Eating Candy

debbiejo Posts: 18
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
I am wondering about a nagging question I have... okay here it goes...
I am pretty much a novice at this weight loss stuff, and I have seen great results using the calorie counting method from this web site... until this last week...

My husband brought home a bag of tootsie rolls, and it is that time of the month when I CRAVE them.
I can not stop having them after dinner, and I discovered I can eat 4 or 8 of them and still stay below my daily calorie intake, but does candy count? Does the sugar do something different than other calories?

I noticed I went up in weight for the first time since I started on this weight loss quest.
I know it is probably a stupid question, but can I have daily treats and continue to lose weight?
Are candy calories equal to other healthier snacks???

If anyone can shed some light on this I would appreciate it.
Also, how do you paste in your weight loss ticker??

Thanks so much!!


  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    I have sweets often...not every day, but often. I am VERY often over my sugar, sometimes way over, and I have still been losing weight. I question the sugar as well though...
  • Shinemaria
    Shinemaria Posts: 107 Member
    Oh i am so glad someone else has this question! I eat candy just because it's there, and i know it's empty calories but when i have calories to waste i generally eat the M&Ms mom has lying that worse than other foods?
  • barbarella
    barbarella Posts: 609 Member
    After you make your ticker under "Tools", copy & paste the
    link into "Change Forum Signature" which is under "Settings".

    Candy! That's a good question as to how it affects the overall picture.
    I think it's more of a mental satisfaction since the calories are sugar and not nutrition.

    For me personally, I do much better without even going there at all! :sad:
    If you can stop at only a few pieces, then More Power to ya Sistah! :flowerforyou:

    BUTT I have a hard time stopping...... case in point, a recent Jelly Belly Binge! :noway: :grumble:
    The calories were fine, but my sugar count went through the roof.
    And it also got me hungry & craving other foods. Not good........

    So I'm better to not start, then I don't crave the stuff.
    Good Luck!!!! :love: :flowerforyou:
  • RecliningFigure
    RecliningFigure Posts: 214 Member
    After you make your ticker under "Tools", copy & paste the
    link into "Change Forum Signature" which is under "Settings".

    Candy! That's a good question as to how it affects the overall picture.
    I think it's more of a mental satisfaction since the calories are sugar and not nutrition.

    For me personally, I do much better without even going there at all! :sad:
    If you can stop at only a few pieces, then More Power to ya Sistah! :flowerforyou:

    BUTT I have a hard time stopping...... case in point, a recent Jelly Belly Binge! :noway: :grumble:
    The calories were fine, but my sugar count went through the roof.
    And it also got me hungry & craving other foods. Not good........

    So I'm better to not start, then I don't crave the stuff.
    Good Luck!!!! :love: :flowerforyou:

    Jelly Bellys, yum... Just the mention of them makes my mouth water.
  • barbarella
    barbarella Posts: 609 Member
    Dam those little buggers are tasty! A woman at work was bringing in
    "Belly Flops" the factory rejects, which I like better! Nice big globs of 3 or 4 stuck together!
    Thank goodness she quit bringing them in! :drinker: :brokenheart:

    Hmmm........ I've got plenty of calories left over.......
    Maybe I'll have me some ice cream!
    Sugar will go over...... as usual! :laugh:
  • clk238
    clk238 Posts: 48 Member
    hey guys, I also have a sweet tooth and feel lie snacking on candy after dinner (even though I'm full!) here's a sugesstion:

    1. eat only one of your favorite chocolate candies, then pop a low-cal hard candy in your mouth. still sugary, and not great for your teeth, but you are getting the sweetness over a longer period of time- 1 tootsie roll + 1 hard candy is less cals than 6 tootsie rolls.. also if you have the candy in your mouth you will not want to combine the flavs, you know?

    2. if you are wrestling with having a tootsie or not, and think you might be able to resist, go brush your teeth. it might help curb the craving. if the craving is still there, pop a peice of low cal gum.

    PS i think a few of our favorite cheat foods are ok. diets are more sustainable if they are not completely stringent and unreasonable.. it's about the long term...
  • gemiwing
    gemiwing Posts: 1,525 Member
    It takes something like 3500 calories to make a pound- so unless you've got a feed bag strapped to your face and it's filled with tootsie rolls- I doubt that's it. :tongue:

    Chances are you are retaining water for your TOM.

    If a tootsie roll is the worst thing you eat- then you're doing pretty darn good!
  • I have a little treat daily. . . low calorie and just a recommended serving size. For me to be successful and have this be a life change that was a necessary thing for ME . . . I eat a well balanced diet and exercise 6 days a week. I was able to do this and still loose my goal of 50 pounds. This is what worked for me !!
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Im a candy Lover... Pick n Mix is my downfall becuase you truley have NO IDEA how many cals,Fat,Sugar etc are in a bag... near on impossible to tell! I will have a bag at least once a week, just for the sake of it.. :grumble: .. not even becuase im at the cinema... i need to quit pick n mix!

    I need to get out of this habit because the bags are not "small" they are a large bag !! :sick:
  • lawkat
    lawkat Posts: 538 Member
    Sure you can have treats, so long as you stay within your calorie range. What I have done in my life is just cut back on how much I was eating and keep an eye on my caloric intake. I refused to give anything up. In the past, I wouldn't allow myself to eat certain things and eat a lot of things I wasn't all that thrilled with. It got old and of course I went back to my old eating habits and gained the weight back. This time around, I allow myself things in moderation. I still drink, eat chocolate, go out to eat... I just don't overdo it.

    Moderation is the key to weight loss and to maintaining it. It isn't easy when it comes to foods that could be a trigger to eating more. I have to fight that on a regular basis, but it gets easier.

    Good luck.
  • sld63
    sld63 Posts: 52 Member
    I've found that individually wrapped bite size candies help with portion control...
    I have one or two pieces of the following...

    Green & Black's Organic - Individually Wrapped Pieces of Bite Size Dark 70%, or
    Hersheys - 60% extra special dark chocolate

    and eat them really slowly, savoring all the flavor. A serving of G&B is 9 pieces for 220 cals but I find that just one or two pieces is all I really need and only 25 cals per piece...

    I also keep them in the pantry, out of sight (& hopefully out of mind!) ...

  • mrd232
    mrd232 Posts: 331
    My rule has become this...if I cannot stop at one, there will be none. It'll probably be none, because I have a hard time stopping at one.

    I've battled addiction with sugary food most of my life and have a hard time stopping once I start. When I cut it out completely (that even means as a condiment in coffee or the like), I do not crave the stuff. But man, if I so much as eat a handful of tootsie rolls or a small pack of licorice, away I go. It's a vicious cycle that does nothing to help my weight. If I've gotta be the jerk who refuses sugary cake at the party, then I'm that jerk. Going on a sugar binge (even a small one) leaves me feeling listless, cranky, and gives me headaches. So really it's either feel good and don't eat it, or eat it and feel like crap.

    I've found the only exception is very dark chocolate (85%) or dark chocolate espresso beans. It's about impossible for me to eat too much of this as a little goes a LONG way.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    My rule has become this...if I cannot stop at one, there will be none. It'll probably be none, because I have a hard time stopping at one.

    I've battled addiction with sugary food most of my life and have a hard time stopping once I start. When I cut it out completely (that even means as a condiment in coffee or the like), I do not crave the stuff. But man, if I so much as eat a handful of tootsie rolls or a small pack of licorice, away I go. It's a vicious cycle that does nothing to help my weight. If I've gotta be the jerk who refuses sugary cake at the party, then I'm that jerk. Going on a sugar binge (even a small one) leaves me feeling listless, cranky, and gives me headaches. So really it's either feel good and don't eat it, or eat it and feel like crap.

    I've found the only exception is very dark chocolate (85%) or dark chocolate espresso beans. It's about impossible for me to eat too much of this as a little goes a LONG way.

    I often compare my sugar addiction to a drug addiction. I feel the same way as you- if I can't have 1 serving without losing all control, I don't have it in the house. Frozen yogurt is a treat I can have in the house and not go insane, but if I were to buy a bag of cookies, they would be gone that day without a doubt.
  • mrd232
    mrd232 Posts: 331
    My rule has become this...if I cannot stop at one, there will be none. It'll probably be none, because I have a hard time stopping at one.

    I've battled addiction with sugary food most of my life and have a hard time stopping once I start. When I cut it out completely (that even means as a condiment in coffee or the like), I do not crave the stuff. But man, if I so much as eat a handful of tootsie rolls or a small pack of licorice, away I go. It's a vicious cycle that does nothing to help my weight. If I've gotta be the jerk who refuses sugary cake at the party, then I'm that jerk. Going on a sugar binge (even a small one) leaves me feeling listless, cranky, and gives me headaches. So really it's either feel good and don't eat it, or eat it and feel like crap.

    I've found the only exception is very dark chocolate (85%) or dark chocolate espresso beans. It's about impossible for me to eat too much of this as a little goes a LONG way.

    I often compare my sugar addiction to a drug addiction. I feel the same way as you- if I can't have 1 serving without losing all control, I don't have it in the house. Frozen yogurt is a treat I can have in the house and not go insane, but if I were to buy a bag of cookies, they would be gone that day without a doubt.

    It's scary right? There are some comparisons I've read between sugar and alcohol addiction. Me, I can stop at one glass of wine, but I'll eat half a bag of snickers without blinking :noway:
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    If I eat two much of something I get a bad taste in mouth. I bought a king size twix one day and after the 3rd I got this horrible taste in my mouth. But I perservered :laugh: and ate the 4th bar. I didn't have another one for 30 days now I only get the single size.
  • mrd232
    mrd232 Posts: 331
    If I eat two much of something I get a bad taste in mouth. I bought a king size twix one day and after the 3rd I got this horrible taste in my mouth. But I perservered :laugh: and ate the 4th bar. I didn't have another one for 30 days now I only get the single size.

    I got nasty sick this weekend after eating a 1/3 funnel cake topped in powdered sugar along with ice cream. Blargh. The whole getting sick thing really helps to stop future cravings...
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,134 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    When I started this weight loss journey, I made it a journey to health not just weight loss. I don't eat anything except nutrition dense food (low fat protein, veggies, fruit, complex carbs, a little fat free dairy)..If it doesn't nourish my body then I don't eat it. Because I love to eat, I search for foods that give me a lot to eat with fewer calories. The longer I don't eat any sugar or artificial sweeteners, the less I crave sweetness. It takes a little discipline at first, but I believe that it is worth the effort.

    Only you can decide what is most important to you :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • barbarella
    barbarella Posts: 609 Member
    Yes! To all of the above...... :drinker:

    I must have a sugar / alcohol addiction too.
    I just feel better when I don't have any / much of either. :noway: :sick:
    I mostly have to avoid even small amounts, as they can start big trouble! :grumble:
    Sometimes "a little taste" goes a long way, and other times NOT!

    Getting sick is a great cure-all! In recent memory, twice from alcohol on an empty stomach.
    Blaaaaaahhhhhh.......... now a glass or two of wine is the limit.

    With food. Or black licorice. :laugh: :heart: :laugh:
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