Ladies Only PMS Symptoms worsening with weight loss?



  • Ittybitty22
    Ittybitty22 Posts: 48 Member
    glad im not the only one being a woman omg
  • judith3
    judith3 Posts: 296 Member
    Mine have worsened also i thought maybe it was just me
  • Leimaro
    Leimaro Posts: 148 Member
    Oh wow, you ladies just put me on an emotional roller coaster for a minute. I have a bad case of PMS everything except the cramps. Water retention, mood swings, irritability, headaches and some other physical problems are the worse. And, it is common for me to have PMS symptoms for 2 1/2 weeks. That's half of my existing life ! Always had this problem but it's worse now that I am in my 40's.

    After extensive research I realized that overweight, lack of exercise, and certain foods can escalate the problem. So, my whole motivation to lose weight was to take back that half of my life. Now you saying that losing weight can escalate the problem too. Aye yayae! Well, I don't drink caffeine except during one time a month. I drink more than eight glasses of water a day. I take a cocktail of Vitamin E, fish oil with omega3, magnesium and B-6; all said to help ease the symptoms, as well as exercising more and drinking plenty of water. I have done all of this since my last period.

    As of Monday, I can feel PMS sneaking up on me. So, I hope what I am doing will help.

    P.S. I read that Dark Chocolate (over 60%) can help to alleviate symptoms, but chocolate of any kind I'm afraid to eat because I can't just eat one. Caffeine is like a vampire sucking out all of your defenses. I even stopped drinking Green Tea during PMS time. Bummer though, since it helps me relieve a lot of retained water.

    Thanks for posting this question though! Don't know if I helped you any, but you sure have helped me. Looks like I need to do some more research and tweaking!
  • acfkaren
    acfkaren Posts: 60 Member
    I thought I was the only one too! I was hell on earth last week and then it's as if someone flicked a switch and I cried my eyes out and was all weepy and pathetic - in the loo at work...................fortunataly got it under control and my workmates know I can suffer so just turned a blind eye thankfully.

    What we go through eh...............and I have worse symptons to look forward to.....sigh
  • emshair
    emshair Posts: 20 Member
    My PMS is a lot worse this month, I thought I was over doing things, so I haven't been on the exercise bike today, I had been on the bike for a whole hour every day for the last 4 days, I normally do 30-40 mins but upped it to an hour as I felt like I needed it!! but now because i feel like i'm so nervous, frustrated and most of all feeling starving and tired!! in fact I think its feeling hungry that is agitating me more, I normally have sundays and mondays off from exercise but the way I feel i thought i better take an extra day, Its good to know that i'm not alone too.

    I hope i'm better than this next month otherwise I may have a nervous breakdown lol
  • Betrbleave
    Betrbleave Posts: 37
    mine are better. It only lasted for 2 days last time
  • chi18
    chi18 Posts: 95 Member
    I also thought I was the only one! So many women on here post about how they feel SO much better during that time with more exercise. A week ago I was beyond cranky and I described myself to a friend as, "a ravenous she-beast." For dinner the first night I wanted pizza, nachos, french fries, and peanut butter cup ice cream. It was really hard to resist all of that and keep myself on target during those few days because it just felt like there was not enough food on earth - I was so much more hungry than usual. I did wonder if the dieting and not just letting myself fall face-first into an ocean of carbohydrates was contributing to my extra crankiness.