Calorie Confusion

Hi Everyone, Sorry if you heard this question before. I tried to find a similar question posted.
When you exercise are you supposed to eat those calories burned?
I've been running lately and burning 400-500 calories per day. Some days I eat these calories and some days I don't.
I struggle with weight loss and have for years so i'm wondering if I should never consume these extra calories.
Look forward to your thoughts.


  • rose313
    rose313 Posts: 1,146 Member
    I like to eat half of mine back, but it depends on your net when you are done for the day. If you only eat 1200 cals a day and you are burning 500, that puts your net at only 700. That is not enough for your body. I eat 1500 a day, burn 300, and eat about 150 back, but it really depends on the day if I'm exact with that or not. I say as long as you're netting at least 1200 at the end of the day, you can make the choice to eat them back or not. Try it both ways and see how you feel. Most people feel better and even lose faster when they eat them back.