Pinched Nerve - Help



  • ShrinkingCatrina
    HA Catrina!!! You hit the nail on the head!!! Couldn't figure out why old people complained so much either and NOW I know. Keep your chin up and take it one day at a time. I know it's hard to be patient when all we want to do is get back in shape. It's annoying me that I can't do my usual Zumba video today, so I've got my pedometer on and I will just stand and walk as much as possible. Staying off the couch seems to help my pain. Guess my body is even saying "get your butt MOVING"!! LOL!!! Sending healing hugs your way:):flowerforyou: Dawn

    Thanks, it's amazing how fast the body changes, I remember have not trouble now, recently I was doing step down lunge and fell on my butt cause my leg gave out. I was so disappointed to lose control of my body but I hope like you say with consistency I will build up my strength like it was in my 20's.
  • ShrinkingCatrina
    I am so glad I'm not alone and others are gaining insight that would help them, thanks to everyone participating in this thread.
  • ShrinkingCatrina
    Excellent topic. I had this same problem a couple months back. Happened on a Friday, and I spent the weekend lying on the floor, dosing myself with Vicodin and asking my wife to sit on the left side of the couch because I couldn't turn to the right to talk to her. Got better, but it took weeks before I could workout hard again without feeling a little pinch. Worst part is that I felt the pinch during the workout, but kept pushing thru. If I stopped right away I bet it wouldn't have been 25% as bad.

    Please repost after your chiro visit and let us know if it worked for you.

    Ouch, that was me too. The best was when I would lie in bed in the morning and my boys would come running in and jump on the bed to wake me up, every vibration they made from jumping sent pain through my neck and down my arm. I will post an update my appointment is tomorrow, worried about getting my neck cracked, doesn't seem natural but anything to remove this pain.
  • ShrinkingCatrina
    The first thing I would recommend is to have xrays and an MRI so that you know exactly what you're dealing with before you start having someone work on your neck.

    I know people swear by their chiros so I won't say anything negative about them. I've never been and never will be. I worked in PT and my degree is in sports medicine so I understand the human body pretty well. I developed a "pinched nerve" when DD was very little. Exercise, rowing, carrying her, I started getting numbness in my hand. I went to PT and worked through it and I was good. A few years ago I did something stupid and pulled just about every muscle in my right shoulder/arm and couldn't move. The pain was unreal. Turns out, I have 2 herniated discs and bone spurs in my neck (C6-C8) When the nerve gets pinched by the bone spurs the pain travels down my arm to my hand. I have permanent numbness in my pointer finger and severe muscle atrophy in my right tricep that will probably never improve. A chiro probably would have made me worse had I seen one without the MRI and the proper history of the injury. Since I worked in PT, I went the PT route with gentle manual traction and that helped. I keep up with the PT to keep the pain at bay. It sucks. The neurologist said I could have the bones fused and the pain would go away but I'd lose range of motion. I'm not even 40 yet so I'm opting to deal with the pain and keep the range of motion.

    I guess my recommendation is to get an MRI and find out what you're dealing with before you make any rash decisions. I know people who swear by their chiros and others who are in ridiculous pain because of chiros who adjusted them based off their complaints and aggravated / worsened the problem because they didn't know exactly what the issue was. PT isn't for everyone. If you're dedicated to doing the follow up work it can work. If you think just walking through the office door and not doing anything besides that is going to fix you you're in for a sad dose of reality. You only have one neck and once you injure the vertibrae and discs, they're never the same. Good luck. Hopefully your doctor can give you some recommendations.

    I am so sorry it got so bad for you, that is terrible. That's interesting cause I went to my doctor yesterday which is how I got the pain meds and I asked for a referral for an MRI or scan and the pain has been off and on for a long time. He told me that since my pain did go away after my physio that it was strictly muscle and was not a spur. I am worried still, what do you think? I really want to know if your pain was off and on. I am worried which is why I posted a thread, really want input to relieve pain and prevent future issues. One chiro I saw when it first happened said that I had spinal degeneration and it would take a year and $2 000 to fix so I went to my doctor and he said chiro or physio but only a few visit. Maybe I should get another medical opinion at a walk in clinic tomorrow.
  • ShrinkingCatrina
    Really interesting thread - I thought I was alone!

    I've had chronic neck problems for nearly two decades following whiplash and only now am I finally getting anywhere with a proper diagnosis. After the most recent bout I couldn't move off the sofa for a month (lying down was impossible), work or drive. I was on prescription anti-inflammatories and codeine, which barely touched the pain.

    I'm seeing a spinal surgeon next week after years of trying chiro, physio, massage, exercises etc. The pain really is excruciating when it goes and really debilitating.

    My advice would be to alternate the hot and cold therapy, as someone has mentioned, take anti-inflammatories and keep moving and stretching it. Staying still is the worst thing you can do.

    I found chiro great for relieving the pain but have avoided it this time as I really feel I need an MRI and proper diagnosis in case any further damage is being done (a doctor I saw recently thought it was possibly a disc problem - something the chiro picked up on but the physio didn't).

    Hope you feel better soon.

    Sorry for you pain, that's terrible, I really hope you get a solution. Can I ask, is your pain constant or on and off. I asked for a scan but my doctor said that because I was pain free for a few weeks it's muscle and not discs or spurs. Then he referred me to his chiro, hmmm. Please let me know and I really hope you get a solution. I will try alternating cold and hot as I usually just use hot.
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    Really interesting thread - I thought I was alone!

    I've had chronic neck problems for nearly two decades following whiplash and only now am I finally getting anywhere with a proper diagnosis. After the most recent bout I couldn't move off the sofa for a month (lying down was impossible), work or drive. I was on prescription anti-inflammatories and codeine, which barely touched the pain.

    I'm seeing a spinal surgeon next week after years of trying chiro, physio, massage, exercises etc. The pain really is excruciating when it goes and really debilitating.

    My advice would be to alternate the hot and cold therapy, as someone has mentioned, take anti-inflammatories and keep moving and stretching it. Staying still is the worst thing you can do.

    I found chiro great for relieving the pain but have avoided it this time as I really feel I need an MRI and proper diagnosis in case any further damage is being done (a doctor I saw recently thought it was possibly a disc problem - something the chiro picked up on but the physio didn't).

    Hope you feel better soon.

    Sorry for you pain, that's terrible, I really hope you get a solution. Can I ask, is your pain constant or on and off. I asked for a scan but my doctor said that because I was pain free for a few weeks it's muscle and not discs or spurs. Then he referred me to his chiro, hmmm. Please let me know and I really hope you get a solution. I will try alternating cold and hot as I usually just use hot.

    I have chronic pain almost constantly (so stiffness and aching, particularly when I wake up and have been sat at a desk all day, but not debilitating pain). Then, about every six months, it goes with what I can only describe as a bang. I will be doing something completely innocuous, such as rolling over in bed, reaching to pick something up etc, and my entire neck will spasm. The pain is excruciating and starts in my neck and shoots down my shoulders and sometimes my arms, back and legs too. Usually my neck gets stuck in a particular position, completely in spasm, and will stay there sometimes for a couple of days, sometimes for weeks.

    I've been fobbed off by doctors for years. Like you, I have been told countless times that because it comes and goes I just have to put up with it. Last year I finally got a referal to a physiotherapist but found him ineffective. Bottom line is I've never actually had a diagnosis. I really don't see how my doctor can treat symptoms without knowing what the cause is (and whether serious permanent damage is taking place).

    I only finally got a referal to a specialist because following the most recent acute attack I've lost a lot of the feeling in my hands, along with my ability to grip things. I have seen an occupational health consultant doctor in the meantime, who checked my reflexes (which are completely wrong down my right hand side) and he said it appeared to be nerve problems caused by a disc problem. He did warn me that even if I have an MRI it might show nothing, but it would at least rule out anything that would need surgery.

    I'm not sure what the healthcare system is like in Canada, but in the UK chiropractors are not recommended by mainstream clinicians/doctors and my family doctor is horrified that I've gone to see one privately. But when you are unwell you will take whatever you can. I found them helpful but I do worry about the force used during neck manipulation, especially when there is not a massive amount of evidence.

    With regards to further investigation, it is worrying that this is your second attack. It could just be bad luck and you may never have a problem again, but if you do, try to get a referral to a medical doctor (orthopedic or nerve/spinal specialist) rather than a chiro (in my opinion).

    One thing I find vital for limiting attacks is keeping my neck mobile. So, when the soreness has reduced, do lots of stretching and strengthening exercises. Yoga and Pilates are also helpful for getting movement into the spine. Try the spinal mobility stretch here:

    I find this really helps in the evening to unwind my spine. It often clicks the way it does at the chiro - and doesn't cost a thing!

    Hope you feel better soon - please feel free to add me as a friend and let me know how you get on. I'll be sure to report back when I (finally!) get a diagnosis.
  • dawnmarie57
    dawnmarie57 Posts: 53 Member
    I hope you're doing better. I agree with everyone else suggesting MRI's etc. When I first dislocated my shoulder 15 yrs . ago, I had tons of xrays, but no mri's. Did PT and everything I was told. And of course they gave me scripts for muscle relaxants and pain killers. I used them I think for about 5 days and said no more. I would rather live with the pain. So I did. After 2-3 months of back on the job sitting in a factory soldering tiny telephone parts and assembling them, my back/shoulder/neck pain got worse. My BIL suggested his chiro. So I called her on break in tears one day at work and she told me to come right in. She did a thermal scan, and an EMG I believe, and they showed where my problems were. She did do xrays too. So she knew there was no disc ruptured or bulging. I went to her a few days a week for a few weeks and finally it was liveable again. I did have to quit my job because they couldn't accomodate me with restricted duty. I should have stayed and fought it with comp, but if I had stayed, I don't know how I could have done it with so much pain every day

    Through the years, I have returned maybe 3 times to the same ortho dr. The last time was 3 yrs ago when it was EXTREMELY painful again b/c the job I was doing was packaging medications and the repetitive motion got my whole shoulder back and front in spasm. I was in agony. So I called the ortho to make an appt. and they gave me one---for 3 months later!!! Sorry, we're booked solid!!! So off I went to my chiro and kept going a few days a week again for a few weeks. Needless to say, it got better about 80% and by the time I went to the ortho, it was doing better. What really got me was he told me there was nothing more he could do for me b/c I wouldn't take meds, and he offered cortisone, but said it probably wouldn't do me any good. Then he said that I couldn't work at that type of a job anymore because the repetitive motion would aggravate it. So, I stayed with the job for a few more months and then quit b/c I couldn't do it anymore without pain.

    So here I am trying to keep pain free and going to my chiro which helps me so much and she gets a letter a few months ago from comp saying that they will no longer pay for "maintenance" visits! She had other comp patients that got the same letter. I don't know why they call it comp if there is no compensation for someone like us. You have to apparently have a severe limb injury or amputation or disfiguring-something they can see. Back/shoulder and neck problems are now a "gray area" because if nothing shows on xrays or mri's it has to be somehow proven that you are actually in pain!!!! Unbelievable. So now I am unemployed for the past 2 yrs. and at 55, I don't think there are any jobs that I can do that won't cause me more pain. It's hard when if flares up to stay positive, but I know there are people a lot worse off than me,

    I really hope you can get some relief soon. Keep that chin up and try to take it as easy as possible. I know it's so hard when you have little ones. Please keep us updated. Hugs and healing prayers to you♥
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    I hope you're doing better. I agree with everyone else suggesting MRI's etc. When I first dislocated my shoulder 15 yrs . ago, I had tons of xrays, but no mri's. Did PT and everything I was told. And of course they gave me scripts for muscle relaxants and pain killers. I used them I think for about 5 days and said no more. I would rather live with the pain. So I did. After 2-3 months of back on the job sitting in a factory soldering tiny telephone parts and assembling them, my back/shoulder/neck pain got worse. My BIL suggested his chiro. So I called her on break in tears one day at work and she told me to come right in. She did a thermal scan, and an EMG I believe, and they showed where my problems were. She did do xrays too. So she knew there was no disc ruptured or bulging. I went to her a few days a week for a few weeks and finally it was liveable again. I did have to quit my job because they couldn't accomodate me with restricted duty. I should have stayed and fought it with comp, but if I had stayed, I don't know how I could have done it with so much pain every day

    Through the years, I have returned maybe 3 times to the same ortho dr. The last time was 3 yrs ago when it was EXTREMELY painful again b/c the job I was doing was packaging medications and the repetitive motion got my whole shoulder back and front in spasm. I was in agony. So I called the ortho to make an appt. and they gave me one---for 3 months later!!! Sorry, we're booked solid!!! So off I went to my chiro and kept going a few days a week again for a few weeks. Needless to say, it got better about 80% and by the time I went to the ortho, it was doing better. What really got me was he told me there was nothing more he could do for me b/c I wouldn't take meds, and he offered cortisone, but said it probably wouldn't do me any good. Then he said that I couldn't work at that type of a job anymore because the repetitive motion would aggravate it. So, I stayed with the job for a few more months and then quit b/c I couldn't do it anymore without pain.

    So here I am trying to keep pain free and going to my chiro which helps me so much and she gets a letter a few months ago from comp saying that they will no longer pay for "maintenance" visits! She had other comp patients that got the same letter. I don't know why they call it comp if there is no compensation for someone like us. You have to apparently have a severe limb injury or amputation or disfiguring-something they can see. Back/shoulder and neck problems are now a "gray area" because if nothing shows on xrays or mri's it has to be somehow proven that you are actually in pain!!!! Unbelievable. So now I am unemployed for the past 2 yrs. and at 55, I don't think there are any jobs that I can do that won't cause me more pain. It's hard when if flares up to stay positive, but I know there are people a lot worse off than me,

    I really hope you can get some relief soon. Keep that chin up and try to take it as easy as possible. I know it's so hard when you have little ones. Please keep us updated. Hugs and healing prayers to you♥

    So sorry to hear this - sending hugs your way.