Anyone else concerned?



  • MILICA1986
    MILICA1986 Posts: 172
    Well, we can just hope they'll come to their senses when they faint. That's inevitable with this calorie intake
  • tashaa1992
    tashaa1992 Posts: 658 Member
    You're going to get mixed views on this and I can only say what I would do. I've had to do it before because with me, I genuinely worry about anyone who comes into my life, in person or online. Online I have messaged a few people asking if they are okay and letting them know I am here if they want to talk, also letting them know I am worried about them. I've had to do this with my sister too though, I was the first person to pick up on my little sister's anorexia. After observing her eating dinner, and looking in the mirror I realised she and I were going through the same thing. I approached her about it last september, and now under a year later she's well on her way to a healthy future.

    If this is happening on a consistent basis, the person could be suffering from an eating disorder. I think for someone who hasn't been through it, it's harder for them to spot it, let alone the fact you don't know them in person therefore you can't tell if something is really going on. From what you have said though, it sounds like this person could be suffering from anorexia and is in denial. If you're going to approach them about it, don't accuse them of anything, because even if you had evidence to back it up it will just make the person feel targeted and he/she could go further into their illness. Let them know you're worried and ask if they are okay, if you say anything. There is always the chance that either this person will ask you to leave them alone or just point blank deny it. Just be prepared is all I'm saying, I would say something but that's just me xxx
  • violetta88
    violetta88 Posts: 117 Member
    I will probably get a lot of slack for saying this, but ...

    I went through a stage of eating dangerously few calories - I wasn't anorexic, but I was going about everything the wrong way. And let me tell you something, I did anything and everything I could to hide the problems I was having with food. I certainly would never have logged my food intake and posted it on a public website.

    My PERSONAL (bold, underlined, etc.) opinion is that a lot of the girls on here that do that are after a bit of attention.

    Not all of them - not all of them at all. Some of them do have very serious issues with eating and food, and that's a terrible thing. But let me tell you - nothing you can do or say will change their view of their eating habits until they're ready to accept they have a problem. It's very kind of you to worry, and if you feel you need to maybe drop them a quick comment. But ultimately concentrate on yourself and your fitness goals.

    Crash dieting never works. And I think the reason this issue often affects young girls is that they need the time to realise that on their own.

    I certainly did :smile: