Setting a goal and achieving it

I have decided to set a pretty big short term goal and work my butt off, literally, to achieve it. In a little over a month, I will be attending my 5 year class reunion. I have gained all my weight within those 5 years, I know I will not reach my long term goal of weighing 135 by then. That is not healthy or realistic. I just want to lose at least 20 lbs. I would be happy with that. I am serious about this. I do not want to be the one everyone whispers about "did you see how big she got". I have stratigically avoided people I went to school with (aside from my friends) because I am embarassed about my weight. But I will be attending and will look fabulous! I am super motivated and determined. I can't wait to shock everyone :) I will keep everyone updated on my progress! Thanks for the support!