
I know this place is focused on diet and exercise, but my smoking habit is seriously getting in the way of the fitness regime I have started today, I've never been more out of breath in my life! So I decided that from tomorrow I will be quitting. Are any of you trying to quit too? I would love some support in this as I guess its going to be the hardest part of my change... can we do it together?


  • sophiathedss
    sophiathedss Posts: 97 Member
    Do it! You is hard. I am on day 7 no smoking. I have quit at least 10 times in the past and even being diagnosed with COPD at a young age according to my lung doctor, I still smoked.

    Here's what I have posted everywhere to read every day!

    "People who love themselves DON'T put poison in their bodies"

    Your breathing will get better, your energy will come back ( unbelievably so) and your skin will change for the better.

    I had to pick a date and quit. You can do this! It is so worth it. I am not an annoying ex smoker, but smoking will kill most of us eventually...that's the reality.

    best of luck and warm wishes for your success!

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • Becka_D89
    Becka_D89 Posts: 60
    I quit once when i had my lil boy, but 4 days after he was born I was involved in a highly stressful and horrible incident with an in-law and was back on the smokes again, I'm determined this time, and I'm sure that with support I can do it this time. for good :)
  • samasche1
    samasche1 Posts: 64 Member
    You can do it! I quit cold turkey almost three years ago & will be glad to help encourage kicking the habit! The first few weeks are the toughest...just think of how bad it is for you and substitute another way to relieve stress!! I PROMISE you it will be worth it months from now when you can breathe easy and stand proud :smile:
  • gomisskellygo
    gomisskellygo Posts: 635 Member
    I am on month 4. I am so happy I finally quit. I was a pack and a half a day smoker.

    I quit with the patch.

    Good Luck..It will happen when you are ready. This was my 1,110,256,545,487,987th time quitting! lol
  • charper76
    charper76 Posts: 2
    You can totally do this, and so can I. I have been attempting to quit for a while now, but I always found a stupiid excuse to light up again. I even did this morning. I went so far as to go buy a pack of cigs so I could poop (TMI, sorry). I smoked about 4 and was so thouroughly disgusted with myself that i started crying. At that moment I knew I was done. I got up, destroyed what was left, threw out my lighter, and was DONE. I am getting married in less than 2 months, and while Ihave fear of gaining weight, smoking is not worth its high price. I also downloaded an app called MyLastCigarette. Boy is it useful! Smoking is a serious addiction. One day at a time, and the days will become easier.
  • squirrleydoodle
    squirrleydoodle Posts: 58 Member
    :smile: I just quit smoking almost 3 weeks ago and with dieting it makes it even tougher! but you can do it! you just need to keep your self busy with other things! Everytime I think i want either a cig or some mindless snacking i've been doing 10 jumping jacks. that helps with getting in some extra exercise and with curbing the snacktime impulses (mostly bc i hate jumping jacks lol). good luck!!!!
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    I used a magic pill to quite my 1-2 pack a day habit of 17 years. I'm not kidding, as far as I'm concerned Chantix is magic. 1 week on it and I didn't want a cigarette anymore. After 3 months on it I stopped taking it and have been smoke-free for 13 months. Not even a single drag when out with friends...nothing. Every now and then I think about a cigarette, it lasts for about 2 seconds and then I remember I don't smoke anymore. That's it!

    Chantix is not cheap, but it's about the same price as a pack a day habit.

    Good luck you can do it!

    BTW, I quite smoking and started my diet/exercise change on the same day. It can be done.

  • nil8r
    nil8r Posts: 45 Member
    Good luck on your quest for better health. I was never a heavy smoker to begin with, but I finally stopped by switching to electronic cigarettes.

    I bought them for convenience when lighting up wasn't an option, not to actually quit smoking.

    How did I do it then?

    I just stopped purchasing packs of smokes and used only e-cig cartridges, each one w/ less nicotine until I was using water vapor only. I keep the fake cigarettes for times when I know I'll be around lots of smokers as an alternative to giving in to a real cig.
  • DianneOfTheMoon
    DianneOfTheMoon Posts: 209 Member
    My last cigarette was 1.23.12, it was without a doubt the hardest thing I have ever done. I smoked 1.5 packs per day for about 12 years, I used Chantix to quit, which due to the nausea from that I had to get Zofran for, but I ended up only needing the Chantix for about 6 weeks. I never thought i would be able to stop smoking, I always thought, "I'm just a smoker, I will end up smoking for the rest of my life." I had never been successful with qutting before for more than a couple of days, and let me tell you I feel incredible! The pride that you feel from knowing that you are in control of your body and mind is the most uplifting thing! I started working out a lot more in the intial weeks/months of trying to quit so that I would not be tempted to go back to smoking. I also bought an electronic cigarette that I would use if I was drinking and having a craving that I couldn't control. I don't even remember the last time I used that. I also decided to quit drinking while I'm doing this weight loss challenge. :) Anyway, I wish you the best of luck in quitting, feel free to add me and I would love to assist in supporting you on your way to a better, healthier life! I also do not crave or miss cigarettes, if I do think about a cigarette it literally lasts for seconds and then is completely gone.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    dont think of it as the hardest thing you will ever do....think of it as the best thing you will ever do (which it is) and stay positive...when the cravings hit...and they will...welcome them because it is your body healing...stay positive...start appreciating how you and your hair and your clothes dont stink of stale cigarette smoke will be saving cash!

    its a win win
  • Becka_D89
    Becka_D89 Posts: 60
    Thankyou all so much for the encouragement. Tomorrow is the day. No more cigarettes. I CAN do it!
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    Thankyou all so much for the encouragement. Tomorrow is the day. No more cigarettes. I CAN do it!

    you certainly can!

    tomorrow you will be busy washing all those cigarette stinky clothes and drinking cold ice water and stretching and doing deep breaths and taking a hot bath or shower...its all good!
  • efranftw
    efranftw Posts: 3
    Reading your responses throughout this thread reminded me of this article

    Ever have those days, weeks, months and years where it feels like your life just attracts the worst calamities that are never your fault and there's nothing you can do to mitigate them? Yeah, I was there. Hell, I still am. There are precious few things in this world that I can control. If I let them slip through my fingers, then everyone around and I will all know that it was too much for me. I was tired of letting the calamities win, so I kicked them out of my sphere of influence.

    Rock on.
  • kls13la
    kls13la Posts: 377 Member
    You can do it! I smoked my last cigarette on March 22, and I feel amazing now. I did it cold turkey, and for me, that was the only way. I'd smoked for almost 20 years and tried to quit many times. This time it stuck. (Unfortunately, I gained some pounds in the process, hence why I''m here.) Quitting smoking has made such a difference in my cardio workouts.

    What helped me the most was:

    (1) Thinking about all the money I was saving. Each morning I put the cost of a pack of cigarettes into a jar. (I was a pack a day smoker.) Do you know how much is in that jar now? $770! (They are $10 a pack in Chicago.) Thinking about how much I have wasted on cigarettes is enough to make me sick. I'm going to buy myself something great with that money eventually. It's like free money.

    (2) Thinking about how free I was going to be. Everything about smoking makes you a prisoner. You are constantly thinking about when you can have your next cigarette, will there be a smoking area, what if the flight is delayed, will anyone notice if I sneak out of here for a minute, dare I face the blizzard/rain to get my nicotine fix, can I smoke in the car, etc. It's so freeing to not have to worry about any of that anymore. When you see people outside smoking, don't think "I wish I could be smoking with them"; instead, think "I feel sorry for them!"

    (3) You and your clothes will no longer smell like crap! (LOL)

    The first three days are miserable dealing with the nicotine getting out of your system. After that it is all mental, although it feels physical. Your body will be trying to tell you how bad it wants that nicotine. Tell it no! Eat a carrot stick. (I was ravenous during the first month that I quit smoking; I also craved beer. It was really strange.) Do what you have to do to not smoke. Each day you make it without smoking is one more day toward your goal of never smoking again. The cravings will pass. At first, you will be thinking about smoking constantly and how wonderful it would be to light up after dinner. Just say no. Don't do it! I never even think about it anymore. I never thought I would hit this point.

    Feel free to add me, if you want. I am happy to support anyone trying to quit smoking. I know how hard it is!
  • bm99
    bm99 Posts: 597 Member
    My last cigarette was May 2.

    My advise to you is keep at it! If you have to quit smoking once a week every week for the next decade, it's worth it lol
  • tobykang
    tobykang Posts: 24
    Year 5 of being nicotine free!

    You can do it...I tried the patches/gum. I eventually ate a little more when I quit but was able to breath easily and didn't get as sick.

    If it helps any, try to wrie down when you have the urges and what you'll replace the urge to smoke with ? Just a suggestion...

    You can do it!!!!
  • Anastacia1119
    Anastacia1119 Posts: 157 Member
    My last one was 1/3/11. You can do it! For me, I just needed to stop. So I quit cold turkey. I know that won't work for everyone. So, you need to do what works for you. But, you CAN stay smoke free and get healthy! :) I also did what another poster did. I saved the money I would spend on them. Soon enough I had a down payment for a new car!