Anyone else trying to kick the soda habit??



  • Fieldsy
    Fieldsy Posts: 1,105 Member
    I love diet soda. I never once had a headache from it or felt weird in anyway.

    Id be curious to quit, but cant see me drinking diet as that bad. I drink a ton of water too.
  • melliamsburg
    melliamsburg Posts: 7 Member
    I bought in to the 'colon-cleanse' craze and the only thing good I got out of it was kicking the soda habit. For one month on a daily basis I had one glass of orange juice with the fiber mix and the rest of the day only water with my meals. Your body will begin to tell you to go for water instead of soda. I drink mountain dew baja blast now and then for good times sake as well as beer or hard liquor. No matter what I follow those up with water so I don't get dehydrated or let my body think it's ok to drink habitually.
    example: in the movie 'idiocracy' with Luke Wilson, he changes the crop's irrigation from gatorade to water. The people didn't see a change at first and cursed him. After time vegetation blooms amongst the crops. World saved.
  • brklnlrsn
    brklnlrsn Posts: 28
    Yes, but I need my Diet Coke.
  • LooseWheel
    LooseWheel Posts: 211 Member
    Just do it. dont have to give up coffee at the same time, some caffeine is fine at its limits, but give up the empty cals. The quick sugar energy bursts die so soon you end up with a huge energy crash at the end. Your body would be 'used' to caffeine already so that would not be working effectively as thought. An apple can actually give you more energy than a coke or coffee these days. Look it up! Swap the cola's for an apple and enjoy the difference. It wont take more than a few days to get out of this habit cold turkey. To avoid cravings, tense up your body for several seconds all over. Squeeze your hands together in fists and hold for a few seconds. Tensing muscles can be enough to get through a craving for a smoke, chocolate or caffeine! It works matey! Best of luck.

    And again I say, JUST DO IT!!

  • GirlThatTalks
    GirlThatTalks Posts: 3 Member
    For me, it wasn't too hard because I gave myself small goals. I'm still not 100% off it, but that's because it's my treat!

    First, i didn't allow myself to have it at home - EVER. I started that in Lent, but continued after. If I went out, I could have it anytime - but I was never allowed to open a can at home. That was HUGE because even if I was only out to eat once every week or so (that's a lot for me), I was still cutting out one a day practically! Just DON'T BUY IT and you won't drink it! Save one or two for an emergency though!!! LOL!

    After that, when I'd go out, I'm limit when I could have one. So if I was having something that didn't really go with soda, I'd just do water with lemon. Basically, I'd let myself have it if I wanted it while out, but if I was so/so on it, I'd skip it.

    I didn't have it for a long time and I truly stopped craving it. Then I went on vacation and had it daily while out to eat - now I'm craving it DAILY. It's true that once you get away from it, it gets easier to say no.

    My at-home trick...not Crystal Light because it gives me headaches! Crystal Geyser flavored water! Berry is mine! If you don't like it straight, mix it with some cran-raspberry juice!! Do mostly the water, less juice for minimal calories - and it takes incredible! Add some lemon...or even a splash of Pomegranate juice!

    Hope that helps! I'm glad to read everyone else talk about this tricky issue too!! :)

    P.S. When you're out - try your drinks half/half - half regular, half diet. Makes it low-cal, but less fake sugar than if you did a whole diet. Diet also slows down weight loss, but the real sugar is full of calories. It's the best and worst of both worlds if you do a half/half!
  • WingMan380
    WingMan380 Posts: 2,139 Member
    Quit soda's a couple months ago. I drink water and mio now.
  • Elizaj85
    Elizaj85 Posts: 158 Member
    this has been so interesting to read as I have such a bad regular/diet soda habit. i'm not even sure what it is about it I'm addicted to maybe it's all of it. I managed to wean myself off the dark soda until one bad weekend. its crazy because my body really doesn't like it and gives me a upset stomach.
    But can i stop nope! Rubbish.dom lol