MAKES SENSE! And she put it in a format that it finally sunk in for me! I loved the book! I am trying so hard to change a lifetime of bad habits and while I probably won't ever get quite as extreme as she is (hello! she's single, I have pets, a husband, 5 kids...a little tougher to do) I am certainly going to strive for improvement. There are sooo many small changes I can make that would make a huge improvement in our overall health. It makes sense to avoid consuming, inhaling,or wearing chemicals as much as possible because we are surronded by so many toxic substances that we can't control. It's time for me to get more pro active and take charge of my health and the health of my family. A life changing read for me! :happy:

  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    I haven't read the book but i am curious to know what her definition of " frankenfood" is ????

    Frankenfood is most of what we eat....chemically altered, genetically engineered....*if it didn't come from the earth or doesn't have a mother, don't eat it!*

    None of what she said was rocket science, but ALL of what she said MAKES SENSE! And she put it in a format that it finally sunk in for me! I loved the book! I am trying so hard to change a lifetime of bad habits and while I probably won't ever get quite as extreme as she is (hello! she's single, I have pets, a husband, 5 kids...a little tougher to do) I am certainly going to strive for improvement. There are sooo many small changes I can make that would make a huge improvement in our overall health. It makes sense to avoid consuming, inhaling,or wearing chemicals as much as possible because we are surronded by so many toxic substances that we can't control. It's time for me to get more pro active and take charge of my health and the health of my family. A life changing read for me! :happy:


    Yep, ITA w/ Becky!! Nothing earth shattering, but the way she says it really hit me too. I can soooo relate to Jillian. When I first lost a good 40# at the beginning of my weight loss journey, most of the *foods* that I ate were processed, low-carb, sugar-free, and void of nutrition!! Now I have in the last 3 years really cut out the *junk* and added in the *real* foods. It's made a big difference for me and the way that I feel. After cutting out aspartame and MSG, I almost eliminated the weekly migraines. (now I rarely get them!!) It's not only been great for weight loss, but great for my health. :bigsmile:
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    I'm going to have to get this. I love the frankenfoods designation. Seems like such an easy way to diet buying into all that stuff but when you really look at it a lot is really terrible. Thanks for the recommendation.

    It's a great read! I read it in 2 nights. I also read her Making the Cut and that was a good one, but mainly for people just looking to get *cut*. She didn't go into as much detail in that one.
  • SusieSonshine
    SusieSonshine Posts: 252 Member
    Why should we not use the microwave?

    There are many reasons that using a microwave is not good, but the main one is that it destroys the nutritional value of the food.

    "In short, microwaves distort the moleclular structure of the foods. They destroy much of the
    nutrients and cause many other problems with the immune system over a period of time. If you
    love your family read this and take the extra couple of minutes to heat the food up the right way."

  • m2kjenn
    m2kjenn Posts: 1,671 Member
    I'm going to have to get this. I love the frankenfoods designation. Seems like such an easy way to diet buying into all that stuff but when you really look at it a lot is really terrible. Thanks for the recommendation.

    It's a great read! I read it in 2 nights. I also read her Making the Cut and that was a good one, but mainly for people just looking to get *cut*. She didn't go into as much detail in that one.

    I bought the book over the weekend and red it in two days as well. It really is good. There is a LOT of information and I'm really waiting for it to sink in. It does inspire me to make some changes but will need to take it slow and make it work with my lifestyle. Would love to hear specific suggestions from people who have made positive changes toward this philosophy!!!
  • TuscanySun
    TuscanySun Posts: 3,608 Member
    I read it and much of it was like a light going on for me. the 1st 4 chapters were a bit scientific for me so it took me a long time to get thru (going back and re-reading...thinking about it etc). but that info was so critical to understand the basis of the plan.

    I too will not be able to afford all the changes she recommends, however, I'm trying little by little to replace the bad things with better things...the info in the book helps me to make better choices.
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member

    I bought the book over the weekend and red it in two days as well. It really is good. There is a LOT of information and I'm really waiting for it to sink in. It does inspire me to make some changes but will need to take it slow and make it work with my lifestyle. Would love to hear specific suggestions from people who have made positive changes toward this philosophy!!!

    It was a great read! I went through it last night again just to highlight some of the really good points.

    I have made a big change towards less processing and more fresh fruits and veggies, but haven't branched out as much towards the organic aspect. I have 3 kiddos so it gets expensive! We do buy our beef from a local farmer (just got our 1/4 mixed quarter this past week so our freezer is stocked!) and my IL's just brought me 20# of fresh blueberries so I freeze them to toss in oatmeal, yogurt, etc. I buy organic cereals and other goods on sale at Kroger or Meijer.

    I'm still working on it! I know that just since cutting out artificial sweeteners in the last couple years I can't believe how much better I feel and hardly any migraines!
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    I read it and much of it was like a light going on for me. the 1st 4 chapters were a bit scientific for me so it took me a long time to get thru (going back and re-reading...thinking about it etc). but that info was so critical to understand the basis of the plan.

    I too will not be able to afford all the changes she recommends, however, I'm trying little by little to replace the bad things with better things...the info in the book helps me to make better choices.

    Little by little is a good way to do it. Like I said in my previous post, I have been working on really *cleaning* up my diet in the last 2 yrs. It's been great for my family too!

    I had to reread some of it also, especially the hormones!!
  • I enjoyed this book very much. the only thing is she wants you to eat bfast, lunch, snack, then dinner. and the examples she gives do not sound filling. I would be starving with one snack!!
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    what bothered me most about the book is that she talks about not using plastics, microwaves etc... but then on biggest loser she goes ahead and peddles ziploc steam bags and the like.
    I'm just tired of her.

    This was the point in the book she started losing me! You cannot preach one thing in your book and another on your tv show just to please your sponsor. I really don't like it when people are not true to what they believe. So which one does she believe her book or what she peddles on tv?:noway:
  • innerhottie
    innerhottie Posts: 163 Member
    As far as saying not to use plastics and such and then peddling them on Biggest Loser... Bob does this as well.
    In his book "Are you Ready" it is always saying not to eat artificial sweetners, yet he is pushing the Extra gum, and the Dannon yogurt every week. It's a job, they have responsibilities to the sponsors, but if you read any of the BL books, you know their stance on certain foods vs. what is pushed on the show. I'm sure they HATE doing that.

    Now the supplement junk... that is a whole other issue for me!
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    I have never read anything by Bob. Shame on both of them then for saying don't do something but then in pursuit of the almighty dollar they compromise their beliefs.
  • toribug
    toribug Posts: 41 Member
    I am reading it now and I agree with a lot of things in the book. But changing takes time and MONEY. Since I started my lifestyle change buying food that is healthy cost a lot of money. And, she tells you to clean out your kitchen and THROW it all away. I can't afford that and thank goodness because we are paycheck to paycheck and I ran out of money and had to crack open the can veggies(YUK!!) this week. I have been trying to buy fresh or frozen. I would like to buy organtic but that does cost more, it's still on my list of lifestyle changes. Getting rid of the mircowave, dont know about that but have you ever stopped to really think about how much stuff we use everyday could cause us to be unhealthy, not just that. EVERYTHING, even the air!! But, I do likle the book for the most part, need to finish it and hopefully lose another 32pounds
  • April0815
    April0815 Posts: 780 Member
    I started thisthread in August when I was reading the book. There is alot of info in it. I think I will read it again to gather some info I may have missed.
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    I like Jillian overall, but the one thing that really kind of stuck in my head and changed my opinion of her was the episode of Biggest Loser earlier this season when she was showing "junk food" vs. healthy food and comparing the nutrition information. She ate a few nachos (loaded nachos like you'd get at a bar) and they were just SO terrible that she had to dramatically spit them out and practically gag on them because they aren't "real food". :huh: I understand the point she was trying to make, but come on! Besides that, I don't think nachos are really *that* terrible in terms of "not real food"- high in calories, absolutely, but tortilla chips, salsa, sour cream, ground beef, all pretty wholesome food- now if she was spitting out Cool Whip that's a different story. Anyhow, just my opinion. I haven't read the book because while I'm sure there is a lot of useful info. in it, I don't want to sift through all the other "extreme" B.S., like the nacho demonstration.
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