Reduce body fat 6% in 10 weeks

I have 10 weeks left to my goal date of August 21st.

I want to be at 175lbs and 14% body fat on that date.

I am currently at 187.4 and 19.9%

I know the 12.4 Lbs is possible in 10 weeks (although hard)

is 6% reduction in Body fat to aggressive a goal for 10 weeks?


  • ATLMel
    ATLMel Posts: 392 Member
    I've dropped about 5% in 8 weeks. So, no. Just make sure you're doing it right: clean eating, a little cardio, good and heavy lifting...
  • chrisb75
    chrisb75 Posts: 395 Member
    I dropped 3% in four weeks with heavy lifting. I don't think its impossible. Good luck!