What Does Your Daily Diet Look Like?

Tashmayes Posts: 244 Member
My MFP is set to1360 calories a day. The last two weeks I haven't dropped a pound... thought it would be helpful to see what others consume in a day.

B: 1 cup oatmeal w/ a tsp flaxseed + 1/2 cup egg whites
L: 1\2 ww pita with 3 oz chicken breast, lettuce, sprouts, veg, pesto + piece of fruit
D: 3-4 oz chicken or fish, sweet potato, veg.
Snacks: almonds, greek yogurt, fruit

I run 3-4 days a week and do bootcamp 2 days a week...plus softball and chasing a toddler while hanging onto my 4 month old. One last note, I don't eat processed sugars. Any advice about my diet or please share what works for you! TIA.


  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Set to 1700 cals a day.

    Breakfast: Two eggs, whole wheat toast, black coffee OR Multi grain oatmeal with 1/4 cup Greek yogurt, blueberries (or strawberries or banana), walnuts & honey
    Lunch: Tuna sandwich (whole serving of tuna mixed with mayo & relish on one slice of bread) & pop chips (or dinner leftovers, or whatever)
    Dinner: Fish, chicken, beef or pork with veg, brown rice or sweet potato - really varies.

    My diary is open, but go back over a week - I just got back from vacation and my eating habits were not what I typically eat! :tongue:

    I was set around 1500 and hit a plateau where I gain & lost the same few pounds over and over. Upped 'em to 1700 (and often go over) & the weight started coming off again. I'm down to the last few pounds, so it's slow going. I run 3 days a week and workout at home 6 days a week. And I eat way too many hamburgers, but I'm still losing! :bigsmile:
  • wahmx3
    wahmx3 Posts: 633 Member
    My diary is open, feel free to have a look. Keep in mind i do eat chocolate daily and allow for a treat. i aim to eat around 1450 calories and really watch my sodium. I am not a prefect eater by any means but drink lots of water and my changes are for a lifetime!
  • graelwyn
    graelwyn Posts: 1,340 Member
    Varies daily really. I eat 1800 - 2600 calories a day, depending on exercise, to maintain my weight.

    I tend to stay up late and not get up til around 11am to midday, so breakfast doesn't happen for me, and I tend to not have a proper lunch. I sometimes have a tub of cottage cheese and/or a banana in the daytime, then after exercise, I might have some banana crisps or some rice cakes, and if I am feeling naughty, a cookie or some ice cream.

    In the evening, I usually have either salmon, mushroom burgers, nut cutlet, veggie kiev, beans, some other fish or eggs, with a large amount of steamed vegetables. I used to have rice or sweet potato too, but cut those out and have apple rice cakes instead as a later snack. I also have a large pear and a bowl of Fage 0% greek yoghurt mixed with a tbsp jam, 2tbsp pb2 and some mixed seeds.

    Sometimes I have some chocolate eclairs or some dark chocolate in bed before sleep.

    Somedays I get really bad and have a lot of ice cream and rubbish but I always make sure I have a decent, healthy meal in the evening regardless.
  • tmandras
    tmandras Posts: 22 Member
    my diary is open too...
    are you logging your food/exercise? How tall are you, how much do you have to loose?
    Its possible you may need even more,higher protein/carbs.
  • Tashmayes
    Tashmayes Posts: 244 Member
    my diary is open too...
    are you logging your food/exercise? How tall are you, how much do you have to loose?
    Its possible you may need even more,higher protein/carbs.

    I log it all. I rarely eat my exercise points. My stats...5'8", 174 and wanting to get to 155/160. My bootcamp trainer suggested cutting out all processed sugars so I've been doing that.

    Thanks everyone.
  • tmandras
    tmandras Posts: 22 Member
    my diary is open too...
    are you logging your food/exercise? How tall are you, how much do you have to loose?
    Its possible you may need even more,higher protein/carbs.

    I log it all. I rarely eat my exercise points. My stats...5'8", 174 and wanting to get to 155/160. My bootcamp trainer suggested cutting out all processed sugars so I've been doing that.

    Thanks everyone.
    I would try eating back your exercise cal just to see if it helps. I upped my protein & lowered my carbs & saw better weight loss. I always eat around 1600 cal now & I am 5'7''
  • tomhancock
    tomhancock Posts: 100 Member
    How much water are you drinking a day? Honestly your diet looks pretty good. Do you ever vary it?

    I'm eating around 1500 calories a day, but once a week or so I will go over by 300-400 calories (still under my TDEE by a lot) and occasionally I'll have a day where I am under by a hundred or two. I think varying it occasionally keeps my metabolism a little higher.
  • mcarter99
    mcarter99 Posts: 1,666 Member
    I've been kinda eating the same thing all week, because it's low cal and healthy and I fixed it all on Sunday.

    Breakfast- 1/3c (unprepared) steel cut oats w/1 t. flax meal and 1 t. berry preserves. A handful of grapes.

    Lunch- 8 oz. quinoa salad (this is about half veggies)

    Snack- Steamed artichoke w/1T mayo or cauliflower with a little mizithra cheese and mustard

    Dinner- Chicpea cutlet, fresh green beans w/pepper sauce

    More snacks if needed- Microwave popcorn, Healthy Choice fudge bar

    It's under 1000 calories most days but I feel fine and I'm not very big and last week I averaged around 1500.
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    I eat a hella lot more than that. You can look in my diary. Average is around 2100 cals a day; my baseline is 1650 plus exercise cals.

    I'm maintaining. 5'4 131 lbs. 44 years old. Pretty low bodyfat; need to get measured again, but I'd guess it's around 20-21%.

    I work out 7 days anywhere from 45 min- 3 hours (not always at once), any combo of dance, powerlifting, spin, cycling, and paddleboarding.
