Has anyone heard of or is taking Victoza?

I'm curious to know about this because from what I know its fairly new on the market. I went to my doctor today and we were discussing my weight issue and got talking about diabetes. About a year ago my previous doctor told me that I was borderline pre diabetic but nothing to be overly worried about because I had started losing some weight. So now a year and a half later, I've gained pretty much most of that weight back and have been finding it hard to lose the weight.

So, he brought up this drug, Victoza. It's an injection I'd have to take once a day and it will help make me feel full faster and also curb my appetite. It also controls the rate the insulin is secreted from my pancreas into my body. He says it will help me lost weight and at the same time help control my blood sugars. I've never been a fan of medications but was wondering if any of you have heard, taken or know someone who's taken Victoza. I've done a bit of research and have seen mostly good reviews about it but some bad side effects as well.

Any info would be very much appreciated. I go for blood work Friday and will know next week what the real deal is.
Thanks in advance!


  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    Interesting. This is a diabetic drug, not a weight loss drug. One of the side effects is weight loss. They prescribed it to my dad for his diabetes. He's very slightly overweight (at most 20 lbs on his 5'8" frame). It did not control his diabetes, nor did he lose any weight on it!
  • leslconst
    leslconst Posts: 5
    I took it in Apr of 2010. I was feeling pretty good and had lsot some weight. But about a week after starting it I startd having some major stomach problems. So bad that I started passing blood and ended up in the hospital. Well needless to say I stopped taking it then. I still have the intestinal issues that I believe was caused by that. I was on a website and saw that a few people on there had stomach issues with it. All I can suggest is to try it and see how it does for you. It might work for you. I dont want to discourage you from trying anything that will help with our goals. But just keep track of any issues you start having and see if that is a side effect of it. Good Luck. Oh and during that week or so I took it I had lost 10lbs.
  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member

    As with any medication, if you use it right, it might help. If you dont, it wont.
  • arcticbutterfly
    arcticbutterfly Posts: 24 Member
    Im starting this week, Im nervous and exited! How is it working for you?
  • Jewels_Ka
    Jewels_Ka Posts: 67 Member
    On April 2, 2009, an FDA advisory panel reviewed the significance of malignant C-cell carcinoma and thyroid C-cell focal hyperplasia in rats and mice. Some say the tumors were caused by a nongenotoxic, specific receptor-mediated mechanism to which rodents are particularly sensitive, whereas nonhuman primates and humans are not.
    The Victoza label carries a Black Box Warning:

    “ Because of the uncertain relevance of the rodent thyroid C-cell tumor findings to humans, prescribe Victoza only to patients for whom the potential benefits are considered to outweigh the potential risk.”

    The FDA said serum calcitonin, a biomarker of medulliary thyroid cancer, was slightly increased in liraglutide patients, but still within normal ranges, and it required ongoing monitoring for 15 years in a cancer registry.
    Novo Nordisk has reminded healthcare professionals of the serious risks associated with the use of Victoza. Liraglutide causes dose-dependent and treatment-duration-dependent thyroid C-cell tumors in rats and mice. It is unknown whether Victoza causes thyroid C-cell tumors, including medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC), in humans.[11]

    This is the post from wikipidia. Simple serch. I must say that i am not diabetic but any medication that carries that on their box would not be considered. I am sure you can loose the weight. I know it hard, but you can! You have done it again. Small goals and small steps...you will get there
  • Bestshot
    Bestshot Posts: 3 Member
    I'm obese and have Type 2 diabetes. My doctor prescribed Victoza for me about 18 months ago. I started with a small dose (0.6mg) to see how I tolerated it. The first 2 days I had spells of mild nausea and a definite reduction in appetite. At the end of one week it was increased to 1.2mg and after 1 month I was able to reduce my diabetic medication by half. At 6 months I felt I had reached a plateau and asked to have it increased to the maximum daily dose of 1.8mg. Of course I did frequent tests of my blood glucose, just as I had done with any change in medication or diet.

    I did not increase my daily exercise until 6 weeks ago and at my last appointment, yesterday, I had lost 20 pounds in 18 months. I can only think that the effect Victoza had on my appetite was responsible for much of my weight loss. Now that I'm exercising more and have increased the rate of my weight loss I plan to scale back on Victoza and all my other weight-related medications. With the guidance of my doctor, of course.

    As with any medication, there are potential side effects and every human body is different. I am not advising you to take Victoza or any other medication. I am simply relating my personal experience to you. I did a great deal of research and also asked the advice of my diabetic counselor (an RN and Registered Dietician) before I agreed to take Victoza. I am glad I have been taking it and look forward to stopping it entirely.

    I hope this information is helpful to you and I wish you the best of health.
  • Razyb
    Razyb Posts: 4 Member
    I'm obese and have Type 2 diabetes. My doctor prescribed Victoza for me about 18 months ago. I started with a small dose (0.6mg) to see how I tolerated it. The first 2 days I had spells of mild nausea and a definite reduction in appetite. At the end of one week it was increased to 1.2mg and after 1 month I was able to reduce my diabetic medication by half. At 6 months I felt I had reached a plateau and asked to have it increased to the maximum daily dose of 1.8mg. Of course I did frequent tests of my blood glucose, just as I had done with any change in medication or diet.

    I did not increase my daily exercise until 6 weeks ago and at my last appointment, yesterday, I had lost 20 pounds in 18 months. I can only think that the effect Victoza had on my appetite was responsible for much of my weight loss. Now that I'm exercising more and have increased the rate of my weight loss I plan to scale back on Victoza and all my other weight-related medications. With the guidance of my doctor, of course.

    As with any medication, there are potential side effects and every human body is different. I am not advising you to take Victoza or any other medication. I am simply relating my personal experience to you. I did a great deal of research and also asked the advice of my diabetic counselor (an RN and Registered Dietician) before I agreed to take Victoza. I am glad I have been taking it and look forward to stopping it entirely.

    I hope this information is helpful to you and I wish you the best of health.


    I'm diabetic type 2 and have been morbidly obese (5'1 140KG (300+lbs?) for a couple of years now. I started making simple lifestyle changes 8 weeks ago (progressing to more "hardcore" lol) and have so far dropped 20+ KGs Of course this beginning is probably a lot of water-weight or something I guess.

    My doctor took me off my usual disabetes meds (metformin) so I'm now on my 3rd day stabbing myself lol

    I appreciate the postings here."forewarned is forearmed" 'n all that :)