Losing weight too quickly?

This might be a weird question, but last week I weighed 156 and this week I weigh 151.....so....do the math....I lost 5 pounds this week. Which is great, except you are only supposed to loose 1-2 pounds a week to do this and be healthy, right? Could it be because this is my first week of weight loss? Should I up the amount of calories I am eating? I try to stay around 1200, but I usually go over, so its not like I'm not eating.....and I only got to the gym 3 times this week.....


  • kitty1256
    This might be a weird question, but last week I weighed 156 and this week I weigh 151.....so....do the math....I lost 5 pounds this week. Which is great, except you are only supposed to loose 1-2 pounds a week to do this and be healthy, right? Could it be because this is my first week of weight loss? Should I up the amount of calories I am eating? I try to stay around 1200, but I usually go over, so its not like I'm not eating.....and I only got to the gym 3 times this week.....
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    In the first week, you can drop a lot due to water weight and um ....delicately put "other factors".

    It should level off for you. You may gain some of those five pounds back. . .don't let that discourage you.

    1200 is low, though, so make sure that you're eating enough.:flowerforyou:
  • banks1850
    banks1850 Posts: 3,475 Member
    Also, and viv is exactly right there, your body can hold water and fecies (yuck) that can total up to 15 lbs. Which is why the scale is a less then exact measurement. I suggest supplimenting with measurement checks. Many people measure waist, but you can also measure arms, tummy, thighs, calfs, chest, and even, neck. when these get smaller, trust me, it's working.