Balance out going over on sodium??

JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member
:grumble: I love my chinese food but the sodium is killer!! How can I "balance" the sodium I'm eating today? I don't want the dreaded water-weight. Should I just up the water intake & hope for the best?? And how much water would I need to balance out the 755 :grumble: Mg I went over? Will I sweat out a good portion of it during my shred workout or drink more b/c of the shred workout? I'm so confused. :indifferent:


  • pkgirrl
    pkgirrl Posts: 587
    I don't know the exact math, and I'm not really an expert, but I do know a lot of running clinics advise people to "check their sweat" You can tell if you're a salty sweater by smelling your skin once it starts to dry, not your underarms, but an other area where you get really sweaty. If it smells a lot like salt, you probably are a really heavy salt sweater, in whihc case you'll be fine. If not, maybe just keep pounding back the H2O?
  • anony999
    anony999 Posts: 112 Member
    No real way to balance it, since you'd then be adding calories to counteract. Best thing to do is keep drinking water to flush it out, and try to increase your potassium intake a bit (vegetables and fruits are great sources, in general).
  • kangri
    kangri Posts: 2
    Water, fitness and potassium. Low soduim salt as well. As long as your not being a couch potatoe you should be fine.
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    I've heard that there are benefits to drinking warm lemon water to "counter-act" a high sodium intake. I'm not sure how true it is, or how exactly it works, but lemon water is good for you anyhow, for a number of reasons, so I'm sure it can't hurt! :wink:
  • Wecandothis
    Wecandothis Posts: 1,083 Member
    Kangri and hobgadlng are right. I would not recommend a potassium supplement unless your doctor ordered it - but eating it in veggies is great!
  • JStarnes
    JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member
    It's just today I went over I normally don't go over THAT much - but today I had chinese & it sent me over (I already logged what I'm having for dinner). I'll down more water to help flush it out - thanks for the help! And I'd like to think I'm not a couch potato :laugh: but it would be lovely to sit on my couch all day watching Maury...ahhh the days of being prego....:tongue: