What vitamins and other supplements should I take?

I'm 5'2" with a small frame and 20 years old, and I'm trying to find a good brand of multivitamins/other things I should take daily.

I bought CVS pharmacy's Daily Multiple for Women, but after taking a whole pill by itself, I start feeling horribly ill, and want to throw up everything I just ate, as well as the pill ;x!

I also bought Spring Valley's Natural Calcium with Vitamin D, I don't think I have any problems with that.

I also see people taking fish capsules? I'm curious, please enlighten me ;3.


  • BuckeyeLife
    BuckeyeLife Posts: 313 Member
    I would spend more time focusing on food/dietary intake more than supplements. Most people should be able to cover the wide array of stuff with just eating well. I only take a mutlivitamin MAINLY for the fact that I am missing nutrients from veggies, so I use a mutlivitamin to help some. As for what ones to get, you're going to hear a LOT of opinions. Everyone has different needs and that is why supplements exist. Focus on diet first and if you notice you're having issues with something you can look into it more and consider a supplement.
  • KuroNyankoSensei
    KuroNyankoSensei Posts: 288 Member
    I would spend more time focusing on food/dietary intake more than supplements. Most people should be able to cover the wide array of stuff with just eating well. I only take a mutlivitamin MAINLY for the fact that I am missing nutrients from veggies, so I use a mutlivitamin to help some. As for what ones to get, you're going to hear a LOT of opinions. Everyone has different needs and that is why supplements exist. Focus on diet first and if you notice you're having issues with something you can look into it more and consider a supplement.

    I'm on the 1200 calories limit, so it's a bit hard to cram in all the nutrients even if I exercise XD. I'd like to find something that'll help supplement what I'm probably missing ;3.
  • BuckeyeLife
    BuckeyeLife Posts: 313 Member
    1200 calories is a rubbish number. My girlfriend is your size, ~115 lbs, she easily eats 1400+ calories a day. And when she works out, its more like 1800-1900. I would recommend looking into this link and see how you feel about it.


    As for not getting enough nutrients into that diet, well that in itself says something, now doesn't it? You can't get enough nutrients at 1200 calories means either you're not eating nutrient dense foods or you can't eat enough quality foods at that level to get nutrients required. :D

    But if you really want a multi-vitamin, you're going to have to find something that works. I use Animal Pak, but that is 11 pills a day, and 3 are monsters. I have 0 issue with big pills so it doesn't bother me, but if you don't like big pills you wouldn't want it. I used to take GNC Mens Sport and that did well for a 1 pill solution for me, I am sure they have something womens. But I refuse to put money into GNC now as they over price their crap horribly.
  • BuckeyeLife
    BuckeyeLife Posts: 313 Member
    Just saw your goal weight... I highly recommend ignoring weight as a measuring tool. If you're wanting to get thinner/look better, work on weight lifting. New Rules of WEight Lifting for Women is REALLY well received by the ladies on here, and it gets AMAZING results. You'll most likely actually GAIN weight, but you'll lose body fat and look much better.
  • KuroNyankoSensei
    KuroNyankoSensei Posts: 288 Member
    Hm, I really might up my calories then ;x.

    I'll look into those brands, thank you ;3.

    Weight-lifting, oi @.@. My family holds an animosity towards women having muscle, it's kind of a cultural thing ><. Even if I look thin, it'll receive bad reception o-x. Plus I don't mind being a little soft ^^, my goal weight is also proportionate to the average in my family~ Vietnamese women tend to be really small, even smaller than me at times, (80-90 lbs.) Seems like a low number, but it's actually how a lot of women in my culture are built ^^. 95 will look more like 110 on me compared to the average person ;x.
  • BuckeyeLife
    BuckeyeLife Posts: 313 Member
    I am very skeptical your body will be happy at that weight range. Lifting weights will not cause you to build massive muscle like a man, you lack the hormone necessary in appropriate amounts. (Testosterone.) You really should do research before ruling it out. The scale just tells you a physical weight. Body composition tells you the quality of that weight. A low weight low lean body mass is going to look really bad compared to someone weighing a few pounds more but having a higher lean body mass. I am not saying to go get super ripped, but if you don't want to do it you certainly do not have to lift weights. But I would HIGHLY recommend researching it before ruling it out. You'll get smaller, be able to eat plenty, and feel great.
  • BuckeyeLife
    BuckeyeLife Posts: 313 Member

    That is actually an example of the change. Can you tell she has muscle now? Yes. If she had regular clothes on would you be able to tell? Nope! I mean look at the legs, HUGE improvement and thinning out, but there is no unsightly mass muscle bulked up. Just something to consider. :D
  • luzmidd
    luzmidd Posts: 154 Member
    Women should take calcium supps (make sure you buy the type with added magnesium and boron, they help your body absorb the calcium better) Then I take a multi vitamin every day... If you feel tired a lot, take an iron supp. If you have bad skin, focus on zinc as well.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    If you are eating well and don't have any diagnosed issues then you probably don't need to take any supplements.
    Unless you are trying to get pregnant, in which case you should talk to your doctor.
    Ask your doctor next time you see them anyway, and in the meantime spend your money on fresh fruit and veggies.
  • LilacDreamer
    LilacDreamer Posts: 1,365 Member
    I try to consume lots of fruit, vegetables, 30grams of fiber, and Andrew Lessman's Multivitamin as well as 2000mg of Vitamin D (vegan/vegetarian from lanolin)
  • douglasmobbs
    douglasmobbs Posts: 563 Member
    Women should take calcium supps (make sure you buy the type with added magnesium and boron, they help your body absorb the calcium better) Then I take a multi vitamin every day... If you feel tired a lot, take an iron supp. If you have bad skin, focus on zinc as well.

    Do not take calcium supplements unless your doctor advises. There are loads of foods in a variety of different food groups that give you enough calcium.

    A healthy diet is enough for the vast majority of people.
  • VMarkV
    VMarkV Posts: 522 Member
    Women should take calcium supps (make sure you buy the type with added magnesium and boron, they help your body absorb the calcium better) Then I take a multi vitamin every day... If you feel tired a lot, take an iron supp. If you have bad skin, focus on zinc as well.

    Do not take calcium supplements unless your doctor advises. There are loads of foods in a variety of different food groups that give you enough calcium.

    A healthy diet is enough for the vast majority of people.

    This! Unless you have had your bone mineral density (BMD) assessed and score low, you do not need calcium supplementation. You can't go wrong with fish oil (2-4g/day) and vitamin D (400-2000IU/day) and maybe magnesium (It is really hard to get enough even if eating lots of dark green vegetables, plus it helps with muscle soreness).

    Weight bearing exercises and walking helps too for BMD. Keep in mind, you can only improve your BMD up until reaching about age 25, so it is important to start weight training and getting dietary calcium now

    Multivitamins haven't been shown to do anything...in most cases they contain a vast array of ingredients that tend to interact with each other like magnesium and calcium - causing an upset stomach. The trace minerals they provide are also completely useless (deficiencies are not seen commonly).
  • KuroNyankoSensei
    KuroNyankoSensei Posts: 288 Member

    That is actually an example of the change. Can you tell she has muscle now? Yes. If she had regular clothes on would you be able to tell? Nope! I mean look at the legs, HUGE improvement and thinning out, but there is no unsightly mass muscle bulked up. Just something to consider. :D

    I think that's amazing, but I don't think that look is for me @.@. Something like that would look a bit big on my small frame ><. I have a cousin who does weight training, actually, but she's 5'0 and 80-something pounds. She's small, her bones are as big as what a normal 12-year-old in the States would look like, our family is just built on the smaller side ;3.
  • KuroNyankoSensei
    KuroNyankoSensei Posts: 288 Member
    I'll take everyone's advice into consideration, thank you ;3.