RUNNERS: come here!



  • Il_DaniD_lI
    Il_DaniD_lI Posts: 1,593 Member
    My typical mile is 10 mins but can do 9 1/2 mins too.

    ETA: running since January this year.
  • MissMollieD
    MissMollieD Posts: 130
    I've been running for like 4 or 5 years and the first mile sucks every single time. Whether I'm running 2 miles or 9 miles. The first mile sucks and it's all I can do not to just turn around and go home. :o)

    My top speed in a 5K is 8:23/mile. My average is about 9:30/mile on just a lazy Saturday run.
  • Runnermadre
    Runnermadre Posts: 267 Member
    I just recently had a baby (a week ago), so I've been out of commission since sometime in September, but I can't wait to get back to it. When I was running all the time, a typical easy run for me was between 9:30 and 10 min/mile. My race times were closer to 8:30-9 min/mile. For me, it took a long time to start enjoying it. I always said I wasn't a runner, but decided to give it a go, and I dreaded every minute of it for the first 2-3 months. I remember gradually beginning to look forward to my runs and enjoying how I felt while doing them after that. That's when it first hit me, "I must be a runner now." So, yes, it gets easier and more enjoyable, but it takes time. :-)
  • BamaBreezeNSaltAire
    BamaBreezeNSaltAire Posts: 966 Member
    I've been running since 6th grade and I;m 38 now. Unfortunately I've gone from running just less than a 6 minute mile to about a 10 minute mile pushing a 25 pound 1 year old in a jogging stroller. Have no idea what I can do when she's not attached to me! Just keep at it and I'd have to think yes we all have feelings at some point of quitting but pushing through empowers me even more!!!! Pound the pavement, it's freedom on foot! :-)
  • redtim22
    redtim22 Posts: 144
    Also if you run on a treadmill what I do is put a towel over the time and speed and miles it helps for me to not stop when ive reached a certain number whether it be time miles calories burned. I just go until im tired and then I know Im done!
  • underw64
    underw64 Posts: 26 Member
    I'm still wondering when it gets easier and I've been told time and time again...with time it will eventually. I finished C25K a week or two ago and run about a 13 minute mile at a 5K distance. And that's my limit right now - 5K. By the end of that, I'm dying LOL. My average HR for that kind of run is around 171, with the max hitting the low 190's.

    It will get better for all of you! When I first started running 2-3 years ago, I could barely run for a minute without having to stop and walk. Now I can run up to 5 or 6 miles with minimal breaks, averaging 10:30 miles. My 5k pace is 9:15 - I never thought I was getting faster until I actually ran a race.

    I still hate the first 10 minutes or so - it's the easiest time to stop and say "nevermind!" I am also really sore after longer runs still - I'm waiting for that to stop but I'm not sure it will :tongue: I've been dealing with foot issues for a year or so now, but the doctor said to just keep running so that's what I've been doing.

    There will come a point that if you run consistently enough, your body will beg for it. If there have been a few days since I last ran, my legs will get twitchy and I won't be able to sleep well at night. I am confident that if you believe in yourself, you can do anything - so believe that you will become a great runner, and a great runner you shall become :drinker:
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    I really started running mid March. I run 2-3 times a week for 2 1/2-4 miles. I am a snail and am running an 11 minute mile. I used to hate the first 5 minutes of running, but now I don't get that feeling any more. Not sure why.
  • sweetheart03622
    sweetheart03622 Posts: 928 Member
    I'm a slower runner, my 5K miles are about 10 mins but my half marathon miles are about 13:15. Yes, the feels do go away for the most part but I still have days when I keep thinking about how much this running stuff sucks lol
  • Starzy696
    Starzy696 Posts: 133 Member
    Normally for a 5K, I average a 10 minute mile. If I am just running for a mile, I try to shoot for an 8 minute mile (like going for a quick run at lunch for a mile or whatever).
  • poshcouture
    poshcouture Posts: 610
    Great advice from you all!

    I just started seriously running a couple weeks ago and let me tell you I'm completely hooked...well after the shins stopped throbbing! LOL I've yet to run non-stop but my running partner keeps me going and pushes me further and further. And the feeling after completing my workout is amazing - it's almost like a rush! Hopefully I'll be ready for a 5K by fall!
  • anthemsinger
    I'm at a 14 minute mile (or so)...I've been running on and off for the last 14 years but I stepped it up this year to do a duathalon in September (run/bike/run). I'm an idiot because I've never run (or biked) any race in my life, but I needed the challenge this year. No, that feeling never goes away in the first 10 minutes...there's always something that can keep you from running, but if you push past that -- you are good to go!
  • rebecky27
    rebecky27 Posts: 842 Member
    Thank you for posting this...I'm struggling with similar thoughts. I started C25K in February, but currently on Week
    I didn't like to move on to the next week until I jogged the whole run sequence without stopping.

    Now that all the run sequences are straight 25 mins, I just keep going...but I haven't made it through a whole 25 min sequence yet to not slow down and walk a portion (or portions) of it. Just a few weeks ago, I got a new doctor and he put me on an inhaler because of a cough that developed shortly after starting C25K and hung on for almost 2 months. The cough has gone away now, and I noticed I'm not breathing as hard as I used to...not sure if it's the inhaler or just lungs got stronger...but my distance has improved the last few weeks. I can finally get over 2 miles in every C25K session I do now.

    I noticed that most posters say that the stiffness goes away after the 1st mile, but I'm having the opposite problem. I'm feeling pretty good and start to feel stiff and pangs of pain after ther 1st mile.
  • BetterMike
    BetterMike Posts: 131 Member
    So I started running as an exercise in the middle of April. I pretty much run 2 miles per run about 4 times a week with a pace of 8-8:30 per mile now. Ran a 5k about 3 weeks ago at 26:02 even though I hadn't run that far in the daily running.

    All that said, even with only running 2 miles the first mile is still hard! Like you, I am hoping that will change so that my normal run is more in the 3 to 4 mile range.
  • slm0257
    slm0257 Posts: 77 Member
    This makes me feel so much better. I started C25K and got to about week 6 or so and then just started running and not really using the app. I made it 2 miles on my best run ever. Now I struggle with a mile. Guess its nice to know that the first mile is hard for most everyone. Maybe I just need to push past that and keep going! The humidity is really proving to be hard on me too. My first 5K is in 2 weeks and I'm pretty sure I'm not going to be able to run the whole thing like I had hoped (unless some miracle happens between now and then!).
  • TKHappy
    TKHappy Posts: 659 Member
    I started seriously running in Jan. of this year and still that first mile is a bummer, the first 2 for me actually!! I find I get spurts of energy at the 4th mile, the 6th and the 8th! I just ran my first 10k trail run...lots of hills and I had a pace of 11:28...I was the turtle in that race! :) Usually distance doesn't affect my time...I will range between 9:30 - 10:30 on a flat surface! When I started though I was at there was improvement!!
  • reggie2run
    reggie2run Posts: 477 Member
    I've been running for about 5 years. And like the others have said, it does get easier but you have good and bad days.
    But I love it; the awesome feeling you get when you run is like no other.
    I usually run about a 12:20 mile. Not a fast runner, but at least I'm out there.
    Keep at it and enjoy!!
  • kevin3344
    kevin3344 Posts: 702 Member
    I'm 45, ran track in h.s. and gave it up til about 8 years ago. I started doing 5k's and 10k's, then my first half-marathon last year and first full this year. My most recent half a few weeks ago was 1:45 (about 8 min per mile) but my fastest time was an 8k at 39:24 (about 7:50). I train between 8-9 min per mile. My next goal is to get my half-marathon time in the 1:30s (1:37-1:39 would be great!).
  • jojo52610
    jojo52610 Posts: 692 Member
    I've been running for about 2 years when I started I could barely make a mile, and then I was doing a 15 minute mile.
    I was doing an 11 minute mile on a 5k run. I broke my patella last December so starting back up I back up to a 13 minute mile and I can just about keep up that pace for a little over 2 miles before I'm in pain.

    The fact that I can even run thrills me
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    I'm still wondering when it gets easier and I've been told time and time again...with time it will eventually. I finished C25K a week or two ago and run about a 13 minute mile at a 5K distance. And that's my limit right now - 5K. By the end of that, I'm dying LOL. My average HR for that kind of run is around 171, with the max hitting the low 190's.

    When I started, my HR was around 172 if I even thought about breaking into a jog. It has slowly gone down, and my runs feel "easy" when my HR is in the 130's. My regular runs it's usually in the 140's-but gets into the 150's if I'm going faster. My last 5k, my avg HR was 162-and that felt nowhere near "easy"! But I'm slower than you too. My 5k race pace was about your regular pace-my regular runs are much slower, my long runs even slower than that. But I prefer slower and easier over gasping and panting.
  • FatUncleRob
    FatUncleRob Posts: 341
    How fast is your average mile? How long have you been running?

    Also-- I've found that I really DO like to run... I'm finishing couch to 5k right now, and I find that in the first 8-10 min of running, I constantly think about quitting and starting again tomorrow... lol (I haven't quit.)--- do these feelings ever go away? Does it get easier?

    I've been running for just over a year now. Average pace is a tricky question, depends on what surface I'm running on and how far I plan to run. On a dirt trail probably 12 to 13 minutes per mile, on pavement between 9:30 to 10:30 per mile (unless I'm running 6+ miles in which case it's more like 10:00 to 11:00). 5K racing I manage about an 8 minute mile.

    I don't think it's uncommon to feel like quitting for the first mile or so. It does get easier, but that first part of the run (at least for me) is always the worst. I think the main thing that changes is that you know from experience that it will get better after the initial "shock" is over. Also, for me, I think it's a case of the longer distance I run, the lower % of the run sucks! For example, if that first mile is going to be bad and I only run 2 miles, that's 50% of my run that I didn't enjoy. If I run 5 miles that first sucky mile is only 20%. Does that make sense?

    I'm not advocating going nuts and running long distances before you're ready for it. I'm just saying that, as you get more confidence and experience you will know that it's worth going through that first 10 minutes to get to the good part. :smile: