Hi, I'm finding it difficult to lose weight not through want of trying! Is there a right or wrong way to lose weight or is it just a case of 'move more, eat less'? There weren't so many over weight and obese people around years ago when food wasn't so freely available than it is today and people also did not lead such sedentary lives. Discuss......


  • Marie047
    Marie047 Posts: 240 Member
    There is no right or wrong way to lose weight. The great thing about MFP is it gives you a set cal rate based on your BMR, and TDEE and also how much you want to lose a week.

    Seen as you havent got your diary open I cannot see what you are eating.

    Essentially lower you intake to 15% of your TDEE and exercise should do the trick, but every one has times when they stop losing when on this new healthy lifesytle not because they are doing anything wrong, it happens, its about mixing up your exercise and looking at what you are eating.

    A few stumbling blocks for me where

    1) I wasnt weighing things, so I assumed the amount, get some scales sooo much easier and you get to know what 40g looks like
    2) Get motivated, just becuase you havent lost weight doenst mean you havent gained muscle, check your measurements once a month/fortnight this gives you a NSV
    3) Remember you didnt put all this weight on overnight so it wont come off overnight, it is about a lifestyle change.

    Feel free to add me, and open your diary so we can have a look at what you are eating and exercising that way we can be of more help.
  • 21June
    21June Posts: 99
    Hi and thanks. Fairly new to MFP and just wondered what TDEE and NSV stand for?
  • AnnyaSB
    AnnyaSB Posts: 233 Member
    TDEE = total daily energy expenditure and NSV = non scale victory (things like losing inches, getting better times on your running, lifting a heavier weight etc)
  • 21June
    21June Posts: 99
    Thanks for that, :o). Any help is much appreciated!