Small adjustments=Big Changes

I just wanted to post because I was proud of myself over something small and I wanted to see what small adjustments you guys were making to equal a big change. Today I got Jimmy John's for lunch which I don't do real often, but it is conveniently close and I forgot my lunch. I got my usual (The Beach Club) and made it an unwich and skipped the mayo. You know what, at first I missed the bread but lunch is over and it was good, filled me up, and I don't feel sick to my stomach after eating it. That's pretty good I took a 700+ calorie sandwich down to a 192 cal. sandwich! I think that making these small adjustments over time and pretty much "re-teaching" myself to eat for good will be helpful to me in the long run!
What small changes are you all making?


  • amolina0810
    amolina0810 Posts: 106 Member
    I completely cut out Ranch dressing. I was soooo addicted to it! I ate it on salads, fries, baked potatoes, chicken, ughh everything! Now I use Salad Spritzer for my salads :( LOL! Not soo bad but I would rather have 30 cals for a dressing than 400+ ... sigh.
  • Rissa9156
    Rissa9156 Posts: 2
    I did the same thing yesterday. We went to McAlisters and instead of the muffeleta I got the Veggie club and a cup of chicken tortillia soup. I had a Fuze juice drink with it & like you I was totally satisfied and pleasantly surprised:smile:
  • mmsilvia
    mmsilvia Posts: 459 Member
    Good for you!!

    I used to drown my salad in dressing. I used to use way more than a normal serving. But, now I have the dressing on the side & dip my fork into the dressing before going into the salad. Every bite gets some dressing and I save lots of calories.

    Turns out a little does go a long way.
  • GirlTuesday
    I really love bread (doesn't everyone), but I've done lunch or a quick dinner like you did today and skipped the bun and found that it wasn't all the big of a deal. Another thing that I switched was using sandwich thins instead of sliced bread.
  • kalkat
    kalkat Posts: 48
    Jimmy John's Unwiches are yummy!!

    I've cut out white flour, white rice and potatoes, and switched to whole grain pitas or sandwich thins and brown rice. Everything is still tasty and I've upped my fiber content. :)
  • kitkatkmt
    kitkatkmt Posts: 178 Member
    Awesome!!! Nice job!!!

    I've switched from traditional bread (70-80 or more per slice) to sandwich thins (100 cals total). I LOVE bread, so I'll eat it nonstop. But I really, really like the sandwich thins! Yum.