Vegetarian needing (a lot) more protein + iron



  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
  • ZombieSlayer
    ZombieSlayer Posts: 369 Member
  • Dayquasar
    Dayquasar Posts: 182 Member
    Hi there! I worry about those as well and since I try to stay away from processed foods I'm not too excited about powders and supplements, also we may not need a ton of protein check out the video on my blog- , I try to eat spinach, and lentils/beans are high iron and protein as well as nuts and nut butters, keep in mind they are better if sprouted and all U.S almonds are no longer raw, they have been pasturized, a good website is the top 10, it has lists of food that are highest in whatever nutrient your looking for- , hope this helps, add me if you like, I share my diary and it might give you some ideas.
  • _VoV
    _VoV Posts: 1,494 Member
    You have received a lot of great advice on upping your protein level from others.

    As for iron, I suggest Floradix iron + herbs supplement. It gives you a gentle boost of iron, along with B vitamins, including the very vital vitamin B12 many veg*ns can lack.

    After 4 months of calorie restriction, a mostly well-selected veg*n diet still left me iron-depleted and lethargic. I suspected this and had a ferritin level (blood work) done. Sure enough, my iron level was in the basement. It's taken a couple of months of mega-doses of iron, but I'm finally feeling more myself again. I strongly agree with your plan to be proactive. Iron deficiency stinks!
  • livestar
    livestar Posts: 140 Member
    Can anyone recommend a protien powder that is vegan and not chalky?
  • hollyk57
    hollyk57 Posts: 520 Member
    I've been a vegetarian for just under two years now. At first, I was afraid I wasn't going to get enough protein - especially when its so easy to become a 'starchatarian' and fill in the missing animal proteins with heavy pastas and breads. For me, discovering products like Seitan (a wheat gluten based meat substitute); tempeh (made from soy beans) and a whole new world of tofu preparations, getting protein wasn't an issue. Sometimes when I need a boost, I add in Gensoy or Spirutein protein shakes which are also a great source of vitamins and iron. Like others suggested, I also include lots of dark leafy greens and veggies, nuts and seeds. I also love rennetless or vegetable rennet cheeses, cottage cheese, milk and Greek yogurt (just stay away from products like Dannon Oikos which contain Carmine - a non vegetarian colorant).
  • wild_wild_life
    wild_wild_life Posts: 1,334 Member
    Can anyone recommend a protien powder that is vegan and not chalky?

    Like I mentioned above, my favorite is Nutribiotic's brown rice protein -- I like the plain version but they also make vanilla and chocolate. I don't find it to have much taste at all especially if you blend it with something flavorful like almond milk, fruit, cocoa powder, carob powder, etc, or add it to cereal. Not a huge fan of the pea protein I have tried and can't stomach hemp protein, personally.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    I am the same way!!! I supplement with a whey protein to hit my goals and take Viva Vitamins Super iron complex- 50. It's combined with vitamin c, folic acid, and b vitamins. AND it doesn't upset my stomache.
  • holleysings
    holleysings Posts: 664 Member
    I eat mostly vegetarian and usually get between 75-100g of protein in one day just from fish, dairy, and a protein shake. You definitely need to find a protein shake or powder that you can incorporate into your diet! I think most are supplemented with iron.