Eating and exercise calories

So I'm new at this stuff. Help me out, please!

I have exercise calories to eat back (since that seems to be what I'm supposed to do...) but I don't know what to eat! Vegetables are low-calorie foods, so I would have to eat a TON to eat back my exercise calories. I'm not hungry enough to eat a truckload of vegetables right now. And I'm trying to avoid unhealthy sugar and stuff like that completely. :ohwell:

I have almost 400 calories left that I've earned from exercise today. What are some healthy foods that will help me with this?


  • savageman69
    savageman69 Posts: 339 Member
    Nuts..high in cals but good fats and proteins.
  • wabrody
    wabrody Posts: 202
    Try almonds. High in calories, but good for you. Also you may not want to eat all your calories back just in case you under estimated what you ate or what you exercised. I usually leave some to spare as a just in case.
  • aksunshine
    aksunshine Posts: 62 Member
    I pretty much eat what I want! As long as it fits in my daily calories. Or whatever I'm watching for the day, as in carbs, sodium, fat.....
  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    Raw almonds, avocado, cheese just to name a few
  • ramasavage
    ramasavage Posts: 12
    Thanks :smile:
  • terronsgirl
    When I have a ton of calories left, but don't want to binge on totally unhealthy stuff, I really like to have a sliced apple dipped in peanut butter. YUMMY and still healthy!