Really need someone to talk to



  • labtracks
    labtracks Posts: 108 Member
    I've been where you are for most of my life. I don't make friends easily and move so much that the few friends I do have end up miles away. I'm in South Korea right now and have days I cry because I have no one here to talk to. I have volunteered sometimes with some success. I have also used the web page meet in. Especially when I was new to town it was hard to meet people. It's all volunteers that form groups all over. I loved some of the people in the Philadelphia group and they had sub-groups for running, biking, book reading and plan events like attending a concert or sporting event, a BBQ, beach outing etc. so you can do things your interested in and meet people with similar interests. I'm not even sure if I can write about it here, but I'm not affiliated in any way and it's free. Maybe there's a group near you. Feel free to friend /message me!!
  • VeggieFace
    VeggieFace Posts: 56
    I understand what you're going through, and I would be happy to help! I'm going to send you a friend request. I think you are brave for reaching out, and you should know you are not alone, and this will pass. xoxo, Sally
  • wiggywompus
    wiggywompus Posts: 65 Member
    I am a loner know people but would n't class anyone as friend. It helps to volunteer I do it for an animal welfare and my dog and I visit people in hospital to cheer them up. Does n't work for everyone but maybe local school or brownie pack. Children rarely ask awkward questions and accept without judging.

    You are not alone always MFP folk there to support and share with you.
  • kiddoc88
    kiddoc88 Posts: 244 Member
    I am here too. feel free to add me.
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    Well, you're certainly being proactive here asking for them. Why not do that in real life? Join a club, church, volunteer, and as soon as you meet someone you click with, ask them if they want to hang out outside of whatever you're doing. Like lunch or whatever. And invite them again later on. It takes a while to establish strong friendships, but if you put in the effort and the time and realize it won't work out every time, you should be able to make some friends :)
  • loneworg
    loneworg Posts: 342 Member
    I'm the same. My only rl friend is my wife and kids. Feel free to add me
  • islandgirl1984
    islandgirl1984 Posts: 64 Member
    Hello there beautiful. I know how it feels to be lonely sometimes, I just messaged you and I would love to chat and be a friend. (((hugs))) to you and lots of sunshine!