How do you deal with a buffet on a diet?

It is coming towards the end of my school year and me and a few of my friends were thinking of going to this buffet place. How do you deal with eating when a buffet style is on the menu? Weddings, resturants, picnics and other events?


  • caitychu
    caitychu Posts: 39
    Stick with salads and rice and stay away from high carbs! Keep track of your calories with the MFP iPhone app. Don't let the buffet trick you into thinking you're still hungry! Eat slowly so your stomach has time to realize it's full when it actually is.
  • StayMe
    StayMe Posts: 12 Member
    2 ways I go about the buffet {if I can not avoid them all together}

    1. Pick and choose the most healthy stuff. @ wedding have small piece of cake and nuts (no mints)
    2. Keep your calories super low for the rest of the day, so you balance out at the end of day.
  • callikia
    callikia Posts: 226 Member
    I try to fill most of my plate with the healthiest veggies and fruits I can find, and then have just a few things I enjoy that might not be considered the "healthiest" so I don't feel deprived.
    Of course, it's best to avoid them altogether, but that's not always possible.
  • Lula16
    Lula16 Posts: 628 Member
    I say fill up on the healthy stuff first, salad, grilled veggies, and then have a bite of cake or anything else you want to taste...notice i said "taste" only!
  • belgerian
    belgerian Posts: 1,059 Member
    I avoid buffets at all costs. But they usually have some baked fish, grilled chicken and some other reasonably better food. But I do love the chinese buffet thats the one I really have to stay away. Have to run a ultramarathon to burn those calories off.
  • Mercenary1914
    Mercenary1914 Posts: 1,087 Member
  • boggsmeister
    boggsmeister Posts: 292 Member
    Lean meats and veggies. Stay away from the carbs. You can eat waaay to many carbs before you feel full or satisfied.

    Either that or just eat how you want. If it's just one day it won't make the slightest bit of difference. You aren't in prison here, you are just trying to take better control of your food. Occasional celebratory feasting is a human tradition as old as society.

    Whatever you choose, don't stress out.
  • debbgame
    debbgame Posts: 3 Member
    Stick to the lean meats and veggies! My husband and I go to mongolian grills occasionally and I load up with the leanest meats, seafood and veggies, I stay away from rice and noodles all together!
  • cherbapp
    cherbapp Posts: 322
    I use a cake plate (tiny paper plate if available)...and take a tiny bit of everything I love.

    I can't say no, but I can say LESS PLEASE. :)
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    Stick with salads and rice and stay away from high carbs! Keep track of your calories with the MFP iPhone app. Don't let the buffet trick you into thinking you're still hungry! Eat slowly so your stomach has time to realize it's full when it actually is.

    To the OP. Create a calorie deficit earlier in the day. Have a hard workout or intense cardio sessions (sprints). Stick to lean protein and veggies prior to the buffet.

    At the buffet, eat whatever you want in moderation.
  • TexanThom
    TexanThom Posts: 778
    Sit down before you load up a plate and drink a full glass of water. Stay away from fried and heavy sauced foods. Lots of salad, light on the dressing.
  • PrncessBre
    PrncessBre Posts: 444 Member
    I use a cake plate (tiny paper plate if available)...and take a tiny bit of everything I love.

    I can't say no, but I can say LESS PLEASE. :)

    Thats actually a really good idea. Im gonna try that :smile:
  • Kissybiz
    Kissybiz Posts: 361 Member
    Stick with salads and rice and stay away from high carbs! Keep track of your calories with the MFP iPhone app. Don't let the buffet trick you into thinking you're still hungry! Eat slowly so your stomach has time to realize it's full when it actually is.

    To the OP. Create a calorie deficit earlier in the day. Have a hard workout or intense cardio sessions (sprints). Stick to lean protein and veggies prior to the buffet.

    At the buffet, eat whatever you want in moderation.

    ^^^ this
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    This is how I fealt with my trip last friday

    I went. I ate whatever I wanted. I did NOT tried to keep my butt away and healthy. I eat decently good throughout the week and I allow myself a spike day.

    I got home, worked out those extra calories. Called it a day. I was over my calories a bit but I was still way below maintanance and I get to enjoy the yummy Indian buffet
  • Leiki
    Leiki Posts: 526 Member
    I exercise either before or after.

    I eat the same amount I used to eat before my diet.

    I eat whatever I want.

    I eat light for the rest of the day, and sometimes I'm not hungry the next day, so I eat light the next day, as well.
  • surfteam1689
    surfteam1689 Posts: 73 Member
    1) Eat anything that is raw.
    2) No sugars.
    3) No breads.
    4) Nothing fried.
    5) Yogurts for dessert.
    6) Go for a long, long walk afterwards with all your friends.


    JUST DON'T GO TO A BUFFET!!! Go somewhere that has portion control. :-)
  • IronPlayground
    IronPlayground Posts: 1,594 Member
    I attack that thing with reckless abandon!
  • mermx
    mermx Posts: 976
    As others have said stick to salad stuff.....easier said than done! Lot`s of tasty treats there on that buffet.

    If there is chicken/some type of meat then go for it (not toooooo much lol)

    Stay away from sweet are sweet enough!

    Take a little (tiny) treat now and again you can work it off tomorrow and the next day/next day/next day

    Hope you have a good time x
  • Mercenary1914
    Mercenary1914 Posts: 1,087 Member
    I attack that thing with reckless abandon!

    Heck yea!
  • sensualmess
    sensualmess Posts: 47 Member
    The most important thing is to enjoy the food! You should have a day one in a while that you eat anything you want...
    Pick healthy choices, and try to stick to it.. :) no cakes, or anything... there are healthy options in buffets, so it won't be that hard to do. The other thing that others are suggesting, exercise before or after. I usually exercise before as when you are fuller you are less likely to workout.. :P