encouragement and support and friends

Hello I am 42 years old been battlng weight gain for many years.. I had low self asteem about my self I could not look in a mirror without feeling good.. I really put the weight on fast after quitting smoking.. it will be 2 years January 18th since I quit smoking... my depression got worse eating non stop... I didnt care anymore... my weight went up to 212 and for my height that is alot plus the weight was causing back aches.. could not walk long distance.. I felt alone and useless.. then my mom introduced me to this program 3 months ago.. I am thankful I started this program.. I feel more confidience in myself.. I met alot on here that are batting this horrible weight.. we are not alone.. I love logging on everyday just to get the encouragment and support and also me giving support and encouragement.. I have lost weight and feeling good about myself... my goal I will acheive and will support and encourage people on here.. please feel free to add me.. remember we are here for each other through thick and thin.. till the weight falls off us... anyone up to the challange ...


  • beyondjupiter
    beyondjupiter Posts: 247 Member
    Congrats on quitting smoking! I quit too and I know how hard it is.

    I really understand your depression and lack of self-worth. I just posted something very similar to you a few minutes ago :)

    I would love to add you because I definitely need some support on here too.

    Also BIG congrats on the weight you have lost so far. That is GREAT!
  • rosiecotton24
    rosiecotton24 Posts: 81 Member
    Congrats on quitting smoking and the weight loss!! =) I really hate how my body looks. My husband still calls me hot and sexy, but I hate how I look. I know I can do it if I just put my mind to it.
  • KimmyJ488
    KimmyJ488 Posts: 3
    congrats on the smoking, I will be 2 yrs in November. That is also when I gained A LOT of weight. Trying to make myself healthier for my FH, we will be married in 90 days!!!
  • Seonaid74
    Seonaid74 Posts: 12 Member
    I'm glad I joined this site and I'm glad we're friends! I'm still fighting that smoking demon!! How did you quit? I'll ask this of all those who replied to this post too! I need help getting rid of the cigarettes!